Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Do you have the time?

That is why she grabbed her blade with her left hand, and slowly ran her hand along the length of the blade.

"Bankai..." Red liquid dripped down from the 'blade' and it felt like it was increasing in length as her hand kept going further, and at the point where her arms were stretched to the furthest point, with an arc of red liquid dripping from the now elongated blade, "…Minazuki." Unohana had used her strongest move.

'As expected the legendary Bankai,' Adam smiled as the world around them turned red, the ground was now covered in the red liquid and there was no evidence of the previous landscape, 'It feels so good to see it in action.'

As a fan of the series of Bleach Adam couldn't be happier, but now wasn't the time to think about that.

"Do not die and ruin this for me…" She said holding a katana, it was made of the solidified red liquid.

And it might seem that she was kind of concerned, but the smirk on her face said otherwise.

This simply meant that she would go for the kill and nothing below that, and if he died then that would be on him.

"No need to worry about me, just go at your own pace," Adam said while rushing towards Unohana who smirked, there was not a lick of her previous calm behavior.

She had now fully transformed into a bloodthirsty monster with no regard for anything, not even for her own life.

"I was already planning to," She spoke while sending a flurry of huge slashes made of the red liquid towards him, there really was no consideration behind those attacks, only a thick intent to kill.

'These can be troublesome and they hit,' Adam dodged his way through that endless flurry of slashes, if they hit him in his current state, they could really injure him.

He was not lying when he said that he would try to create a target for her, one she could beat if she pushed herself to the limit.

At this moment, Adam could really be killed if he made a mistake. But why would he play such a gamble?


"It looks like you enjoy 'this' as well," Unohana said while blocking an attack from him.

"Why do you think so?" Adam asked slashing at her with increased speed.

Unohana was able to stop a few, but quite a lot of those attacks got through, but in the next instant they all disappeared without a trace.


"Look at your smile…" Unohana had chills looking at it, but she liked that smile, "You still want to get stronger, don't you?" since it was so similar to her own.


"I wonder…" And in the next second, Adam passed through at super speed, before Unohana knew it he was already behind her, "There is always a limit to how much you can grow on your own after all."

'That was Shunpo,' Unohana was shocked to see him learn that so quickly; he didn't have anything like that before this.

Matter of fact he didn't even have any spiritual power, and he was using something else to power his attacks this whole time.

That is why it was shocking to see him use Shunpo by using that energy.

In simpler words, he took the technique from her and reinvented it to fit his energy form, and succeeded in using it to its full potential, all in less than 5 minutes.

"Do you think you have the time to be worrying about me?" Adam asked as the sword flashed, and before Unohana knew it she had lost her left arm.

'I would've been cut in half if I didn't move back,' Unohana quickly used her sword like a whip to attack Adam, but he jumped up to avoid the attack just like she wanted.

"You are correct," Unohana spoke with a blank face, this wasn't the time to be considering what he was thinking, or what he wanted.

This was her moment, and there was no need to think about anyone else.

'Now this is what I am talking about,' Adam smiled as soon as he saw countless small slashes flying towards him, 'She passed the first level, time to step up.'

Adam tore through the net of tiny slashes with his sword, but he wasn't able to stop all of them, he still got many cuts because it seemed like endless attacks were coming his way.

But he was able to reach the end by forcing through it, meaning he was able to come closer to Unohana through his reckless charge.

She met his slash head-on, and the two started to attack one another without holding anything back.


Hundreds of blows were exchanged in small instances, arms and legs went flying in all directions as red liquid was now forming a swamp around them.

'Breaking his defense is tough,' Unohana had just woken up again, meaning she had just died, but she didn't even stop for a second and continued to attack relentlessly.

She was the one who got her limbs cut off, while all she could put on Adam even after an overwhelming attack were some minor injuries, but even those were hard to do.

It wasn't that he was too strong for her cut, 'His constitution is similar to mine at this moment,' Unohana was certain of it, because she felt it through her blade when she cut into his body.

So, it wasn't that he was uncutable, 'He is simply too quick,' Unohana observed that the way Adam avoided attacks, and the way he minimized the damage were impeccable.

It was nearly mesmerizing to watch him weave his way through her attacks like he was just simply walking, and there was only one way to get that level of battle senses and awareness.

'How long did he fight to reach this point?' Unohana had been fighting for as long as she could remember, but Adam seemed like he was on a different level.

Adam excluded the aura of a seasoned warrior but, 'This is very different from before.....' She knew that Adam was strong, it was just the air around him at that time was different.

Before this Adam gave off the image of someone who was born strong, he still had a certain level of carefreeness that can be mistaken for arrogance, since it could stem from the fact that he never lost thanks to being naturally strong.

'But it is different now....' Unohana was able to confirm that, Adam was someone who had acquired his abilities through his own work, it was clear in the way he moved so precisely, 'That is how he knows how to help me.'

"You seem distracted," Adam said as he reached in front of Unohana, and before she could even move to defend she was already dead.

"I was just thinking about the best way to kill you," Unohana said as soon as she regained consciousness, she was indeed thinking of that by analyzing his attacks.

"Ho! I look forward to it," Adam smirked as the two rushed at each other once again.

'Long-range attacks will not work,' Unohana had been trying it for the past two days that is why, it was time to switch strategies.

'If it is close range, I might have a disadvantage in speed and technique,' Unohana thought as her arm was gone after a few clashes, and she immediately got it back, 'but with healing, I can stand toe to toe with his current self.'

Adam came forward with a diagonal slash from the below but it was stopped by Unohana's foot, and then she tried to split him in two.


But she was kicked away by him and her slash missed him by an inch.

"Hmm?" Adam tried to move by he soon found that his body was tied down by the ropes made of red liquid, and if that wasn't enough spikes made of the same material, were aiming to pierce him from all sides.


The spikes were too fast to dodge completely, not to mention that his movements were restricted, but even then…

'He still reduced the amount of damage by moving slightly even in that position,' Unohana thought as she reached Adam to attack him again, after a full day of work she was finally able to set up this attack.

And the result...

'He broke free…...' Unohana was cut in half as he had broken free of the restraints at the last minute, 'It is still not enough…?'

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