Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

That Creature?

And after Adam got out of sight…

"Hey, Albion What was the meaning of that?! Why did you make me freeze in place?!" The boy shouted in rage, if one were to see it from the side they'd think that he was shouting at the cat but in reality, it seemed unbothered since she wasn't the target of the boy's anger.

[I had to so that you don't make any mistakes in front of him,] A voice sounded in the boy's head, it was the entity he called Albion, and it was his sacred gear, The Vanishing Dragon.


"What do you mean by that?" The boy asked he couldn't understand what Albion was speaking of till he remembered the white hair man that passed by just a little bit before and something clicked in his head.

And being his partner Albion was able to understand what was going on in the boy's head.

[Don't even think about it, Vali,] Albion said in a tone that Vali hadn't heard from him before.

"What is this? Are you scared of him or something? Then he must be super strong," Vali looked excited to find a new challenger now that seemed to have the approval of Albion and he was correct.

[Vali, do you know how Ddraig and I are said to be the strongest dragons and no others could rival us?] Albion sounded solemn when he said that as that wasn't just something they said to be arrogant, but it was a well-known fact throughout every faction.

Ddriag and Albion, the two dragons were unrivaled in every sense, it was so severe that their fight had to be broken up by the God himself along with the Four Original Satans who even stopped the great-war just to deal with the two as they were rampaging around.

That was how much of a problem these two were and they have continued to be even after becoming sacred gears.

[We were wrong, There was still another that we didn't know of, no I don't know if I should call him that,] Vali's eyes widened at that sentence as that was….

[Whatever you do Vali, do not go near that creature, and if he approaches you, stay still and let it pass by because that is all you could do,] Albion one of the heavenly dragons that shook the world, the beings who were so arrogant that they didn't see any factions as worthy of them…...

That dragon said that he would play dead in front of that person, the amount of shock it gave to Vali; the current White Dragon Emperor was astounding.

And as Vali was thinking that, the black cat on the boxes however was lost in her own thoughts…...

'That man was cute Nya,' Kuroka thought as she remembered Adam, he did give her a good vibe and his touch really made her feel comfortable like it was soothing her for some reason.

'Maybe I'll see him around the place when I visit again, Nya,' Kuroka thought in her cat form as she looked at Vali who was still standing there with a deep frown on his face.

And the reason for this anger was eating his third bowl of Shoyu Ramen at this moment and it looked like he could still go for more with a side of gyoza just for good measure.

"Another bowl boss," Adam said as soon as he finished the broth again.

"You really know how to eat food young man," The jolly old man behind the counter smiled since it wasn't every day that he could get a customer that would eat with that much enthusiasm.

The way Adam ate, and his facial expression showed how much he enjoyed the dish and that was something that would make even the most stone-faced chef crack a smile of satisfaction.

Adam just enjoyed food and cooking in general so he knew how much work went into making food which is why he appreciated every bite he took with all of his heart.

"I'll be going then," Adam left after paying for all of the food he had eaten and...

"Come back again," The shopkeeper said as Adam nodded with a smile, he was definitely coming back for sure.

'Hmm, Now what do I do about that?' Adam thought as he walked out the way he came from, he wasn't surprised to find that the cat and the boy from before weren't there.

Anyway, he had bigger concerns since he couldn't find what he could use as a gift, which is why..

"Should I just make something? Hmm, that might not be bad," Adam muttered as he walked back to the mansion thinking what he should make since most of the things he could make were…

'Objects of mass destruction….' Adam shook his head as he went through his storage, well he couldn't really blame himself since that was the stuff he needed back then and it wasn't like all he made could only be used for destruction.

'Yeah those will be good, Rias has a brother as well and then there are her parents,' Adam smiled as he took out five containers that were etched with ancient writings and symbols which glowed in a golden hue, and within these containers were…

"Chicken Hear-Ahem* I mean Phoenix hearts," Adam coughed as he could see the hearts beat violently spewing out torrents of fire which were absorbed by the containers.

Yes, the hearts were beating which meant that the creatures who they belonged to were still alive.

'Phoenixes are so troublesome,' Adam thought since he had to go through a lot of trouble to get these hearts since the damned beasts just regenerated quickly, but that wasn't the problem, the problem was to capture their heart before they can regenerate because the container took 2 minutes to start working which made it was extra work for Adam.

And the thing with these Phoenixes was that they called over their family when they were attacked and they were fast to arrive since they were always nearby, that is how Adam got many of them even if it was tedious it was good for him since he could basically farm an infinite amount of resources from them.

And this action of his had given many of the living Phoenixes who were lucky enough to survive Adam immense Ptsd, to the point that don't even go out of they change their area of residence every 10 years.

"Ok, now time to deal with this," Adam said as his brown eyes lit up brightly as he moved his hands in the air making the containers move in a circle with his mana.

'It should take about half an hour or so,' Adam thought as this was the perfect time to start so he did.

And as if feeling his intent the hearts started to beat furiously trying to break out of the container but that was impossible and soon enough they weren't even able to use the fire as they were completely under Adam's control right now.

"Now now, sit still so I can impress my future in-laws, but don't worry your sacrifice will be remembered, Heh," Adam's current smile was enough to give anyone chills as they could feel the pure evil in his intentions, but even then a man wouldn't be able to blame him, since if it means impressing your in-laws then such evil can be condoned.

"I'll use the container as material as well, yes that will make it at least 20 times better," Adam muttered as he saw the hearts condensing at one point inside the containers, he was currently refining them.

The heart was the core of a phoenix since was the main source of their regeneration, but it wasn't like a phoenix cant regenerate without his heart, it is just that it would be slower and its first priority is to get his heart back.

So, what Adam was doing right now was gathering all of that regenerative powers and concentrating them into one single point to create…

'Hmm, that's perfect,' Adam looked satisfied with the red jewels inside the container that shone lustrously even in the dim light.

And now was the time to do the thing he was planning on, and that was to use the container.

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