Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"Now the decision is in your hands, do you want to do this or not?" Adam asked and Tsunade looked on the ground with a frown.

"You lowlife!" Tsunade gritted her pearly teeth in anger, asking her something like this while knowing what she had to lose, this was nothing short of…

"You are the worst scum of humans, no you don't even deserve to be called human," Tsunade kept on hurling insults that came to her tongue but she could see that Adam was unaffected by them.

"Well, I can't really deny that," Adam sighed as he had kind of accepted this as part of his job now, when he wished for a normal response from a woman regarding his proposal he was sure that it would become like this.

And seeing this just made Tsunade boil in anger, but that was all she could do as soon as she had to make a choice, No it would be easy to say that she had already made her choice.

Because realistically there was only one choice for her here…

"I hate you! I despise your existence!" Tsunade said as she signed the contract while her anger was quite visible on her face if her words didn't convey it enough. There was no way she could live knowing that she let go of a chance to revive Dan when it was right in front of her.

The price needed to be paid for it was almost irrelevant, even though it was something she didn't want to do, and this made anger bubble inside her heart.

"You can curse me openly if you want to, No need to worry I'll fulfill my end of the deal even if you do," Adam said as the contract turned into light and split in two before entering their bodies.

The contract was to revive Dan Kato first and Tsunade would pay the price after she had fully made certain that Adam hadn't pulled any tricks on her, but she only had ten days to do that as her limit.

'A good thing the administrator also didn't have any problems with it, he was a lot more flexible than that monkey bastard,' Adam had run the contract by the Administrator of Tsunade's world, and he was surprised to find that the administrator was someone he totally didn't expect it to be.

'Well, whatever,' Anyway leaving that aside it was now time for Adam to complete the contract.

"Let's go to your world Tsunade," Adam said standing up as Tsunade also stood up while ignoring him but…

"Was there anyone else around the scene?" Adam asked and Tsunade knew that she could no longer avoid talking to him.

"There were two other medical Ninjas aside from me present," Tsunade answered and…

"Did they confirm Dan Kato's death?" Adam asked and Tsunade stopped in her tracks.

"They did," Tsunade said, and unlike what she had thought…

"Well, alright let's go," Adam just shrugged and walked past her.

'No way… he's…' Tsunade couldn't complete her thought as she shook her head and followed through the door with Adam.

And before long Tsunade was once again standing in front of Dan Kato's corpse and it made her clench her fists on reflex.

'Just wait a little, Dan,' Tsunade couldn't help but grit her teeth thinking of what she had to do in return for this unnatural phenomenon and it made her disgusted with herself.

"What are you doing?" But Tsunade was quickly brought out of her thoughts as she saw Adam walk over to the two medical ninjas who were still frozen in time.

Her mind went to the worst possible conclusion and she wanted to stop it, she didn't want the blood of the innocent to be spilled over this.

But she also knew that if the news of what happened here get out then it would only spell trouble, this was a tough choice to make but Tsunade would still not want the two ninjas to be dead. And Adam could easily read her thoughts.

"Hmm, don't make that kind of face, I am just going to erase their memories, I am not going to kill them," Adam said with a chuckle and Tsunade was not amused in the slightest.

She really thought that he was about to wipe the two out, and as if reading her thoughts again.

"I may be scum but I am no devil, I wouldn't want their families to be sad you know," Adam said and Tsunade just stayed quiet.

No matter what Adam did for her he will forever be the worse human she had encountered.

Leaving that aside, It didn't even take a minute and Adam was done with the two ninjas before he turned to Dan Kato.

"Come here Tsunade," Tsunade frowned as Adam called her over, she couldn't understand why he was doing that.

"You are going to be healing him," Tsunade's eyes widened at the statement, but not for a good reason, but before she could explode in her rage Adam added some more explanation.

"I have inputted in their memories that his injury was on a level you could handle, so, I'll revive him and it will appear as if you have healed him with your hands, this way yours, Dan Kato's, and the Ninjas will have the same story, it would be less suspicious and you'll be able to get over this with no problems," Tsunade could only swallow her words as she had to say that the plan was indeed proper, one that would only be possible because Adam was doing it.

Who else would be able to mess with the memories of a dead person, stop time and revive the dead, This was complete and utter nonsense, but…

'I don't care,' Tsunade thought as they proceeded with the plan and…

"He is saved! Tsunade-sama you are no doubt the best Medical ninjutsu user!" The two medical ninjas that were with Tsunade exclaimed but her hand made its way to Dan Kato's chest.

And there she felt it…

'It's beating…. His heart, Its beating! He is alive!' Tsunade cried resting her head on Dan's chest and hearing his heartbeat while he stayed passed out, she had never been that happy in her life.

He was saved and in that moment that was all that mattered to Tsunade.

'Well, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth,' Adam who was standing nearby in his invisibility mode just pouted, it was very clear that he was a little jealou- No it wouldn't be a lie to say that he was jealousy incarnate at the moment.

Anyway, it was a bit too early since in the coming days he had to watch Tsunade take care of Dan, no it would be true to say that she was babying the guy, It was so extreme that it became a topic of gossip for the entire squad that was with them.

"Tsunade I am alright, I can go back to the battlefield now," Dan said awkwardly as he was faced with Tsunade's fierce gaze.

"No, There are still tests I need to do, I will not let you go till I am fully sure that you are fully healed," Dan couldn't help but scratch his face in embarrassment after hearing that.

In the previous days, Dan Kato had been pampered to the lengths that he didn't think was possible and it wasn't like he didn't enjoy it, but soon he had to adopt a stern look because...

"I am sorry Tsunade but I can't take any more time off the battlefield," Tsunade flinched when she heard that.

'No, No, Not back there again!' Tsunade had too much to say but she was unable to do so because…

"I know that I am in no place to say that after what happened, but there are others out there who are fighting, they too have families back home waiting for them so I can't let them die out there while I stay out of danger, and if I get injured again, I know you'll save me again," Dan said with a smile before he continued, "But I'll make an effort to not get injured again, I wouldn't want you to worry about me, so focus on taking care of yourself since you have barely slept or eaten in the past days."

Dan had seen that Tsunade had spent the previous few days taking care of him and even forsaking her own sleep and meals. It did warm his heart however it also worried him.

'Something seems very different about her, What is causing her to be this way?' Dan didn't know but he was sure that now wasn't a good time to ask about it given Tsunade's mood.

"So, I'll go and talk to the commander about further orders, alright?" Dan said and Tsunade just nodded looking at the ground, she had not spoken a word since he started to talk about going back on the battlefield, but she had to say something now…

"I won't stop you but will you listen to a request of mine?"

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