Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

We Want It!!

'Well, did she like the cake so much that she had to come back and check if it was real or not?' Adam didn't know why but this made him chuckle.

'My heart is beating so fast right now,' Ai tried to calm herself down but it didn't work since it wasn't because she was shocked by his sudden voice.

The reason was that since this was real then, not only did she sleep while leaning on him but…

'Mister carried me back to the room, how did he do that?' Ai's mind ran wild, there was only one way to take someone to bed that she knew.

And it was how she took her kids to bed in her arms gently; she slowly laid them down and covered them with a blanket before kissing their foreheads lightly.

As one said the mind is one's greatest ally and also the greatest enemy, and for Ai, her mind was far from being her ally.

"Ai, are you alright? Your face is getting redder?" Adam asked looking at her, she was sick yesterday or so she said. 

'So, it could be that it was happening again?' Adam thought but before he could check further.

"N-Nothing, I'll go and wash my face," Ai of course didn't answer and just ran out of the kitchen at a speed greater than which she arrived.

"Well…. I guess I'll focus on the breakfast," Adam turned around after closing the fridge and went back to what he was doing before Ai burst into the kitchen.

Ai on the other hand was in the bathroom, her morning routine which was supposed to be done in 20 minutes, took a whole hour today because…

'I don't want to go out,' Ai was a little embarrassed to face Adam since she couldn't get that image out of her head.

The image was of course of Adam placing her in the bed while covering her with the blanket as he smiled softly before placing a warm kiss on her forehead, and because of that if possible Ai wanted to spend the rest of her life in this bathroom, but of course that wouldn't be possible because…

"Mama, open the door," Ruby had been woken up and she needed to use the bathroom urgently, also…

"Ai, what happened to you? Are you alright? ….Say something you shitty idol, I am worried to death here!!" Ichigo was also at the door but for a different reason, but it was valid since she had never taken this amount of time before.

Ai flushed the toilet a few times before she went near the door and opened it.

"You!! What happened?" Ichigo asked with a frown, but it wasn't that deep since Ai looked tired.

"I just had an upset stomach, nothing big," Even then she smiled with a big smile and reassured Ichigo.

"This is why I told you not to eat too much just because your stomach calmed down, but you never listen," Ichigo shook his head as Ruby rushed into the toilet closing the door as soon as Ai came out.

Anyway, the important thing right now was…

"Is it really bad?" Ichigo asked since if Ai was really not feeling well then…

"Ah, No problem, I am fine now, I am a top celebrity after all, something like a stomach ache won't stop me," Ai winked with a smug smile and Ichigo deadpanned.

Didn't she cancel an event just yesterday because of a stomach ache? But of course, he didn't know that…

'There is no stomach ache so no problem,' Ai thought walking towards the dining room with gusto trying to hide her previous feelings.

There she saw that Aqua was already sitting on the table.

'Thank god I was able to get into the second bathroom before Ruby woke up,' Aqua sighed but he was also excited since he heard that…

"You finally came out? Everything alright?" Adam asked Ai while he was placing the dishes on the table.

"Yeah, I am fine now," Ai smiled as she sat down at the table while Adam went back to the kitchen.

'The breakfast looks good,' Ai looked around the table and she was impressed once again, and another indication that the food was great was…

"I am not giving you my portion," Ichigo who was much more protective of his food.

"But didn't President Saigo always have breakfast at home?" Ai tilted her head because Ichigo never had food at her place.

"When will you ever get my name right? Anyway, I did have breakfast but I am hungry now that I see this, No Japanese can resist this you know?" Ichigo sighed since the simple Japanese-style breakfast in front of him could make his stomach growl even if he was full.

'Well, same with me, just looking at it is making me hungry,' Ai was waiting patiently for her share wondering how this would taste, but…

"Rice porridge?" Ai was disappointed with what was placed in front of her.

"Since you have a bad stomach it wouldn't be good to eat too much in the morning, even if it is lighter than usual, it wouldn't be good if it causes trouble again," Adam said with a small smile, he made this in a hurry after Ai took way too long in the bathroom.

"Haha, that's what you deserve. Ah! This miso soup is simply divine, it is making me feel all warm and fuzzy!" Ichigo was happy to see Ai finally getting some punishment, but he was happier with the food.

"No one wants to hear your cringy food review," Ruby pouted, she was unhappy because Ichigo was making fun of Ai.

"Oh, Ruby-chan is upset, then why don't you give your breakfast to your mama?" Ichigo said with a small smirk as he could see Ruby sweat.

'This warm miso soup, yummy rolled eggs, the perfect mackerel, and this fluffy rice, I can either have this or Mama,' Ruby was in a mental turmoil, if she said no then it would mean that she likes the breakfast more than Ai.

'But I love Mama the most, but I want to eat, but if I do that….. No the fact that I am even thinking is bad!!!!' Ruby was getting more confused over this the more she thought as Ichigo enjoyed her little panic.

'He is so devious, to make Ruby fall into such a conundrum with just a few words when she is ready to give anything up for Ai, no I guess Adam is also part of the problem since the food is giving her second thoughts,' Aqua on the other hand was quietly having his food, but he was thinking of how bad Ichigo was for doing this.

But there was no need for Ruby to be that worried because…

"Ruby the porridge is also very tasty with Umeboshi, Also even if you give me your breakfast I can't eat it since I need something light for my stomach. Also, you need to eat your breakfast properly so that you don't get hungry later," Ai said with a big smile, she wasn't lying when she said that she enjoyed the dish she got.

'Since he went through the trouble of making it for me, I should eat it, but is really delish,' Ai thought taking another spoon of the soft porridge with a smile.

"Yes, Mama!! I'll eat lots!!" Ruby was over the moon with this.

'Mama is an angel, nothing like this snake Saichou!!' Ruby hissed at Ichigo who just laughed.

'Now she is making me curious, I have porridge sometimes, so how good can it be?' Miyako who was also at the table wondered about how the porridge tasted, she was having the normal breakfast with them as well.

'It was a good thing I didn't eat anything since morning,' Miyako had a hunch that Adam would 70% do the cooking which is why she skipped breakfast and she was correct.

"What porridge is tasty? Let me see," Ichigo didn't believe that, he had always hated porridge the most in his life, so this didn't make sense, but…

"Nope it is mine," Ai refused while sticking out her tongue, she was not going let Ichigo have it after the way he teased her and Ruby before.

"Come on it is just porridge,"


'How lively,' Adam thought as he had his share silently.

And with that lively atmosphere, the breakfast was coming to an end, and it was time for Ai to leave.

"Here, I made you some bentos," Adam made it for Aqua, Ruby, Ai, and even Ichigo.

"But uncle we have lunch at school," Ruby said tilting her head and…

"Yeah, there is always enough food at the set," Even Ichigo chimed in and…

"Well if you guys don't want it, then I'll jus-" Adam wasn't even able to complete the sentence because…

"We want it!"

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