Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


“I am coming closer to heal you so don’t hit me,” Adam said walking closer to Nobara and…

“I’ll only hit you if you try something funny,” Nobara said simply.

“Can I touch your face?” Adam asked and Nobara narrowed her eyes.

“Is it necessary?” Seeing Adam nod at her question she understood what it was for, “Sure go ahead.”

“It won’t be for long so don’t worry,” Adam said as he placed his palm on the left side of Nobara’s face covering her injury along with that side of the face completely.

‘Hmm, it feels quite warm and soothing, very different from the healing done back at Jujutsu High,’ Nobara thought as she felt extremely comfortable and this feeling was very prominent where she was injured.

‘The injury itself isn’t that great, it is just bad that it is done on a human, the attacker twisted her soul from this area,’ Adam narrowed his eyes while examining the nature of the injury trying to stimulate in his head how this could come across.

And there was only one answer he could come to…

“Showmanship,” Adam’s mutter got Nobara’s attention.

“What?” She asked since it made her curious.

“Oh, nothing,” Adam said and Nobara dropped the topic without prying further.

‘Killing her in a showy way to break her spirit or killing her in front of someone else to break that person’s spirit?’ Adam knew that the goal of this person was to kill Nobara since the attack was of that nature and it even reached her brain.

‘I’ll think about it later, I should focus on healing her for now,’ Adam thought as he carefully healed Nobara back to full health in less than 40 seconds.

‘He wasn’t lying when he said it would be quick,’ Nobara thought as vision returned to her left eye as she closed and opened her eye a few times to check it.

“So, I am healed now?” Nobara asked just to be sure since it was tough to determine that here, she would only truly know abuot it when she goes back.

“Yeah, you can check there for now,” Adam said pointing at the mirror on the wall.

Without any words Nobara walked towards it and started to look at her face, it was back to how it was, her eyes were back and the nasty hole was fully healed, it was like nothing happened and….

“Yeah, I could’ve rocked the eyepatch look, but this suits me the best,” Nobara smirked looking at herself, she was extremely pleased now that she was back to normal.

‘Also when did my clothes get cleaned? Hmm, even my hair is back to… no it feels silkier,’ Nobara thought touching her, she was fighting with Mahito before and there was another fight before that, so there was a lot of dust and a good amount of blood on her, but it was all gone.

“So, shall we go to your world?” She heard Adam as soon as she looked back.

‘Hmm, it can only be him,’ Nobara thought as she folded her arms.

“Well, there is something before that,” But Nobara shook her head as there was still something very important she needed to do.

“Hmm, What?” Adam asked and Nobara smiled.

“You said I can eat as much sweets as I want right? Where are they? Were you lying to me, Hmm?” Adam sighed since it looked like he had made a mistake letting her know that, but…

“Well, if that is what you want,” Adam shook his head as he didn’t think this was a problem worth mulling over, and just like he thought Nobara stopped soon because she was only human, there was a limit to how much she can eat.

And just like Adam thought Nobara stopped after a few more refills.

“No, I want to eat more!!!” Nobara shouted since everything was just that good especially the meat pie that Adam brought out since he said that she might get bored of just sweet stuff, but she just found something new to chow down on till her stomach felt like it would burst.

But leaving all of that aside, Adam and Nobara left for her world as they exited the door soon after as she had rested enough it seemed.

‘Now it is time to beat up that patch face bastard,’ Nobara thought as she passed through the door with Adam behind her.

Shoto Bunkamura street, Shibuya.

And as soon as they exited the door……

“I need to get her to miss Sho-” Arata, the first year of Jujutsu High Kyoto branch was running forward and suddenly collided with what seemed to him like a steel wall.

“Oh, sorry are you alright?” The one he collided into was Adam who wasn’t affected by it in the slightest and even offered the young slender boy a hand, but…

“Wait, where is she?!” Arata panicked a little because Nobara, who he was carrying before was now missing, he quickly looked around in his perimeter and soon saw her.

And seeing her standing there made his jaw drop because…

“Hmm, isn’t that the look one gives when they are stunned by the beauty of the person they are looking at? See Adam? This is how popular I am, so you will have tons of competition,” Nobara was pleased with herself and even flicked her hair with a smug look.

‘I don’t think that is the reason for his expression, but I guess there is no need to speak about it,’ Adam shook his head as before Arata could get out of his shock, Nobara asked him a question.

“Where is that patchwork bastard? Is he still at Dougenzaka subway? Hey, answer me!” But Seeing Arata’s lack of response she shook him violently to get him back to his senses.

“A-Ah, yes, he was facing Itadori along with Aoi Todo, they should still be there,” Arata spoke instinctively and Nobara nodded.

“I’ll go there then,” Nobara then took off with a big smirk running towards Dougenzaka subway which was half about half a kilometer away from there.

‘She is so bossy like my sister,’ Arata shuddered for a second but then he heard a voice.

“Also thanks for using your cursed technique on me, I owe you one,” Nobara said before entering the huge 800-meter wide screen that was cast over Shibuya.

‘Well, I guess she isn’t that bad,’ Arata sighed but then he remembered……

“I forgot to ask them what happened, I was carrying her and in the next second she was healed with that man who had no cursed energy….?!” Arata looked around to try and find Adam but he couldn’t.

Today was indeed a weird day for a lot of people.

At Dougenzaka Subway…

“They aren’t here,” Nobara frowned not finding Mahito and Itadori there but…

‘There are traces of a fight here, I should follow them and it will lead to them,’ Nobara was about to make a run again but…

“Nobara are you looking for a guy with pink hair?” Adam’s question made her stop in place.

“Yes that’s Itadori and if he is there, then there should also be a bastard with patchwork all over his face,” Nobara turned around and then she asked another question, “Also where are you looking?”

“I am looking at the people you mentioned, wanna go there?” Without any hesitation, Nobara nodded and at that instant, her vision blurred in an instant before she was in an open space with….

“Domain Expansion,” Mahito used his 0.2-second Domain expansion to get Todo.

“Kugi…saki? No Run?!!” Itadori was shocked to see Nobara but it didn’t last for long because of what was happening.

With those two voices, Nobara looked around to understand what was going on, it was just that…

“Why should I run?” Nobara smirked because……

“So, it was you after all, the one with the weird skill,” Adam stopped the domain from going further than him with a barrier, so there was no need for Nobara, Itadori, and Todo to worry about that while…

“Why Thanks for the praise,” Mahito smiled creepily looking at Adam.

“Patchface get ready for the beating of your goddamn life,” Then Nobara ran forward to attack with her hammer in hand.

‘This is interesting,’ Mahito thought as he tried to attack Nobara but……

With a clap, Itadori appeared in her place stomping his foot on the ground blowing up dust and sending his fist towards Mahito’s face but he was blocked.

And as Mahito was about to hit Itadori with his arm he changed into a blade…

“Hairpin,” The nail that she dropped there before zoomed straight into Mahito’s chest thanks to Itadori stomping earlier which made it point up.

“Gah*” But that wasn’t all since this time Itadori’s fist connected to Mahito’s face cleanly and he was blessed by the black sparks.

This sent Mahito flying back as Itadori ran forward to continue the assault.

‘They have good teamwork,’

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