Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

God is dead?

"What are you three doing here?" Adam asked looking at the two from before, and then at Yuuto who was quiet.

"Well…." Issei rubbed the back of his head before explaining what happened after he left.

Long story short, Yuuto went missing without notice. That is why Rias sent Issei and Koneko to find him, and ask him what happened since he had never done something like this.

Koneko found Yuuto as she was surveying the area somehow and called Issei, and while talking they noticed Adam walking around. So, they were about to come up to him, but they saw him punch Freed who tried to attack him, and were left standing trying to figure out what happened.

"Then you called us out, so we came out hehe," Issei laughed at the end, this was the type of awareness he needed to have.

'If I have it, I will be able to spot any hot babes around me, This is what I need to become the Harem King!!' Issei was making up his mind to learn this skill from Adam no matter what.

'Senpai is thinking of something perverted,' Koneko stepped away from Issei, as if feeling his ill-intent but his lecherous expression was the main reason.

"Oh My, I would've never expected something like this to happen," It was then that they heard the voice of a man from the other side of the street, "Freed was killed just like that? Astonishing."

And just by seeing this bald old guy who was wearing a priest robe, Yuuto was stirred up.

"Valper!!!" He recognized the man who had put him and his friends through hell for his own crooked experiments, and in the end, he killed them all, while Yuuto who had managed to escape met Rias.

"I'll kill you!!" Yuuto quickly produced a sword of his own, and jumped towards Valper to kill him.

"Sword Birth?" But the guy himself was unconcerned, why? Simple, because he had someone who would protect him from that attack, it was someone who absolutely needed his help.

"Out of the way, you bat," With those words, a spear of light was sent towards Yuuto at blinding speed.

"Ugh!" He was barely able to bring his sword in the front to defend against it, but that didn't help much since it shattered and the attack struck him.

"Kiba!!" Issei shouted seeing Yuuto being sent back flying, he was hit with that attack in his abdomen and was bleeding as a result.

"Senpai!" Koneko jumped in the air and caught Yuuto, making sure that he didn't fall on the ground and hurt himself further.

"Nice work Koneko-chan!" Issei said that happily, but he was hit on the head, "Sensei what was that for?"

"Next time try to move rather than reacting on the sidelines," Adam sighed since this guy was just acting like a bystander.

'Well, I may look like one as well,' But all of this aside, there was a battle going on in the middle of Kuoh city, and this battle involved a Devil alongside a Fallen Angel who was protecting a priest.

That is why it caught the attention of the people who are governing this city

And they reached the destination in the next instant.

"What is happening here?" The first ones to arrive at the scene were Rias and Akeno.

"This is just troublesome," Then Sona arrived along with Tsubaki a little later.

"Adam ...what are you doing here?" Rias asked as soon as she spotted him standing there, it was hard to miss him because of his hair.  

"I was just caught up in this mess," Adam shrugged, he was just looking around the place and this happened all of a sudden.

But the arrivals still haven't ended, since some people who were directly involved in this case, just arrived.

"There he is!!" Xenovia burst into the scene with her sword in hand.

"We found you Kokabiel, now we'll bring you to justice!" Irina proclaimed pointing at the guy, as he was standing on top of the building in front of them looking unamused.

A middle-aged-looking guy with long black hair and pointy ears, wearing a simple black suit with 10 black wings behind him. They were fully open as if he was showing it off to them, it was a sign of his pride.

"Two Holy Sword wielders, the sisters of the Satans, and some extras to increase the numbers," Kokabiel laughed looking at everyone because, "Everything is perfect for my plan."

This was just what he wanted to do, this was beyond perfect, and he couldn't help but feel that it was a sign that everything worked so well.

"What are you trying to do in our city?" Rias was pissed because if problems start coming up then, she would be the one who is affected by this the most

'I won't have any free time!!' She didn't want to waste her time dealing with whatever this was, that way she would miss the chance to spend some more time with Adam that way, 'Not acceptable!!!'

"I want to destroy it of course," Kokabiel said with a grin, he wasn't going to hide his intentions as there was no need to do that, "That way I'd finally have Sirzechs's attention."

"You know that it could start another three-way war between the factions," Rias frowned since this was getting way out of hand. If such a thing really happened, then there would be no end to the trouble that it would stir.

But if Rias was asked whether she was scared for her life or not, she would laugh it off.

'I mean I have this necklace, nothing is going to happen to me,' Rias was confident in the gift Adam gave her, not to mention that he was literally standing next to her at this moment.

There was no greater reassurance for her than that, but of course, Kokabiel had no idea about it.

"Haha, that is exactly what I want!! I thought that just stealing the Excalibur Swords would be enough to get Micheal to start the war, but it seems that I need to go a little beyond that this time, so that Sirzechs ha-Wham*!!!" Kokabiel who was happily chatting away was punched before he even knew what happened to him.


"What…?" Everyone else was shocked by the sudden impact that happened right in front of them, and what landed there was none other than Kokabiel bleeding from his head, and…

"Argh…" Kokabiel was groaning in pain trying to reach for his back, which was bleeding.

"That's..." Irina looked away as soon as she looked at Kokabiel's back, and the wings that he was flaunting so proudly were gone.

Now for the question, Who did that? Most of the people there already knew who it was without even looking up. But the remaining ones only found out about it, as soon as they glanced at the place Kokabiel was before.

'That guy…' Sona adjusted her glasses, and saw Adam looking down at them with bloodied black wings in his hands.

"President…" Tsubaki muttered and Sona understood.

Kokabiel wasn't some random Fallen Angel, he was from the top brass and was even mentioned in The Bible, so to do something like this to him while making it look like nothing.

'He's dangerous…' Then she glanced at Rias who seemed happy, which only confused her further as even her peerage members didn't look that surprised.

"You seem very proud for a damn crow," But that cold voice was enough to jolt every one of them up to their feet, making them look at him.

Even Kokabiel who had passed out from the pain, was roused up in an instant.

"Y-you… How…?" Kokabiel turned around and stared at Adam with unfocused eyes, but because of his eyes not working, something he had seen before was overlapping his current vision.

"God… should be dead…. How are you…?" He sounded terrified just looking in Adam's general direction, because of that image in his head.

"The God Should Be Dead!!! Why You!!!" And that fear drowned his mind making him delirious, currently, he was seeing the God that he had known in the hazy silhouette of Adam.

But somehow he was more scared of God now than he ever was, and the reason for that was the person in front of him that commanded that fear.

It was just that the words he spoke in his breakdown, were enough to cause a commotion within the people present.

"God is …dead?" Sona frowned hearing that, if that was indeed true then that would spell to no end of trouble.

"What do you… mean?" Xenovia seemed to have nearly lost all of the strength in her body.

"That… can't be true…." Even Irina was shaken by those words, no she was the most shaken at the moment.

'That's troublesome,'

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