Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

The Plan?

"Well… I'll just drop her off," Adam sighed looking at Himeno, who was now asleep leaning on him. He carefully placed her into the backseat and sat down beside her with a heavy sigh. The driver then started the car taking them to their destination under the eyes of a man, who had watched the whole exchange from start to finish. No, someone made him watch it.

"You have something on your mind, Hayakawa?" Makima's words jolted him out of his daze, she had her signature smile on her lips while maintaining a distance from him.

"…Not really, Miss Makima." Aki quickly shifted his attention to her unknowingly, because that is how she was. Always in control of her surroundings, and if this wasn't true then you can bet that she was working towards that goal. But of course, to Aki who had just understood what feelings he held for her, this all went unnoticed like usual.

"By the way, Miss Makima you said that you had a job for me?" Aki asked. Putting what he had seen out of his mind as quickly, this job might be his chance to get closer to her. This was an unconscious decision that he made at that moment, eagerly awaiting her command.

"Yes, It is a very important job. So, I hope you will not fail at it," Makima smiled as a red hue took over Aki's face.

"Y-Yes, I'll do my best," Aki somehow squeezed his answer out even with the stutter.

'Her expressions have been more defined lately, she even started to use perfume,' Aki's nose took a whiff of her scent, and it was not good for him. He felt like his heart would burst, because of how fast it was beating at the moment. And the one who caused this…

"I knew I could trust you, Aki." Had just landed the final blow that pushed Aki over to the point of no return.




"Adam, wanna fuck?" On the other hand, Adam felt like things were also reaching a point of no return. He didn't know why but one thing led to another, and this was the result.

15 minutes earlier…

"Where is your key?" Adam asked Himeno. She has just been swaying while holding the doorknob for 10 minutes now.

"Key?" She asked finally noticing why the door wasn't opening, and he nodded with a troubled look.

"I don't know~," Himeno turned around with a smile, nearly falling over as her dress shoes slipped on the smooth tiles.

"Till when will you continue this?" Adam sighed and Himeno's body jolted a little, stopping mid-fall as she regained her balance.

"It iz sho fun teasing you," But she soon giggled like a child, jumping on Adam in a way that would cause her to fall if he didn't catch her. And he did catch her, in two ways.

"I know you aren't drunk, you bailed out of a drinking contest and were very sober near the end," Himeno became alert hearing his words. She looked at him with a smirk knowing that her act was blown. The silly demeanor was now replaced with a teasing look as she leaned in closer to him.

"And you still followed me here, what's your plan, hmm~?" Himeno asked and Adam sighed.

"Didn't you invite me because you made a plan?" Adam threw it back at her and she nodded. She indeed had a plan, and it was nice to see that he caught on. It was just too bad that she couldn't continue her drunk act any longer.

'It would've been easier if he didn't know that I was sober,' She sighed inwardly.

"So, open the door," He folded his arms without knowing her thoughts. Himeno laughed reaching for the inner pocket of her coat, but the happiness on her face was soon replaced with nervousness. She checked the opposite inner pocket, the pockets of her pants, even shaking her shoes upside down, and in the end, she looked at Adam with sweat dripping down her face.

"I don't have the key," She rubbed the back of her head with a silly smile. He didn't know what to say to her, but this situation could be solved more easily.

"I guess, I'll need to do something," Adam turned the doorknob, and it opened like it was never locked in the first place.

"Cool!" Himeno exclaimed but followed him inside and as the lights were turned on, she glanced at the key hanger and her eye widened, "There it is! I forgot to take it with me!"

"You can't be serious," Adam sighed getting his shoes off, but there was no point in complaining so he walked into the living room.

"Wait on the sofa I bring something to drink," Himeno rushed to the kitchen and she was back by the time he took a seat on the sofa. This room didn't have much in a way it was just a simple living room with a sofa and a table in between, a few pictures on the wall, and an old-style TV. The only interesting thing was the Kotatsu in the middle.

Himeno came back from the kitchen as he was looking around the room, and she tossed him the same thing she was drinking gleefully.

"Beer?" Adam stared at the can he had caught, and Himeno nodded enthusiastically while placing a whole packet of them on the table.

"I didn't have enough before, come on drink~," She was already chugging one of the cans as she plopped down right beside him. Even then he wouldn't say no to a cold can of beer. Instead, he would've demanded some snacks or fried chicken—if this was a normal situation that is.

"So, what is it?" Adam opened the can and the subject at the same time. He didn't want to spend too much time here, and it was conveyed by his actions.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back? Don't you want to spend some time with me?" Himeno pouted when he shook his head. There was a reason he was being this way.

"Someone is waiting for me, I just came along with you 'cause I was curious," He said.

"So, you are more interested in going back to Makima," Himeno's jolly mood took a nosedive when she saw him nod. Her thoughts had been confirmed and she wasn't happy at all. It was the opposite.

"Why is everyone all over her?" She complained. This just seemed unfair, she wanted to talk to him and here he was killing the mood by bringing her up.

"Hmm, the guy you like is all over her, huh? Is that the reason you think that way?" But Adam wasn't done with this yet. His words struck Himeno right where it hurt. He heard their plans at the bar along with the icy looks he got by the two guys, and the way Himeno acted with him only deepened his suspicion.

"Yes… I don't understand what is so good about her. All of his attention is on her. And it is getting worse since we found out that she was seeing someone," Even then she didn't shy away from saying it. This was the main reason she brought Adam back home, and Himeno had no intentions of sugarcoating it.

"Hmm, how did you guys reach that conclusion?" Adam asked. He was just curious as to how that happened. What did they see to make up that rumor? After all, he didn't sense anyone keeping an eye on them when they were together.

"Well, there were talks of some Devil Hunters spotting her on a date with someone with white hair in Akihabara. Then Aki and I saw the love bites on her neck, so it was only natural that she had something going on. And today it was confirmed that Makima is dating you." Himeno stared at Adam, who was a little shocked hearing this. The way they acted till now would surely make anyone think that they are in a relationship. But the way everyone would take that news was different.

"Is that why you brought me here?" He stared at her devious smirk and knew that something was wrong.

"Yes, I want to steal you from her, then we can call it even~,"

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