Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Feelings? Love? Food?

"Hmm, What are you doing over there?" Adam walked over since he saw Uta sitting next to a long table that had various dishes on it and…

'Oh No!!' Uta wanted to make everything vanish but…

"Aren't these the dishes I cooked last night?" Adam asked before Uta could do that.  

And since he already saw it she just decided to bite the bullet.

"Here try this," Uta gave Adam her new favorite dish, it was the fried rice.

"Hmm," Adam took a bite and then looked at Uta again waiting for her question.

"Why can't I replicate the taste here?" Uta was supposed to be able to do that and she had been able to do that, but when it came to Adam's dishes she always failed.

"That is because you are missing a key ingredient," Adam said as he placed the plate back on the table with a smile.

"What?" Uta couldn't understand since that couldn't be it, she never really had to think about everything, just thinking of a dish would make it appear in front of her even if she didn't know how it was made it would taste the same.

"It is feelings," Adam said like that was obvious and Uta looked at him with a dead face.

"Did you lose your mind?" Uta asked since that sounded like a ridiculous statement, feelings weren't really ingredients but…

"Nope, feelings are the most important when cooking," Adam said with a faint smile, "I'll tell you how tasty food is made so bring out the ingredients." Uta nodded at his words since she was curious even if it sounded senseless, and more importantly...

'It would be funny to see him fail, hehe~,' Uta was laughing on the inside as she saw Adam working on the kitchen she had summoned just now.

From the looks of it, he was making the same fried rice she had before, even the ingredients were the same.

"See. This is how you incorporate your feelings into food," Adam spoke to Uta to get her attention after adding the rice to the wok, "Get Tasty! Get Tasty!!" And started to shout while stirring it.

"….You've really lost your mind," Uta deadpanned, this guy has surely lost it but she was wrong.

"No this is how you incorporate the feelings into the food," Adam said with a smile, "If you want to make the person eat your food happy, then you think about that constantly while making the dish." He explained while transferring the rice to the plate. "That is how you transfer the tasty food with tons of sincerity as a garnish on top."

"So, you have to shout every time?" Uta asked a little intrigued since it looked funny.

"No that was just a demonstration," Adam smiled as he placed the place in front of Uta.

"Tasty~!" Uta was happy as soon as she took the bite, it was just like this last night and totally different from the one she made here.

"Ok enough of the jokes," Uta looked at Adam seriously but…

"I am not joking though," Adam tilted his head and Uta wasn't ready to believe it, this all sounded like a make-believe thing and she wasn't into it.

In her mind, the only reason Adam's food tasted better was because he was better at cooking, nothing else. But that thinking was wrong…

"Bring Gordon's pasta here," And Adam was going to fix that perspective at this very moment.

"What? Why that?" Uta was confused since there was no point in bringing that pasta here.

"Just do it," Adam asked again and Uta relented even with her reservations.

'He looks serious,' Uta hadn't seen him be serious till now, 'No harm in trying it.' Since he mostly just teases her with his antics which is why she listened when he changed his tone and made a plate of Gordon's pasta appear in front of her.

"Now eat it," Adam urged and Uta followed, but as soon as she took a bite she became silent.

'Why is it…like this?' Uta was confused at this moment.

"It doesn't taste as good as it did before right?" Adam asked and Uta nodded before she felt that this was filling no matter how many times she ate it, but it was just a normal plate of pasta now.

"Do you understand now?" Adam asked and Uta nodded slightly, because she knew what Gordon's pasta tasted like, and this wasn't it.

"But his pasta was quite bad that day," Uta was talking about 4 days ago, the day when she had it for lunch she couldn't eat it because of how bland it tasted suddenly.

At the time Uta had thought that it was because she had tasty food which she couldn't eat but in truth…

"It was because Gordon thought that he wasn't a good enough chef that can make good food for you," Adam explained the sudden drop in the quality of the food thanks to self-doubt and Uta could now somewhat understand how this worked.

"It is …dumb," Uta said and Adam nodded since this idea was almost nonsensical.

"But it works," Adam used this technique every time he made anything, He would always think about how he would like the person who would eat the dish should feel happy and content.

'In a way, I can even make someone fall in love with me if I try,' But of course, he didn't do something like that and had just stuck to health benefits and restorative effects along with the taste which can provide one comfort when they eat their favorite dish.

So in a sense, Adam's cooking was indeed enchanting in many ways.

"Adam... I don't want anything for dinner today," Uta said bringing Adam out of his thoughts.

"Hmm, you are planning on eating Pasta?" Adam directly broke into the subject and she nodded, she was about to go and ask Gordon to make it after exiting the Dreamworld.

"My My, Kids grow up so fast," It was just that Adam wouldn't let this chance go by, but…

"…" Uta just looked at him and didn't say anything, it was like she was ignoring his teasing, while normally she'd try to attack him.

'I already got my revenge, hehe~!' Uta laughed on the inside and nearly let out her real intentions but thankfully she controlled herself, 'I can't wait to get out of here and then see his face.' So that she can laugh loudly later.

But as much as she wanted to do that at this instant, she couldn't since she had to teach Adam how to sing.

And after another few hours, both of them came out of the dream world.

It was just that Uta was confused upon her exit as soon as she woke up.

'Why are there no marks on his face?' Uta saw that the marker she had slipped into his hand was still there, but what she wanted to do did not happen instead…

"Kugh," She saw Adam trying to suppress his laugh while looking away and it confused her, but that confusion didn't last for long because Gordon walked into the living room to tell the two that it was about time for dinner.

"Dorererereremi~," Gordon burst into laughing when he saw Uta.

"Ahahaha," Even Adam couldn't hold it in with the main reason being, "What's with that laugh?" And Uta's face didn't help either.

'What?' Uta noticed that both were laughing because of her, or more specifically, 'Is there something on my fac-...….. No way!' Her thoughts stopped as she rushed to see her reflection in the mirror that was nearby.

"...." Uta was speechless to find scribbles on her face and it didn't even take a second for her to find out who did it.

These scribbles were made by a marker and this made Uta look at Adam who was still laughing mostly because of Gordon's weird but funny laugh.

"…" Uta was speechless, how did this happen?

Her goal was to make Adam draw scribbles on his own face controlling his body while he was in Dream World, so how come they ended up on her face?

Even if it was confusing that had become a secondary thought for now.

"I'll kick yer Ass!!!!!" Uta chased after Adam to beat him up, but of course, it was to no avail.

Leaving that aside Gordon cried two times that day, the first because he laughed too much, the second reason was because Uta asked him to make pasta and then said that it was tasty.

That was all he needed to hear to break down in tears.

This made him work even harder in the kitchen as he kept on practicing how to make food while even disregarding his sleep.

That is how a few more days passed by in a blink.

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