Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"Welcome to the Wish Shop, this is the place where you can fulfill your wishes for a certain price…" Adam spoke amiably but, "So, please refrain from attacking me, as I mean no harm." He stopped over 50 ice spears that had been launched at him by the woman.

'The worst thing is she is perfectly calm,' Adam observed her facial expressions and body language.

"I see, you have good reflexes and nice manners as well," She smiled walking forward, not caring that the blood on her shoes stained the carpet, but it wasn't like Adam cared for that either.

'What's with…those eyes?' Adam tilted his head, the one in front of him had quite a dangerous look in her eyes.

"My name is Esdeath, A general from the Xoton Empire," She introduced herself carefreely while keeping a close eye on his expression, "have you heard of it?" before the main question.

'Nothing comes to my mind,' Adam thought after thinking through what he knew, 'maybe she is famous enough to be known wherever she goes?' he felt like that question could be understood that way.

"I certainly haven't," Adam said but that part didn't matter, "So, what do you wish for, Miss Esdeath?"

'She looks like someone who can wish for world destruction,' Adam laughed wryly at his own joke, examining her outfit and the expression on her face. 'she won't… right?' But he knew that it was a probability.

"I am looking for Love,"

"…Pardon?" But the answer threw him off by a long shot.

"I said I am looking for love, I want to try falling in love," Esdeath repeated her words because she was amused by the look on his face.

'This one is interesting,' She thought noticing how he was standing in front of her, without even the slightest bit of fear when she had her killing intent on full blast, not to mention she felt like he had a rude thought about her as well.

It was something that no one else dared to harbor about her, not even the real ruler of the Xotol Empire, so it certainly was something new that she welcomed.

'It was the correct decision to open that door,' She was now glad taking the opportunity to open the door, that appeared in front of her suddenly with the time stopping.

Thanks to that decision, she could already see her wish being completed this quickly.

A few minutes later, Adam was now sitting on the couch in front of Esdeath. She was just sitting there leisurely, with one leg over the other.

'This tea tastes better than I expected,' Esdeath enjoyed the chamomile tea while glancing at Adam.

He was currently looking at the page in front of him, or more like the words written on it.

Requirements for being Esdeath's Lover…

1: Spends most of his time thinking about the future and advancement(Getting strong). Enjoys training in General-Class Weaponry.

2: Has Nerves of Steel, and can hunt Danger Beasts with me.

3: Like me, was raised on the frontier and not in the Capital.

4: Because I will rule him, preferably younger than me.

5: Must have a pure and innocent smile.

'What's with these specific conditions?' Adam was stumped as soon as he saw the 4th condition, 'And what's with women preferring younger boys?' he couldn't help but click his tongue.

He had seen it happen twice in a few days, and as weird as that was it seemed like a common requirement somehow.

'She is the total opposite of me,' Adam still remembered the way he acted when he got the system, and yes he was embarrassed, 'maybe if I was this specific I wouldn't be in so much trouble?'

But even when he thought that way, Adam could never see himself not being in trouble regarding this topic. So, it was better to just leave it all behind.

"What are you thinking about?" Esdeath couldn't help but ask when she saw him in such deep thought, it just seemed unnatural to her. Like, why he was thinking so much about this?

"Hmm? I was thinking of how …I'll go about searching for your perfect partner," Adam said as he went over the list again, there was one thing that he understood after looking at that list.

'She wants a Shounen protagonist for a husband,' That was the only thing that popped into his head, because those types of kids were the only type of people who could beat/kill people, and still smile innocently.

'I mean, I don't think anyone will reject her,' Adam thought looking at Esdeath, she was certainly a beautiful woman with a unique charm, and a good figure, and looked like the serious type who wouldn't leave one behind.

No the chances of any guy rejecting her will be in negative probably.

'Unless they are some wannabe hard-boiled guys,' But Adam shrugged since there was no need to talk about them.

But of course, Esdeath was not thinking about such things at the moment, and she didn't need to because...

"Why are you thinking of other candidates for me?" She asked while pointing at him, "Isn't there one here already?" and thanks to that Esdeath could see him look at her in confusion.

"Me?" Adam pointed at himself. 

"Yes," Esdeath nodded, placing the empty teacup on the table.

"Oh no, I don't fit your conditions at all…" Adam waved his hand to dismiss this quickly, if he had to go according to her wishes then he really wasn't the perfect fit, "Besides I already have fiancées." And he could already tell that this would be a big problem for someone like Esdeath.

"Oh?" Esdeath exclaimed not because of what he said, but because of the way he said it.

"Yeah," Adam nodded and their faces came up in his mind instantly, he was thinking of what they said to him, before he came back to the shop, and it really made him feel all happy and flowery(?).

'I kind of miss them already… it has only been an hour, but I can't help it,' While thinking of Rias and Akeno, he had let out a smile, one that unintentionally matched Esdeath's requirement.

No, if anything, it went past that requirement because of several reasons. But there was no time to list them all…

"I have decided…" Esdeath stood up in an instant, bringing Adam out of his daze.

"On what?" He asked in confusion, but Esdeath wordlessly stepped on the table, crossed it, and was now standing in front of him.

"I want you to be mine," Esdeath grabbed his hand with a smirk, and she wanted to pull him up, but that didn't happen.

"Sorry to say this, but that is against the rule," Adam said flicking her hand away easily.

'What's with her all of a sudden?' He still wasn't sure, but the rule was the rule.

But this didn't cause Esdeath to get angry, instead, she seemed to be happier(?); if it was indeed like this, then it was even better.

"Let's have a match," She could feel that he had a substantial amount of power, and that is what made her want him even more, "the rules don't matter if I defeat you, right?"

'What's with this feeling of Déjà vu?' Adam sighed, but somehow he felt like Esdeath might understand him, quicker than the other one.

"I suppose you are right," Adam knew that there was no way, Esdeath would stop at this point, so he thought about humoring her for a bit.

But he didn't know how wrong he was about those thoughts about her, because Esdeath was much more dangerous than Makima, in every sense of the word.

And it was further proven when she jumped back instantly…

"Hagelsprung," She dropped as soon as he agreed, an enormous boulder of ice on top of him.

She took his agreement as a hint that the fight had started, of course, it was a cheap shot, but it would seem that way only to idiots who thought too much about honor.

'I need to strike at the first opening,' She wanted to see whether he was really fearless enough to not be wary of her movements, or if this was just his carelessness, that let him be so unaffected even when she was so close to him.

And much to her glee the ice boulder vanished as quickly as it had appeared, with him still seated there like nothing happened.

"Well… how about we take this to another room?"

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