Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Not A Child!

"Back to the kitchen," Gordon was brought out of his thoughts by Adam's words and he was confused.

"To the kitchen?" He asked since what was the point in going there now?

"Of course it is to start your training," Adam turned to look at Gordon, "Make sure to not die alright?" Before adding this with a smirk that seemed evil.

"W-What?" Gordon felt a chill pass through his body because of that evil smirk, it didn't look like anything good would happen to him but…

'I will need to preserve!!' Gordon made up his mind and the morning came.

"….Where is Gordon?" Uta asked after she didn't find Gordon anywhere.

"He is… resting," Adam said almost like he was glossing over the topic while placing the scrumptious breakfast he had made for her on the table, "Enjoy yourself." And Uta soon forgot all of the questions after she started to eat.

'That was good~,' Uta was leaning back in her chair with a comfy look on her face after finishing the breakfast.

She had never had food like this before, it was simply just too good that she felt there weren't enough words to describe it.

'It makes me forget about what happened…' Uta felt like she was always swept away but the stream of flavours and in that moment she was free of the nightmares.

That was the main reason why she liked the food Adam made.

'What kind of …power does he have?' Uta thought looking at Adam who was just sitting there after he cleaned up the plates and the table.

But there was another thought in her mind.

'Why isn't he saying anything?' Uta was waiting for Adam to ask her to teach him singing but he didn't say anything, and this made her feel something was off.

'Does he not want to learn?' This was her thought after lunch when Adam was once again silent, and by dinner, this was pissing her off.

It pissed her off so much that….

"Do you have any intentions of learning?" Uta asked before she even sat down at the table. This was quite confusing for her, he was making the food as per her request but he wasn't asking her anything, why was that?

"Took you a whole day to ask that question," Adam said flatly and Uta was even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that it took you an entire day to mention the subject while you got two free meals," Adam looked disappointed and…

"But you didn't say anything!" Uta like that since it wasn't her fault that Adam didn't ask her about it, she has been thinking about it since morning.

"Why would a student need to remind his teacher that they have to teach?" Uta couldn't argue back about this since she was supposed to be the teacher, he had kept his end of the deal so whether or not he wanted to learn or not, teaching was her job.

"…" Uta just looked around feeling a little bad about this but, "So you will put all of the responsibility on a child?"

"I see, I'll treat you like a child from now on," Adam shrugged, and that too didn't sit well with Uta either.

"Don't treat me like a child!!" She shouted.

"Okay no need to shout, now calm down," Adam said softly trying to calm her down.

"You are totally doing that on purpose now!" But Uta could see that he was now indeed treating her like a child.

"No No, I know that Uta is a big girl now," Adam smiled softly, "Should I help you up the table." But his eyes were different.

"I'll kill you!!!" Uta lunged at Adam with her windmill arm attack but he just caught her and placed her on the chair.

"You should be polite when asking for help, these are bad manners," Adam said nicely as he shook his head like one does when they see someone immature.

"Yo-Hap*!!!" Uta was about to shout but a spoon entered her mouth precisely.

"Today we have the special Mac and cheese, do you like it?" Adam spoke taking the spoon out from her mouth.

'I'll definitely kill you….' Uta huffed as she chewed on the food, 'But this is good.' She was soon taken over by the creamy goodness.

"Ahhhh~," After dinner, Uta was leaning on the chair with a happy look on her face.

She had nearly forgotten what happened before dinner but…

"You ate a lot more today, looks like your appetite is growing as well," Adam pointed out while looking at Uta and it was making her angry.

'He is totally seeing me as a kid now!!' She was infuriated by that teasing look and it made her want to punch him in the face, it was just that he was too tall to do that.

'Let's see how long you can last,' Uta smirked since now it was time for her to teach Adam how to sing, 'I am going to make you suffer.' She was already planning on being completely harsh with him.

"Let's start the music lesson," Uta said with a smile and…

"You sure you don't want a nap before that?" Adam asked looking worried.

"I am going to kill you!!" Uta said pointing the fork at Adam with a serious expression.

"Now Now, put down the fork before you hurt yourself," Adam said as the worry on his face intensified.

"…" Uta became silent for a bit as her body shook in anger.

Then she stood up on her chair and stepped on the table before jumping to attack Adam, it was just that…

"That was reckless," Adam said as he caught her safely and smiled helplessly, "I won't tease you more, alright?" Before placing her back on the chair slowly.

"So you were doing that on purpose!!" Uta growled in anger Adam just laughed.

"Then are you going to teach me now?" Adam asked and Uta stopped with her tantrum since the topic was switched.

"Yes," Uta said calmly, "I'll go first and then you will need to do the same after." Since music was involved she was serious and as soon as Adam nodded.

She started to sing….

It was a soft and soothing voice but it also had an incredible amount of power packed in it.

There were no words in this song and it was just pure vocal performance, it was like seeing an opera singer but Uta's voice was simply magical.

'She really knows how to touch someone's soul through singing, like literally,' Adam joked but he was enjoying her voice, she could make anyone hooked on her voice in just a few seconds and the control she had was just another level for her age.

That is why he was certain…

'She is the best singer in this world, No the best singer I have seen,' Adam was convinced and just then Uta was also finished with her song.

"Now your turn," Uta said looking smug since she didn't even need to ask anything, she already knew that he liked her performance and there was probably no one who wouldn't.

And that wasn't just her confidence, Uta knew that her voice had power and she was a great singer. She was praised as a genius in Elegia after all, even the adults who had seen countless singers were smitten with her voice.

But that was beside the point right now…

"Alright," Adam cleared his throat and closed his eyes, "Be prepared."

'Hmm, is he good?' Uta thought since the way he said that made her think that he was confident in his skills, and this made her never since she wouldn't be able to get back at him for teasing her.

But thankfully she was wrong...

If she had to describe his singing in one word then it would be 'Disastrous'.

Even pirates who had no idea about singing could probably sing better than him without even trying.

It was so bad, that Uta didn't even know what to say to him since there was nothing praise at. And if she just talked about the negatives there would be too much to talk about.

"So, What do you think?" Adam looked eager to hear her response since he certainly liked singing but he wasn't that good, "Can I improve?" And he already knew how bad he was.

"Umm, yeah…. You can totally improve," Even Uta didn't want to make fun of him after hearing him sing, she thought that it was worth it, and above all she wasn't lying when she said that.

'You can't get any worse than that anyway,' That was her real thought which she kept hidden.

'But I'll try my best,' Uta wasn't going to lessen her efforts in teaching Adam even if he was bad, since he was completing his end of the deal she would complete hers, 'I am not a child after all.'

And that was how the first singing lesson continued till Uta fell asleep on the chair because she refused the lesson till midnight.

"She is certainly a tough one," Adam muttered looking at her, and went to call Gordon while shaking his head.

"Gordon, Uta fell asleep in the dining room get her to her ro-," Adam stopped talking when he entered the kitchen and there he found Gordon, lying face down on the floor.

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