Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Where Is The Food?

"Well, that's it for today's training, follow me to the back of the mansion I have prepared a good open-air bath for you to heal your exhausted body," Adam then looked at Asia and continued, "You should heal those three enough for them to move around."

"Y-Yes," Asia nodded and went over to heal the three who had been beaten by Magic spells for the entire afternoon as Adam walked away.

"T-Thanks Asia," Issei said as he sat up, Asia had already started to heal Koneko next.

"Issei how was your training?" Rias asked since she was curious about what happened to them.

"A truckload of magic spells were fired at us and we needed to dodge them," Issei said and Rias tilted her head.

"That doesn't sound so bad," As Rias said that Issei couldn't help but shake his head.

"You don't understand President, we were attacked from everywhere, above, below, from the front, from back, all types of spells were sent after us, and just when we thought that was about to pass…" Issei shuddered as soon as he came to that.

"What happened?" Akeno looked interested, it seemed like Adam had crushed their hopes as well.

"We were hit with invisible magic," Issei trembled, he had lost count of how many times he was struck by that.

"Invisible Magic?" Rias started to think but Yuuto answered the question.

"It seemed like magic with no attribute, that is why it was hard to locate not to mention the types of Magic attributes increase the more levels we passed, we were already past 12 attributes on level 4 where the attributeless magic came, we weren't even able to see it or feel the magic spell until it struck us," Yuuto sighed, it was really frustrating that they weren't able to reach the target because he felt that Adam hadn't made an impossible target for them.

And it wasn't him alone, Koneko, Asia, and even Issei were feeling the same. Even if they complain, somehow they could see that even Adam thought they'd do better, it was clear from the way he talked about it before.

"Don't get discouraged all of you, this is just the first day I am sure all of you will get better the more you train and pass the levels," Rias didn't want her peerage to lose motivation, it would be bad if their spirits are broken like this.

She was from a Duke house and she had never seen these types of training styles there, Adam's way of training was just too extreme for them to keep up.

"Well…" Yuuto sighed as it seemed that Rias's words had a little effect but there was another person who was about to assist her.

"Asia-chan your efficiency in healing has gotten way better, you are using less magical power now," Akeno pointed it out as Asia healed Issei, Koneko, and Yuuto without stopping.

"A-Ah, I don't know, but I feel like I can still heal more so tell me if anyone is still injured," Asia clenched her fists and Rias blinked.

"Her overall Magic Power has increased as well, not only her alone but…" As Rias looked at all of her peerage members, she was able to see the difference this training made.

"Yes, their efficiency has also increased, Even Issei-kun's magic power had increased by a lot, Not to mention that even Issei-kun is keeping a defensive layer of Magical power around him without trying to do it while Koneko and Kiba have gotten better at their defensive measures now," Akeno pointed out and this caused all of them to check out their growth.

"I felt stronger," Koneko said flatly as she punched the air a few times before stopping, she was still fatigued so she couldn't see the extent to which she improved, and during training, she didn't have enough time to think about it.

"Anyway, we should take a bath now and recover, We will all check our improvements later," Rias said and they all agreed.

They went to the back of the mansion and saw two tents which were marked up genders in front of a wooden wall that separated the two, they could also see a pool of steaming water just a little distance away from the tent on either side of the wall.

Issei and Yuuto went into the male section and the others went to the female section.

"Issei don't peek alright?" Yuuto said with a blush as he turned around.

"Imma punch your lights out," Issei got angry because he didn't understand why Yuuto thought that he would like to peek at a dude.

Anyway, the two took off their clothes and wrapped a towel around their waist before leaving the tent.

And as they were heading for the pool after washing their bodies with soap and water, they saw Adam chilling in the water.

"Yo, took you guys long enough," Adam waved at them and both Issei and Yuuto were looking at him, or more specifically his scars.

"Why do you have so many scars?" Issei couldn't help but ask as he got closer.

'They look so cool, also that on his chest looks like it was made by a dragon, So fucking cool!!' Issei had stars in his eyes looking at Adam's well-built body.

"I got these during my battles but these are quite old," Adam just shrugged it off like the scars were no big deal.

'Damn, that's cool, I bet he gets all of the chicks, I need to make sure he doesn't steal President and Akeno-senpai! Maybe I should get some scars as well,' Issei couldn't help but think how unfair the world was.

"Anyway why are you standing outside, just jump in it'll help wash away your fatigue," Adam said to the two and they did as he suggested.

The result was…

"Wahhhh~ I feel like I am floating," Issei was actually floating in the bath with a look of pure happiness.

'I feel like my body will melt, it is so comfortable,' Kiba also wasn't any different from Issei, he actually felt he was getting healed as all of the fatigue from the training was going away.

"Is this bath incorporated with healing magic?" Yuuto asked and Adam nodded.

"It is, I got this neat technique as a gift," Adam laughed remembering the Ogres.

'He moves like a top-class fighter, knows how to use over 12 types of attributes, and is even proficient in healing, he is knows everything like he said,' Yuuto thought as he also looked at the scars on Adam's body, 'Is he from the church? No, then he won't help President and we would be dead by now.'

'Most of them look like they've been made with swords and spears, while some look like they are doing of beasts, what types of battle did he engage in to have those?' Yuuto wondered what Adam's background was, whatever Adam had done didn't seem humanly possible.

"Well, you guys hang out here, I'll take my leave," Adam stood up and walked out of the bath.

'I am not too used to bathing with other people,' Adam thought as he walked away.

Yuuto and Issei stayed in the bath for a while before…

"Issei, where are you going?" Yuuto asked as Issei walked towards the wooden wall that was separating the bathing areas.

Looking at the perverted grin on Issei's face, it was easy to guess what he was going to do.

"I am going to peek, hehe~," Issei couldn't contain his excitement thinking of the heavenly view on the other side of the wall.

'Koneko-chan's petite body, Asia's modest boobs, Akeno-san's sexy body, and not to mention President's killer boobs, That's the real healing, Hehe~!'

Issei felt like he'll have a nosebleed just by thinking about it as he tried to climb the wooden wall.

But as soon as he did that…

"GYAAAAA!!!!" He was struck by a powerful lightning.

"H-How is lightning coming out of Wood? The textbooks have lied to me!!" Issei couldn't help but as he was lying flat on the floor.

"Sigh* it is most likely set up by Sensei since he knew you would try it, I will be going ahead," Yuuto walked back into the tent to change into his clothes as Issei tried to climb over the wooden wall but was repeatedly struck by lightning.

An hour later…

Rias and her entire peerage were now gathered in the living room and they had one big concern to talk about.


"I'm hungry!!" Issei's stomach was rumbling non-stop, and it wasn't him alone.

"But we failed, so I don't think Adam-san will be giving us any food," Akeno said with a smile even though she was also feeling hungry.

"Hungry," Koneko was the same, in fact, she was the one who was the most hungry since she was a pure physical type.

"I'll go talk to Adam, It can't go on like this," Rias really didn't want it to end this way. Just thinking that she won't be able to enjoy the tasty food after training all day was just too much.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

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