Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Hold Back?

"What is he texting for so late? Maybe ...Should I pretend to be asleep? But what if it is important? What do I do?" She quickly thought of ways to avoid this but realized that it was only 8 P.M. Only old people went to sleep at this hour so realistically, there was no way for her to avoid this—but if Saki really wanted to, she can avoid this situation.

"Well, I can't avoid my friend, it isn't right, and after all he did…" But she wanted to talk to him in the end that is why she went from making excuses to not talk, to making excuses to talk with him.

Adam —Awake?

When she opened the messenger, in front of her was a simple message that didn't provide anything.

"What is with this simple one-word message?" Saki was shocked, she thought that it would be something big like a greeting, but it was just a single word.

—Yes, did something happen? If you need some help, I'll try to do something.

She sent back a text with the most serious expression she could muster, hoping that would be transferred with the message.

Adam —Why do you think I am in trouble?

"Because you messaged me this late at night, why do you think I won't think that way?" Saki pouted, she knew that her message might've been overly serious, but she couldn't help it.

"Of course, I'd think something happened…I am worried too," She leaned on the table with a heavy heart, but in the next instant, all of that vanished.

Adam —I was in Shinjuku and I saw this big arcade, wanna go there tomorrow?

Adam- It has a karaoke and a ramen shop nearby as well.

Adam- My treat, What do you say?

Saki was wide-eyed looking at the screen that flashed with messages, she was still stuck on the first one.

"H-He's inviting me out already?" She was like a deer caught in headlights, her body just froze for a few seconds and she didn't know how to respond appropriately.

Adam- Hello?

That was until she saw another text appear that she blinked, it showed his concern at her sudden silence.

"I have to answer quickly… or it will look like I don't want to go!" She quickly moved her fingers to answer, but luck wasn't on her side.


"I wanna die! What the hell was that!" She considered leaping out of the window in front of her because of the mistake, but there was no point in that now since the ship had already sailed.

Adam —OK, see you tomorrow at 11 o'clock at the subway station

Adam —Sleep well

—You too… Cat waving emoji*

"Aghhhhh…." Saki collapsed at the end like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Even if it was just a short conversation that lasted for three to four minutes, Saki felt like she had completed Hercules's labors.

"I even forgot to ask him what he was doing there at a time like this," Saki dragged her body to the bed and lay down.

"We are going to hang out tomorrow… so I'll ask him then… surely…" But even if her body appeared to be tired, a sweet smile bloomed on her face.

Recalling all of the fun she had today, caused her to kick her feet in the air, but today was nothing…

"I can't wait for the morning to come…" She looked at the ceiling happily hugging the Doraemon plushie, like a kid on the night before his school picnic.

The next morning, Saki woke up at 7 like usual even if there was no school now, she was ready to leave by 9, even though there was still ample time left before the appointed time.

'Maybe I should go early? Well, it is an unfamiliar route so it is the right thing to do,' Saki didn't want to risk being late, that is why she made up her mind.

"Mom, I am going out," She said while putting on her shoes.

"Hmm, you are going out today as well?" Her mother asked with surprise, wiping her hand with the apron.

'She's dressed nicely as well,' The mother noticed the clothes on Saki, blue jeans and a black sweater with a jacket on top.

"Yes, I am going to the arcade with my friend again," Saki's face was as bright as the sun outside.

"Ohhh, Alright, have fun, and make sure to call if you get late," The mother smiled since there was no need to say anything else, her daughter had finally started to go out so it was good.

"Yes, bye," Saki opened the door and left with a cheery mood.

"Let's see, which train do I have to take?" Saki looked through the train route to Shinjuku, and she had no difficulty doing it because she had already figured it out last night, before sleeping which is why she ended up reaching there an hour early.

"I should've waited a little more, now what will I do?" And she sighed knowing that this was a bad idea, but Saki would've done that, if she had anything to do.

'Should I go and sit in a nearby park?' Saki thought, there was nothing else to do at the moment, so that would be her best bet.

"But what if he comes and doesn't see me? Should I leave a message? But what will he think then?" Saki muttered blushing at the thought of him teasing her for coming so early, so she had no choice but to think long and hard, about what her next move should be.

Thankfully for her, she didn't have to wait for a full hour and think about what to do, because Adam was already there.

"Hey Saki-chan," He walked over with a small smile as soon as he spotted her near the station entrance.

"AAh! W-Why did you suddenly speak? My heart nearly came out of my mouth," His sudden action made her jump like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Well, isn't it your fault for being so lost?" Adam asked and Saki couldn't refute it. She was the one standing there lost in her head, so this was partly her fault. And how was he supposed to know, she would be that scared?

'I ended up acting like a fool again,' This situation made her sigh since no matter what she tried in the end, she ended up overreacting. But this was nothing…

"Were you too excited, and couldn't help but come early, right?" Adam's lips quirked up in a smirk as he saw her flinch, this was indeed true, and Saki had no way to refute it because of her reaction.

"A-Aren't you the same? You came a whole hour early too," She tried to steer the subject away from her to prevent any further teasing.

"Well, I had something to do here," But Adam had a reason for arriving this early unlike her.

"Oh, then you can do that, I'll wait nearby," Saki thought that it would be better to get in the way of what he wanted to do, she knew that it was her fault for being too early.

"No, It is fine, you are already here, so let's go to the arcade right away," Adam smiled looking at how thoughtful she was.

"You sure? Like isn't your work important?" Saki didn't want him to forcefully comply with her, she had seen that he was kind, and would most likely just delay the work for her.

'Really how nice are you?' And Adam knew, she would continue to think along those lines for the entire day, even if he said it was ok.

"It's not that important, definitely not as important as my friend, and I am super excited for the Arcade… like I couldn't sleep last night," That is why he decided to end this quickly by showing that he wanted to do this, more than the work.

"W-Well… do what you want," And as expected, Saki was left speechless.

Then maintaining that silence, they arrived at the Arcade that was twice the size of the one from yesterday, and the number of machines here was insane, from old vintage arcade machines to the latest ones.

Looking at the colorful flashing lights in front of them, the two got ready to enjoy their day

Adam didn't expect to see so many old Arcade Machines in this place, and honestly, he wanted to play here yesterday but he couldn't, and it looked like it had to be delayed a little.

"Adam…" Saki called out to him.

"Yeah?" He looked over with his eyes still shining, like a kid who had walked into a candy shop.

"You won't hold back today right?"

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