Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Mixed Thoughts

One hour later, Black Ridge Gate of Seireitei.

Unohana was about to leave, there was nothing, in particular, she needed to carry aside from the book she got from Adam.

'It took me more time to procure the items than I thought it would,' She had gotten every ingredient from that book she could from Seireitei, so now it was her queue to leave and look for other items outside.

Or so she would've liked to do because…

"Yachiru-chan long time no see~!" She met someone at the gate, and that someone was wearing a captain robe, she had eye-catching pink hair fashioned in a twin tail with a big violet eye, and her other eye was covered with an eyepatch.

Saito Furofushi, the Captain of the Sixth Division.

"What do you want?" Unohana was straight to the point with her bland tone, she already knew the reason this one would be here, but she asked nonetheless.

"Oh, So Cold~~! I thought we were closer than that but…sigh*" Furofushi was particularly known to be annoying because of her antics, "Anyway I heard that you resigned as the Captain of that uncivilized Division?" but she was very straightforward as well.

She even openly dissed Unohana's former Division, something she had built herself. But Unohana didn't mind since that division was meant to be that way. 

"Leaving that aside what are you doing right now?" Unohana asked with a frown since there was a problem, and it was…

Sniff* Sniff*

Furofushi was currently sniffing her for some reason, and the reason for that was simple.

"There is a thick scent on you Yachiru-chan…" Furofushi looked Unohana in the eye after she was done, "The scent of a man…Hmmm~?" she licked her lips looking at the flat-faced woman in front of her.

'Could it be that the reason she suddenly quit….' A grin crept up on Furofushi's lips as she stared at Unohana's face to capture any slight changes in her expression.

But unfortunately for her, there were none…

"If that is all you wanted to say then I'll take my leave," Unohana walked past Furofushi who quickly came out of her thoughts.

"Oi Oi, don't think you can run away from me," There was a clear reason why Furofushi had come out this quickly after hearing about the news, "I won't waste such a chance you know?"

Now that Unohana wasn't a captain, this indeed was the perfect time for her to fulfill her unsatisfied desires.

"That will depend on your abilities," Unohana said making Furofushi smirk, she was 'very' confident in her abilities.

That was until Unohana took off, a single use of Shunpo and that was all it took.

"What…?" Furofushi was left in the dust, and no matter how much she tried she couldn't shrink the distance.

'What…happened to her all of a sudden?' Furofushi had met Unohana just a few days ago, but the difference between then and now was too much.

That speed wasn't something that Unohana had, and she was definitely not someone who would walk away from a battle, especially one between them.

'We promised that we would fight if one of us resigned,' Furofushi was planning on doing that but Unohana beat her to it.

That is why Furofushi that now was the time for them to make well on that promise, but this was something else.

Leaving the absurd speed and behavior aside, feeling the pressure from Unohana, who was far away from her, Furofushi's eye widened.

"Captain…General?" It was a sight that made her check whether her eye was truly gone for good, but before she could recheck Unohana's spiritual pressure was already gone.

She was confused and had many questions, but the one who could answer them was nowhere to be found.

And if it wasn't for the Captain-General's orders, the current Captains, and especially Furofushi would've surely left to search for her.

Currently, Unohana was going through the mountains of Rukongai looking for herbs for healing, along with spices according to the book while she trained along the way.

'There is no reason for me to waste my time with them anymore,' This is why Unohana ignored Furofushi.

"They had no idea about what happened, and with the growth I have achieved I don't see fighting the captains as a challenge," To Unohana everything else seemed dull as soon as she came out of that door.

"Aside from him…" She had gotten a taste of something she didn't know existed, "…no one else can make my heart race." That is why she made it her goal to go back as soon as possible.

'Maybe we can do it for longer next time…' This was Unohana's wish now.

"No, I have to make it that it happens…" With that conviction, Unohana spent her next 20 years, before she arrived back in Soul Society.

'I couldn't even stabilize 20% of it,' And she wasn't happy with herself in the slightest.

Training alone wasn't working for her, but the reason these sudden training problems were different from what they may seem to be, even she couldn't understand them.

'Should I use the door?' Unohana looked at the black card in her hand, lately she had found herself looking at it more often than she'd like to admit.

She had gotten it from Adam and he told her about its uses, and this was something Unohana was actually happy about. Because with this see can go back there and ask him for another contract.

'I should only use it when I have achieved my goal,' But Unohana silently placed the card back in the pocket of her kimono, she didn't want to go back unless she had completed what was needed for the contract.

So, she decided to come back to Soul Society and work in the Healing Division while she trained, and here there was someone who would gladly help her with training.

"Hmm~~, What are you thinking about Yachiru-chan~?" And once again, Furofushi came to pester her.

"Nothing," Unohana said and walked past her again.

'Heh~, something is up,' Furofushi hadn't been this excited for a while, she continued to tail Unohana who was once again in deep thought.

She just knew that it would be entertaining to watch, 'I also need to talk with her about that…' And Furofushi had her own plans as well.

'I'll have tteokbokki again today…' Meanwhile, Unohana made her dinner plans it was just that, 'What I cook is severely lacking in comparison.' But there was nothing Unohana could do.

There was no way she would summon the door just for Food, right?

Guess we'll never know what she will do.

Anyway, just like Unohana, Adam felt like he could have he would have some boring days ahead of him till the next client arrived.

But as soon as Unohana left he was faced with a message…

[Congratulations!!! The total number of Contracts that you have made has reached 10!!]

[You have received 1x World Hopping ticket as a reward for your efforts!]

"Hmm, another one?" Adam was a little disheartened that it wasn't a pardon ticket.

'When will I get another one of those?' It was something that was really helpful, but instead, he got this world-hopping ticket.

He might not need that pardon ticket right away, but he wanted it on hand just in case, he didn't want to repeat the same thing from before.

"Well… what should I do with these?" Adam was interested in these as well, but he couldn't really focus on this as many things were going on as soon as he got it the first time.

And since things have calmed down right now, he thought it might be a good time to see how this worked.

'I don't know where this will take me, but I don't have a bad feeling about this,' Adam took it the world-hopping ticket out of his storage and looked at it, it was a small card with flashing colors.

And looking at the card for a while Adam understood where it came from, "Something that can let me travel to a world of fiction, huh?" he had met characters from fiction already, so he wanted to find out which world he'd end up in with this.

'It would be great if it was a world that I know of right now,' He thought while standing up, pouring the magical energy into the card making it fly out of his hand, forming a door-like portal in front of him.

"I guess we'll find out,"

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