Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"Tch, My Goddess can't you see this? She is stopping me from doing my work, this is a blatant violation of her authority," The woman shouted looking above and the Administrator nearly rolled her eyes at this lie, of course in a way it could be seen this way.

And the Administrator would like to plead her case before it goes any further, But it seemed like what she wanted to say had reached the person the woman was trying to contact.

[Why are you causing trouble?] A heavy voice was heard and the entire place started to tremble, Even then the Administrator wasn't worried since the target of that voice wasn't her.

'Even then, it is heavy,' She could barely move but she didn't as any little movement could very well be her last.

"I am not, I just want to go into a specific worldline because of a wish of my client but she is blocking my path," The Woman pleaded since she had a proper motive behind her actions, or so it seemed because there was no way the one who gave her such privilege wouldn't know what she wanted.

That Goddess's very domain dealt with Wishes, no matter how pure or twisted they were, she knew them all.

[Don't think that I can't see through you, I have already told you that you cannot intervene with his work since you have your own, Did you forget that~? I didn't really think I'd need to list you every way that this could happen since I thought you'd know how to avoid them~,] The voice suddenly changed to a sweet one but for some reason, it sounded much more threatening.

"It really wasn't on purpose, I am just unsure about, why you would be so involved in his matter?" The woman questioned since the Goddess hadn't intervened when she stuck her nose in other's works trying to understand how far she could push the boundaries of these rules, but this was the first time she had met with such a response, 

And she found it was really weird for the Goddess to show such support to this particular person.

[It is for protection of course~,] The words came and left a lot to be desired because…

"Why would you protect him to that extent?" The woman asked but…

'This idiot….' The Administrator nearly face palmed at this but she could see that there was more that meets the eyes with this particular idiot.

[I am more curious about since when you had the privilege to ask me questions while lying to me no less~,] The Goddess was not pleased at all, and primarily not because of this woman's lies, but how she was wasting her time with useless games knowing that it should be futile.

"I…Understand, it is really tough for me to stay away from him, I promise I will just watch from afar," The woman said even getting on her knees in order to try and get her wish.

[Ufufu, do you really think he'd appreciate your presence after what he did to you last time~?] The Goddess asked playfully and the woman smiled confidently.

"I am sure he will be elated, I now have what he wanted the most, and I can't sit still until I have him, after all, he is the only one who rejected me," But beyond that smile was a very twisted wish as her eyes darkened as she remembered a past incident.

'What am I lacking? Why don't you tell me?'

'…' She had asked that question millions of times only to be met with silence.

'C'mon, tell me, I'll do anything, I swear anything you want, I can match it,' She had pleaded billions of times, and because of that, she was able to get an answer at least.

'You can't, someone like you can't become a woman' And that was all she heard from him before 'her' last life came to an end, but thankfully it wasn't the end for her as she got another chance and those words and that person was still stuck in her head.

'I can't let it end like this, I have worked for too long for this opportunity,' The woman would surely not back down after coming this far.

[My My, I do like the enthusiasm but the rules are the rules~, and given how similar you two are I would like you to get along with him~ ...but I don't like repeating myself, It will do you well if you focus on your job,] The voice changed midway once again and became colder with even her sentences sounding completely different.

But the people present didn't seem to have that sort of luxury to think about this.

It was like just hearing those words was freezing the two, No not just them, but...

'No, it is actually freezing everything in the literal sense,' The administrator gulped as she didn't even move as her body trembled just because of the cold air that emanated from the surroundings, and not her alone…

[I will condone your disrespectful behavior this time, but there won't be a next time, I don't need to tell you how disposable your existence is for me. So, you better stay in your lane,]

"I...U-Understand," The woman who was hearing this was trembling, she was covered in sweat as blood poured out of her ears and eyes and froze as soon as it touched the ground.

This declaration wasn't just for show since it literally shook the entire place making it feel like it would shatter in an instant. 

And because of that, It wasn't hard to understand how pissed the Goddess of Wishes was with this, and even after the pressure went away the two didn't dare to move even a little.

The Administrator was just being careful while the Woman's body was still in a frozen state.

"She is so strong, just hearing her makes me so Weak~~," The woman's body shook slightly as cold air rose from her, but it didn't look like she was in pain even if it appeared like she had been pickled for years in liquid nitrogen.

'She is a weird one,' The Administrator thought looking at the woman who seemed to be enjoying herself a little too much.

'I'll have her as well, not only him, but this one too, I want to hear that high and lofty voice turn into desperate begging, yeah that would be so good… No. it would be euphoric.' The woman trembled just by thinking about it but she already had a main prize in her mind which wasn't going to change.

'I want to hear him beg for more after I corrupt him with pleasure, I'll take account of everything you did that time and make sure you pay for everything~,' The woman's main target was still Adam even if she was interested in the Goddess.

She had a clear goal and wasn't going to back down, but...

"So, have you ever met the Goddess face to face?" The Administrator asked making the woman turn her head back even if her body was stationary.

"What type of question is that?" The Woman asked while tilting her head because she couldn't understand why such a stupid question would be even considered.

What happened in the last few seconds was enough evidence, just hearing her voice was enough to change the surroundings, She couldn't think what would happen if she saw her in person. 

'I am dying to see her but I can't as of right now but that mystery is half of the fun~,' The Woman thought as a grin crept on her lips as the Administrator shook her head.

'Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that it was ridiculous,' The Little girl sighed while looking at the woman who was also in deep thought.

"Well, good luck with that," The Administrator smiled since…

'Yeah, that guy isn't normal, I may be harsh on him but that is to not have him hanging around for too long,' The Administrator thought looking at this woman, there was no reason for her to worry but she soon regretted that.

"Oh My, Are you perhaps falling for me? I knew no one could resist my charms even in this form," The woman said with a smirk as she had misread the other's smile a bit too much.

"I have always been on the lookout for the Legal Loli Type for my 'Valhalla Pleasure Mansion' since I couldn't find those in the previous world where only actual little girls were the closest to it," The woman said looking a little disappointed, but was only met with an expressionless face but once again she had misread it.

"Oh make no mistake, I am not interested in you just to fill in the quota. You should know that I am being truthful when I say that I am serious about you my sweethear-" But her words were cut short because she was swallowed by the white haze that invaded the place and pulled her away.

Given her current state, it was even easier for the Administrator to do that since there was no resistance.

"This is why I don't like this bitch," It was done by none other than the Administrator who looked disgusted.

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