Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


‘How do you expect me not to tease you when you act like this cutely?’ Akeno licked her lips as she could tell what Adam was thinking to an extent.

“Adam I didn’t know you did something like that,” Akeno said as she softly grabbed his hand and, “I don’t know how I will ever repay you for that.”

“Hmm? There is no need to think about that you know,” Adam said since the contract was already done so it was considered paid, but Akeno of course had other thoughts aside from just paying Adam…

“No, you don’t understand Adam, this is very important to me, also I just thought of a way to repay you for what you did and I know you’ll enjoy it very much,” Akeno smiled seductively as Adam blinked, it seemed clear that she will not hear him, so he allowed her to continue, there was no other reason…

And without wasting any time Akeno slowly came close to him and wrapped his hand around her waist with her own hands.

“How about I give all of my years to you~? No matter what you do to me~, I will not complain~, I will take it all willingly~,” Akeno spoke in a sultry tone next to Adam’s ear.

“…” Adam stood there like a statue, wasn’t what Akeno said basically….

“So, what do you say Adam~? Will you keep me~?” But Akeno wasn’t going to let Adam think of anything, she was in attack mode right now.

“…” Adam shuddered a little as Akeno blew hot air in his ear while pressing her soft breasts on his chest.

‘What type of seduction is this?’ Adam thought as Akeno placed his palm on her ass, she was actually going all out in order to appeal to him, and it was an extremely tempting offer, it was just that…

“Ahem* What are you doing Akeno?” Rias asked as she crossed her arms.

“Oh! I am just seducing Adam so that he takes me in as his mistress,” Akeno just turned around and leaned on Adam while looking at Rias, her face had a big smile and there was a look of determination in her eyes.

‘I am sorry Rias, but I will not give up,’ Akeno made sure to convey her thoughts to Rias as she held Adam's hand on her waist.

‘…’ Rias’s eyes twitched but there was something she was a little relieved about it but even then….

‘Is it just me or is there lightning crackling between them all of a sudden,’ Adam thought as he looked at the stand-off between the two that ended as quickly as it started.

“Anyway, let’s go we are getting late for school,” Rias looked at Adam for a bit before turning around.

“Ufufu, Then I’ll be going Adam, just call for me when you need me, I’ll come in an instant~,” Akeno said as she left after planting a light kiss on Adam’s cheek.

‘……Hopefully, they don’t fight,’ Adam thought but thankfully things didn’t seem like that for now.

Leaving Adam alone, Rias and Akeno both arrived in the Occult Research Club with Transfer Magic and then…

“So, how did the talk go Rias?” Akeno asked even though she already knew what the answer was going to be.

“It went perfectly thanks to Adam,” Rias couldn’t help but smile for several reasons but there was one thing that was clear in her smile.

“Congratulations Rias,” Akeno clapped but she was still not done, “You may have become his fiancée before me but I will certainly become a mother first.”

“Why You….” Rias looked at Akeno with a glare since she knew that if things stayed as they are her words will come true, in truth Rias still had many constraints since her engagement was still not official and if she gets pregnant now that would be the worst thing to do after Adam was being so considerate about her reputation.

Akeno on the other hand had no such considerations so she had the upper hand, this is why Rias hated being the heiress of Gremory, this was exactly why she wanted to be a normal girl because if she was she would be able to live freely without being so considerate about what others would think of her actions.

“Ufufufu~,” But Akeno just giggled, in reality, she was just teasing Rias since she found it really fun to do especially when the subject was about Adam, but even then…

‘It might come true just like I have said, I don’t think I will be able to hold back next time~,’ Akeno smiled just thinking about it as she touched her stomach, she was already imagining it and this made Rias pout further since she took it as a provocative gesture.

And then Rias was in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

Now Adam on the other hand was back at the mansion since he didn’t have a lot to do today aside from one thing…

“So, Ophis did you eat properly?” Adam asked Ophis who was looking at him and nodded her head.

‘Did she eat accordingly?’ Adam was a little hopeful that Ophis would’ve been able to deal with the portions but…

“I finished all of it,” Ophis said flatly making Adam deflate on the spot.

‘Should’ve thought it wouldn’t be that easy,’ Adam shook his head as Ophis was observing him.

“Adam angry?” Ophis asked making Adam look at her.

‘Is it just me or she looks worried?’ Adam thought as he smiled slightly.

“I am not angry, but I’ll be really happy if you do better next time,” Adam said and Ophis looked interested because…

“Really?” Ophis asked and Adam nodded.

“Umu, want to make Adam happy, I will try my best,” Ophis said clenching her small hands with her same flat face.

“…” Adam couldn’t take it and hugged Ophis, he couldn’t control himself.

“Adam? What happened?” Ophis asked because of the sudden hug and…

“I am just happy,” Adam said and that was all the reason Ophis needed.

“I am happy that Adam is happy,” Ophis said in her usual tone trying to imitate his gesture, and Adam looked at her trying to wrap her small hands around him but she was failing to do that.

“I am about to spoil you to inhuman levels today,” Adam couldn’t help it just like another thought…

‘When will I have my own daughter who is like this? ….I guess I’ll have to wait for a while before it will happen,’ Adam thought but he soon shook it off and he kept his promise to spoil Ophis with food and clothes for the rest of the day.

The two had a lot of fun like that for the day and in the evening Rias returned to the mansion to find Adam playing video games, Ophis had already left a little while ago since she couldn’t eat any more than that, so there was no need for dinner for her today, but Rias wasn’t alone since…

“Oh My, this certainly brings back memories,” Akeno smiled looking at Adam who coughed while looking away…

“I am sorry,” Adam apologized as Rias was frowning already, it was clear what Akeno was referring to but…

“Why are you apologizing again? You’ve already done enough,” Rias sighed as she knew that she can’t stay this way for long as she saw Akeno giggling.

“Anyway, you guys had dinner yet?” Adam asked trying to switch the topic.

“I didn’t, I wanted to have something you made,” Rias said as she sat down next to Adam on the sofa.

“Then let’s have some together, I made a lot of food today,” Adam said standing up as Rias looked at him walking away to the kitchen.

“Ufufu, You are too naïve Rias, if it was me I would’ve sat down in his lap to prevent him from getting up,” Akeno said with her signature smile as Rias just stared at her…

‘I really need to do better or else…’ Rias quickly shook her head and headed to the kitchen to help Adam put the dishes on the table.

‘It is so easy to rile her up,’ Akeno thought as she shook her head and followed Rias as well.

The three had a hearty dinner and after that, Adam told them that he was about to leave again.

“But isn’t it too soon this time?” Rias asked and Adam smiled wryly.

“Yeah, I don’t know why but I have already got a warning from the administrator today, it seems like I went overboard this time so I need to leave early to prevent the world from becoming more unstable,” Adam said as he showed an ancient looking stopwatch but the thing was that this watch only had one needle and it was current very close to striking 12.

“So, when will you come back?” Akeno asked and even Rias had the same question.

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