Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Is Food Worth The Trouble?

'That looks really good,' That was all Miyako could think while looking at the freshly made pancakes on the plate, The melting butter made it look really great.

It made her want to just stare at it for hours since she felt like it was just made to look at rather than to eat. But Adam brought her out of her thoughts.

"Miyako you can add the syrup yourself," Adam said making Miyako nod, her eyes still haven't left the plate as she sat down.

She didn't add a lot of syrup but it was still a considerable amount for her.

'It is very hard to control myself in front of pancakes,' Pancakes were her favorites and she really craved them sometimes while on her diet, but she got through somehow.

But that was going to change today.

"Mhm~!" Miyako felt like she was sent to another world as soon as she took a bite, she felt like she was falling from the sky and bouncing off the fluffy pancake clouds before she dived straight into the sea of sweet syrup as the air had a buttery smell.

'Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to have normal pancakes after today,' Miyako always made sure that she looked prim and proper while eating as she thought that it would be charming to men, but today she didn't care, she was eating quickly with syrup smeared on her lips.

But she didn't care, she was enjoying the pancakes just as much, if not more than the kids were.

They were so lost in the taste that they didn't even hear the doorbell.

'Ai came back,' Adam thought as he went and opened the door.

"Oh, Mister you are already here?" Ai spoke as soon as she saw him.

"I came a little early because I didn't have anything to do," Adam said as Ai removed the hat and facemask to show her bright smile.

"I see, are the kids inside?" Ai asked since the twins would always welcome her home without fail even if she was late, but today they weren't there.

"They are eating inside, you should go check on them," Adam said and Ai went inside to see her kids while.

"Yo, Adam," Ichigo said hello but…

"You look really tired," Adam pointed out since Ichigo looked like all of his energy was squeezed out.

'Who is the Idol? You or Ai?' Adam couldn't help but question it in his mind but he got his answer soon.

"Ai's schedule is going to be really packed for this week and the next one would be worse, The release of the new movie, music shows, she was even invited in an award show to take part as a host and award announcer, not to mention the shoot for her next drama starts this Sunday, She is really getting out there," It may sound like Ichigo was complaining but…

"You look happy so it shouldn't be a problem," Adam said and Ichigo smiled, it wasn't a problem rather…

"I am excited to see how brightly she glows with some more time," Ichigo really felt proud looking at Ai working her way to the top of the entertainment industry, It may take a while, but he was sure that it will happen.

He knew Ai could do it without any problem, she would become the brightest star among the countless ones that fill the industry.

With that Adam and Ichigo went to the kitchen only to see…

"More!" Miyako, Aqua, Ruby, and even Ai were asking for more pancakes. Ai ate a little from Ruby's plate and now she also wanted some as well.

Ichigo tried to stop Ai, saying that she should stick to her diet because of her upcoming work, key word here is 'tried' since he failed, since Ai had the Pancakes with a scoop of Raisin Ice cream smiling delightfully.

And after dinner, everyone went their own way, and then the week came to an end.

Ai was busy with her work for the whole week with Ichigo as Miyako took care of the kids at home while they continued to go to school daily.

Adam did visit Ai's house a few times but he didn't see Ai because she was coming home late, so by the time she came he already left after spending some time with the kids and Miyako.

And today was Adam's last day in this world.

'Seven days done,' Adam could only stay in a world without worries if he has a contract with a being from that world, otherwise, there would be a set limit of time which he could spend in the world obviously with the permission of the Administrator of the particular universe.

And for a normal world like Ai's, It was only seven days.

'Well, I got everything I needed, the contract is also completed, now it is time to leave,' Adam had already told Ai about it the last time he saw her. She didn't say anything that day but…

Today he got a message from her.

Ai -> Mister, are you leaving today?

-> Yes

Ai -> Will you come back?

-> Most likely

Adam already had the permission of the Administrator to visit this world for seven days at a time.

This was the first normal world he could visit and he surely wasn't going to let the chance go away.

But there was a problem…

Ai -> When?

-> I don't know but I'll be back soon

Ai -> Oh! Let's meet again soon then you can make more Pancakes for me, I thought I'll need to wait a few months without them.

-> …

Ai -> I am going to the rehearsals now, Bye~!

-> Bye

That was the whole conversation between the two, it didn't even last for 5 minutes since Ai was very busy.


"I hope the kids aren't actual grown-ups by the time I come back," Adam muttered while stepping through the portal, "Hmm, I might've just jinxed myself."

With that Adam was back into the shop, and as soon as he entered.

"Adam, where have you been? Do you even have any idea how serious things are?!" He was met with a shouting Goddess.

"What happened?" Adam asked in confusion as his mind worked to think up of the reason.

'Did it have anything to do with my visit to Ai's world? Did that Administrator secretly complain to her because of all the things I bought? Was he unhappy because of the money I made? Or could it be that me being there caused damage to the world? Was there a miscalculation? That can happen, or maybe this goddess is pissed that dropped that guy in that world, did he cause a problem?' And while Adam was thinking The Goddess of Wishes spoke in an overly angry tone.

"All of the food you cooked was finished! Do you even know how hungry I have been for the past three days?"

"…What?" Adam's brain stopped working as soon as he heard that.

"What do you mean 'what?'? Do you have any idea how hard it was?" The Goddess continued but she got pissed when she saw Adam, "What's with that dumb look on your face?"

"Seriously that was it?" Adam's eyes twitched, and here he was thinking so much.

"You really don't understand anything! This was the worst catastrophe I had faced in my life!!" The Goddess huffed as she crossed her arms under her ample bosom and looked away.

"The main question is how did you finish all of the food? I made enough to last for a month even with your eating standard," Adam said and he could see the Goddess sweating.

"What did you do?" Adam asked and the goddess cleared her food.

He had already given up on the thought of stopping her since it was impossible no matter what he did unless he made the food taste bad on purpose which…

'I can't waste food like that,' During his stay in the world he was summoned to, Adam learned the value of food since he had to scrape by every day after he separated from his party.

It was hard to go and eat in the inns for obvious reasons, not to mention going to the market since that place was worst, people there wouldn't mind using aphrodisiacs or things along those lines.

This only left him with cooking his own food while searching for ingredients on his own, since barely escaped from them and never looked back at the markets again.

That is when he decided…

'I won't waste a single grain of rice on purpose,' That is why Adam always gave his all while cooking.

Which resulted in it being so tasty that….

"I let my friends have some food since they were curious when I talked about it," Adam could already guess the rest without the Goddess saying anything.

'They hounded her for more and she gave in,' Adam sighed since this goddess was really too innocent for someone who had lived for who knows how many millions of years according to his estimate.

"I-It wasn't for nothing, I helped you get your name out there, Yeah that was my intention, now they'll look at you favorably and won't cause problems for you when you visit their worlds. See, I am actually a genius!" The Goddess regained her confidence the more she spoke and then demanded.

"So, Make some food for me!"

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