Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

I Need Something?

"You know… this takes me back…" But even then Sirzechs commented after observing his surroundings, it certainly was an important memory for him.

It was a dusty basement with normal soil for the floor along with the well-groomed flower bed, there were two graves behind Grayfia, and her dress was the same as that day, the only difference was…

"But I suppose it isn't the same anymore…" Sirzechs smiled wryly, feeling the hostile gaze of the second silver head in the room.

"…Yes, it isn't the same anymore," Grayfia agreed, things weren't the same and they probably will never be the same again.

But Sirzechs thought differently from her.

"You know that … you can still continue being with us… right?" Or it could be that knowing her for so long, he was willing to look the other way at what she was doing now.

But because of knowing her for so long…

"I cannot, I have given you enough trouble as is," Sirzechs knew that Grayfia would be firm about her decision as always.

"I see…" And Sirzechs knew that there was no way to talk her out of it, she had the power to change his mind… but he didn't have that sort of power.

No, it was just that he couldn't use it on her, he wouldn't be able to.

And besides…

'It looks like… I have fulfilled my promise, Lord Lucifuge…' Sirzechs looked at the grave on the right with a small smile.

The old man had left Grayfia with him on his last breath, so that he could support her till she found her own heart, and it appeared like now she had done just that.

'But I thought that… she had already…' He had more to say, but in the end, he just shook his head, he could understand her decision looking at her younger brother.

It was a feeling he understood as well, so he couldn't refute her decision.

"Thank you for everything, Sirzechs… I will repay you someday," Grayfia said bowing slightly before she stood straight again.

"Don't say something like that… then, I'll take my leave," Sirzechs smiled slightly and turned around, walking up the stairs again, leaving the two siblings alone as he was left in a whirlpool of his own thoughts.

It was just that, someone didn't take kindly to that.

"Such arrogance…" Euclid scoffed, but just as he was about to say more but, "Ahem… I apologize for my rudeness Onee-sama." Grayfia's gaze shut him up immediately.

"You should be grateful to him, he chose to leave us alone, knowing what you have done," Grayfia reminded Euclid about the acts of terrorism he had carried out before, that was the whole reason she was cutting ties with Gremory Household.

Now she was with his brother, so in a way, she was implicated as well which would get the Gremorys involved, or it could just be that, this was a convenient excuse for her.

On the other hand, Euclid didn't like the way Grayfia told him about this fact, since it sounded like Sirzechs decided to spare them.

Which wasn't untrue, considering the vast rift between their powers, and that is why he was more irked by it.

"I'll keep it ….in mind," But of course, he could only nod in front of his sister's cold and reproachful eyes.

"So, Onee-sama, when will you go and meet him again?" Euclid asked calmly trying to divert the topic, since he didn't like talking about the current Satans.

"After I am done with the tasks at hand," But he didn't know that he had poked a hornet's nest with his question.

"Oh, what is it? I'll help you Onee-sama," Euclid was still clueless, he was too happy with the fact that Grayfia had stopped working with Sirzechs.

There was no greater happiness for him other than this, which is why he was quiet when the current Lucifer walked in here, despite his blood boiling over.

'It must be the removal of the Queen Piece, yes that must be it!' Euclid understood how systematic his sister was, so this must be her top priority at this moment according to his deduction.

"I need to re-educate you," It was just that the words that left her red lips, were something he didn't expect...

"What?" He was shocked to hear it.

"You've been under bad influence for a long time, so I need to correct that crooked mind of yours," Grayfia on the other hand was very clear about what she wanted to do, it wouldn't be correct to leave Euclid the way he was.

It surely was more detrimental for both of them, if he stayed like this.

'Father, I'll make sure that you don't have to worry about Euclid's future anymore,' Grayfia glanced at the grave of her father, it was time for her to fulfill her promise in full.

'I apologize for being late, Adam-sama,' Grayfia took a deep breath, and turned her gaze at the somewhat terrified, yet expectant Euclid, 'This… might take a while.'  

And while she got to work, Adam was already working hard on his end.

Repainting the place, redoing the flooring, the waterline, and the heating along with the air conditioning; then placing the new equipment in the kitchen, making new tables and chairs; after that came decorating the place with new lights, paintings, vases, and glassware.

Making the cutlery from scratch, renovating the living space above, and making it better than before, it could be said that he remade the entire place in a matter of five hours.  

It would've been done way sooner if it wasn't for him making everything from scratch, without using any magic in the process.

'Well, I do enjoy doing this…' The things he used to do to quickly increase his proficiency in the arts, have now become a habit for him.

If he doesn't make anything by his own hands, he doesn't feel satisfied with the end product. Though there are times when his hand is forced, so, he can get past those occasions as there are no other ways of creating things.

"A good amount of greenery is always welcomed," Adam nodded in satisfaction, and then he decorated the three floors with plants and such.

Yes, this building had three floors now, the first floor was used as a café that had a calming aura, along with a small ice cream parlor near the entrance, then the second floor was for the actual food, this is where Breakfast, lunch, and dinner would be served.

The upper area had a classy feel with proper space between tables, it was so that the people could have their privacy while eating.

And then there was the third floor, which was the new residential area. This area was completely hidden from everyone and was well protected by magic spells.

No one will be able to see the difference, not from the outside, and they wouldn't even know the entrance to the third floor is in front of their eyes, even if they are standing in front of it.

"So, now I need to think about the employees and the training," Adam muttered taking a sip of his ginger tea.

He already had a plan for how he would train them, but first, he needed to find them.

"This should do…" Adam nodded happily after placing a hiring notice outside of the shop.

'She'll be here in a few hours,' Adam thought and got himself busy, he still had to work up the menu, 'Let's go with some of the easy things that can be done in a few days.'

He needed to see the results to an extent before leaving and above all, 'We can add new menu items later anyway.' Adam was sure of this, which is why he was more focused on basing his menu on what his main customer base would like.

"Need to research good Japanese food, and aesthetically pleasing tasty desserts," And with that Adam got to work to secure his regular customers, and he was quite busy for the next few hours, which is why it all went by even faster than normal.


And then the bell chimed with the door opening, as promised Akeno had arrived, she was still in her school uniform and was the only one who came.

"Want something to eat?" Adam asked as soon as he saw her enter the kitchen area, he had been trying out some dishes he had made before, so he thought that it was okay, but having a second opinion never hurts.

"Yes, I definitely need something," Akeno said with a teasing smile, and Adam shook his head.

"Well, I suppose you are right,"

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