Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


'She wasn't joking,' Miyako thought with a frown.

She was with Adam at the moment and the two were on their way back to the apartment building after letting the kids meet with the group of kids that went together to elementary school with an older kid from the same school guiding them. 

But Miyako wasn't worried about that, her main concern was what Ai did earlier.

And there was no way that she did that jokingly.

'She called him by his name,' Miyako could feel the trouble just from that, and it wasn't her alone who understood Ai's actions from before.

Ruby hadn't spoken a word since that happened and went off silently which was unlike her, she was usually very cheerful on her way to school while talking with her friends in the small group.

But today she was totally quiet, even then Miyako was more worried about someone else…

'Did he get it? No, he surely must've understood,' Miyako looked at Adam who had also been quiet since then which was also unlike him.

'No, this is bad,' Miyako had seen something she feared the most, yes she had always thought there might be a chance that Ai might make a move on Adam.

But she was thrown for the loop with their story, about how the two met and how Adam took care of Ai when she grew up.

Anyone would think that Adam would only look at Ai as his little sister or something along those lines, even if there was a chance that he saw her in any other way, it would be low. This was considering things from Adam's side.

'But it is clear that Ai has started to see him as a potential partner, no it could be that she has had that thought like that for a while and it resurfaced recently after seeing him again,' Miyako frowned and if that was true then her chances would drop.

'They've known each other for a long time and they already have a connection, and compared to that I may be into negative because of my hasty move last time,' Miyako was panicking at the moment, she really regretted what she did last time, but not in a bad way, it just that this gave her a bad image in his mind.

There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to get together with Adam but whether he thought the same was something she didn't know now that Ai was also in the mix.

Even then there was no point in thinking about this, there was only one choice at this moment for her and that was…

"Adam, would you mind accompanying me today?" Miyako asked, attacking was the only thing left to her at this point.

'I'll need to build something otherwise I wouldn't even have a chance,' Miyako was determined to start in earnest, and she'll do what she could to get this through, but…

"I am sorry Miyako but I don't think that is correct," Adam said looking at her and those words made Miyako feel cold.

Her intentions were delivered clearly but he refused and it wasn't like she couldn't understand why he did that, no she knew it all too well.

"Is it because I am married?" Miyako asked and she could see him nod, and that was it she just felt even colder at that moment.

"That is part of it, We may have done that before and I understand your reason for doing so, not to mention my own stupidity for letting it go through, I am really sorry for encouraging it as well," Adam was indeed ashamed of what he did with Miyako, no matter what her husband did behind her back.

'I should've at least stopped her from doing the same, but I didn't, I guess I understand why I have the strong urge to just beat the shit out of my past version, he is leaving me with too many problems,' Adam at the time was very lost and allowed it continue, which resulted in his ambiguous relationship with Miyako even with the contract involved.

But now he had many reasons not to do the same, in the end, he was just being a hypocrite when he had done just the same thing yesterday.

Miyako didn't know what Adam was thinking and honestly, she didn't have the time for that since her own mind was bombarded with thoughts that left her standing in place.

'D-does… he already have someone?' Miyako didn't know if it was Ai or someone else, at this point that didn't matter, The thing was that Adam had someone which is why he refused her proposal this time, it was clear as day.

Because he had let it be last time which gave her confidence that he was indeed single with no love interest in sight not to mention he looked interested, but now it was different.

This was the worst news for Miyako and there was a lingering question in her mind which she needed answers for.

"Adam, you were attracted to me when I asked you about this last time, right? Isn't that why you agreed even with your reservation?" Miyako asked and Adam looked at them.

'What do I say to her?' Adam wondered whether he was lying or telling the truth both are going to affect Miyako in different ways, but…

"…Yes, I was, that is why things got to that point," Adam said the truth since there was no point in lying after what he had done, he at least needed to be accountable for what he did.

"I see, I understand what to do then," Miyako sighed before looking up at Adam.

"What?" Adam was confused at her words in the start but his eyes widened the moment he realized, and before he could speak.

"No matter what you say I will not listen, this is my decision," Miyako said with a smile, she wouldn't leave this as is it didn't matter what it took she was ready to do it since she was serious about this.

"I will divorce Ichigo, and then I'll ask you out again as a single attractive woman, and we'll see what we can do from there," Miyako smiled but her heart was beating very fast at this moment, she was anxious about this and she knew that...

"You are going to regret it," Adam said since he knew himself better than anyone, and he knew what his life was going to be moving forward, at least he had an idea.

It was just that…

"I think I'll regret it more if I leave it as it is, That is why I'll take this chance since this will be my last try, so you better prepare yourself because I will try my hardest and use everything I know," Miyako said shaking her head, her mind had been made up for a while and she was about to do this eventually.

But because of Ai's move today, she could see that conventional ways would not work for her, at this moment she needed to take this leap of faith and she had no problem doing it because.

'I will reach the other end no matter what, and I will keep trying no matter what, even if he gets a wife I will keep trying till he accepts me,' Miyako wasn't going to let Adam get away, it didn't matter how many times she needed to try or who her opponent was, at this point only victory was in her eyes.

"I'll go and prepare," Miyako said and rushed away leaving Adam alone as he couldn't find a chance to even refute anything, no it was not that he couldn't refute it.

"She wouldn't even listen to me even if I said something," Adam sighed and he looked down.

First Nobara, Mei Mei, Ai, and finally Miyako, not to mention Rias and Akeno.

He had gotten an absurd amount of attention from beautiful women in only two days.

Normally he would've been so proud of himself that the smirk on his face wouldn't be gone for days, but at this moment…

"Are cheating men really popular?" Adam thought of Rias and Akeno, "I don't want to be popular if that is true."

What Adam wanted now was very simple.

But it is the simple things in life that are the hardest to get when you want them.

'I guess I'll work on that café to stay busy for a while,' Adam thought as Ai's idea was indeed good, or in other words, he just needed something to distract himself.

The next few days went by slowly and…

'Adam hadn't visited since that day,'

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