Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


'Calm down, you can't lose your cool, That was close,' Adam sighed as he saw the Goddess looking at him.

"…You have really pretty eyes," The Goddess Of Wishes said as Adam narrowed his eyes but…

"Shut up," Adam was pissed even though he appeared calm on the outside, he had gone through too much in the other world so his anger was justified.

Even then the situation wasn't doing him any favours.

"Well, I don't expect you to be just become cool with it, but…." The Goddess stood up and walked in front of Adam with an extra swing in her hips just for good measure and held his chin to make him look at her as he was looking to calm down his raging emotions.

"I want you to understand that wishes truly don't always come true the way you want them to, the process you are going through right now may not be what you want, but one day you'll reach the end and you'll get your wish, that is only if you continue to pursue it, So what are you going to do? Are you going to give up here or continue and get what you've always wanted?" Adam knew that the Goddess was telling the truth to him, she may be irritating but she knew what was going on and it was clear that she meant him no harm right now.

"I'll ….think about it," Adam said and the Goddess of Wishes sighed.

"Dumbass, you are caring too much, just stop thinking about this since it wouldn't matter to you in the future anyway," Adam stayed silent even when he listened to her words.

"Well whatever, you can handle stuff on your own, but there is another thing I want to let you know," Adam was confused as he saw the smirk on her face, but soon his eyes widened as his hand touched something soft.

"See, No balls," The Goddess of Wishes smiled as she pressed Adam's palm against her crotch in order to let him know something.

"W-What are you doing?" Adam was of course panicked, not because this was his first time touching a woman there, but the problem was the one he was touching.

"Oh, So cute. How I wish to gobble you up right here and now~," The Goddess licked her lips looking at Adam, she had seen how he had always treated the younger one as if she had a dick just like the universe she ended up making even though she clearly didn't.

And of course, she knew the reason why he did that and if possible she wanted to go further from here while taking advantage of the situation but...

"Sadly my time is up it seems, may we meet again in better circumstances, preferably in the bed next time~," The Goddess of Wishes smiled sweetly at Adam before it seemed like her body jerked and then….

'Oh No,' Adam felt chills as he saw the face of the Goddess of Wishes turn completely red as her crystal clear eyes became clouded with confusion and shame.

It was clear who came back just now…

'W-W-what? H-H-Hand?' The Goddess of Wishes shouted in her head as Adam's hand was still firmly pressing against her crotch over her dress.

This caused her to completely panic and….

"G-Go away!" She shouted which resulted in….

"My hand ….is gone, my long-time partner," Adam looked at his right arm which was now missing and the worst thing was that he wasn't even able to regenerate it on his own.

'What kind of new hell did that vixen put me into?' Adam thought as he saw the Goddess of Wishes crouch on the ground with steam rising from her head, she was burying her face into her knees while hugging them and…

"I've been defiled!!"

'I hate her even more,' Adam thought about the previous Goddess of wishes that caused all of this while wondering how to get the current Goddess to fix his arm.

A few hours later…

"Why did you do that second eldest sister?!" The Goddess of Wishes shouted as she was currently in her domain after she ran away from Adam's shop but only after she fixed his arm.

[Because I thought it would be funny, and guess what? It was, Ufufufu!] The Goddess of Wishes heard an identical voice in her head but the tone of this voice was completely different, it was way more seductive and charming than hers.

"No, it wasn't!" But even then the Goddess of Wishes wasn't having it.

[For me it was,] The voice said still laughing making her angry. But that is one another voice came…

[Youngest I think it is about time to put your blindfold on, Don't forget that you can't expose yourself to the Wishes for too long,] This voice sounded more authoritative and it even made the previous one stop talking.

"I am sorry eldest sister," The Goddess of Wishes said and…

[I am not admonishing you, I am merely worried since we can't afford another chance,] The voice said with a sigh and…

"But I think I can handle them now," The Goddess of Wishes said but…

[You shouldn't be so prideful youngest, the fact is that we can't let you get corrupted as well, leave the wishes to us as we are already too deep into the pit to turn back now, it is truly lamentable.] The second eldest spoke with a bit of resignation in her playful voice.

[It is as she had said, leave the wishes to us and protect yourself, since even if we can fulfill everyone's wish,] The eldest stopped and…

[You are the only one who can fulfill our wish. you are our only hope youngest.] The Goddess of Wishes heard four similar yet completely distinct voices in her head and she could only nod her head even though she hardly knew what they were talking about.

[I have already made my choice though,] The Second eldest spoke as the playfulness returned to her voice.

[Don't you think you are being a little too hasty?] The eldest asked but…

[I know what I want and I'll have it, No matter what~.] But hearing that someone else who they didn't expect spoke up.

[I have decided as well,] The third eldest spoke up and...

[Fufu, you are so easy to read,] The Second eldest was the least shaken by it as….

[I didn't expect that from you,] The eldest was also shocked because her second sister was a woman of few words, no it could even be said that she was a woman who didn't even believe in speaking, she was all about the action.

So, it was very shocking to hear her speak since it they don't even know how many years had passed since they had last heard her voice.

'She can speak?' Take the youngest for example, this was her first time hearing her third eldest sister speak since she had been around.

[Well, leaving that aside youngest you need to take better care of yourself,] The Eldest reminded again and...

"Yes," The Goddess of Wishes covered her eyes and ears with the blindfold once again being unable to hear the wishes or see the people who made those wishes.

She was once again in a state of complete tranquillity, free from the feeling of millions of needle-like voices that dug into her flesh in an attempt to change her.


'That was chaotic….' Adam sighed while sitting down on the couch in the living room, his right hand was back but he was quite mentally drained by what happened before.

And some words weighed on her mind.

"….It is so easy for her to say that," Adam muttered looking at the ceiling for a good few minutes before standing up.

Anyway, that wasn't the main thought on his mind as there was something that was even more concerning to him.

'Should I go?' Adam thought about Rias, he did indeed feel bad for leaving that way and not trying to go back.

"Will she listen to me if I apologize?" Adam said out loud but he was already sure of something.

'There is no way she will, she looked really angry, and rightfully so since it was my mistake,' The more Adam thought about it he could only see his own mistakes there, which is why...

"Argh! Fuck it, I'll just face it, nothing will change if I just stay sitting here," Adam stood up from the sofa and he had made up his mind to go and meet Rias face to face.

'Yeah it would be better if I at least try, if she is still angry I'll try just try harder,' Adam clenched his fist as a new determination came into his eyes.

It was just that…

"Hopefully It isn't just my own assumptions,"

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