Universal Job Transfer: I Can See The Success Rate Of Strengthening The Division

Chapter 22 Changing Stores

Lin Mo shook his head: "It's okay, I can understand it."

Anyway, for him, there is no loss at all.

"By the way, the above message is to help you find a big store. My colleagues have already found it for you. When do you think we will start moving?"

"Huh? How bad is this."

Lin Mo was a little confused. Why did he suddenly talk about moving? Regarding the strengthening of equipment, he had already signed a contract at the beginning, so he felt a little inappropriate to open a new store.

"This is a benefit for all strengtheners who cooperate with the official, you don't need to pay too much attention."

Upon hearing Zhang Lingyu's words, Lin Mo nodded in agreement.

Since everyone has it, he doesn't mind.

In fact, the welfare Zhang Lingyu mentioned did not exist at all. It was only because of Lin Mo's special nature that he did these things.

"I actually don't have anything here, so I'll move it soon."

Lin Mo never had time to restock, and there was nothing on the shelves except some strengthening stones.

Logically speaking, the Enhancer's shop should be similar to the Blacksmith Shop, and it should be filled with equipment.

It's just that the enhancer displays enhanced equipment, while the weapon shop displays ordinary equipment.

The few people who were still standing in the store heard this and hurriedly stepped forward: "Boss, where are you planning to move to? Where should we find you next time?"

Not talking about bringing others here, I just said that if I get any good equipment next time, I can come over to strengthen it.

Lin Mo looked at Zhang Lingyu, who picked up her phone and said, "Add your contact information and I'll send you the address."

After they left, Lin Mo and the others began to move things.

Lin Mo didn't need to worry about the matter. Zhang Lingyu called for two military trucks and more than 20 people from the garrison.

All the things were loaded into the car in a few moments.

After arriving at the place, Lin Mo looked at the store in front of him. He only had one feeling: it was big.

Go into the store.

"Is this too big?"

His one is only 60 square meters, and this one is a full 150 square meters. I heard from Zhang Lingyu and others that the next door also belongs to him.

But now there is only a small door in the middle. According to them, this wall can be dismantled.

"Your business will grow bigger and bigger in the future, so this can be considered an advance arrangement."

In Zhang Lingyu's opinion, this area is just okay. After all, the red enhancer's shop is much larger than this.

Lin Mo smacked his lips. He had never thought about how big a business he could do in the future.

In his opinion, he just strengthened his equipment and then went out to hunt monsters himself.

He had never thought about such a big store.

In addition to the counters and shelves that Lin Mo brought over, Zhang Lingyu prepared a lot for him.

The shelves and counters in the next room are also ready.

Seeing this, Lin Mo couldn't pretend he didn't see it.

"It's getting late, let me treat you to dinner."

"That's no need."

"It's okay, I just made 100 million today." Lin Mo waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Zhang Lingyu couldn't help but glance at Ling Chi, you two can definitely be good brothers, you can't speak without thinking.

The 100 million was swiped out of her hands.

"Then we'll be the big ones today."

The only people eating with Lin Mo were Zhang Lingyu and the people from Lingchi's team.

As for the garrison troops who had just helped, they had already withdrawn.

Lin Mo also wanted to ask them to come back, but Zhang Lingyu persuaded him to stop.

"They will definitely not come. The garrison has strict discipline and will not appear on such an occasion."


In the next two days, Lin Mo strengthened all the equipment brought by Zhang Lingyu and handed it over to Zhang Lingyu.

That night Zhang Lingyu took these things to Kyoto.

Although there are gates all over the area, the traffic has not been greatly affected. It is just a matter of changing the route and you can continue to use it.

Since Lin Mo moved here, business has improved a lot.

More than 10 customers have come to our door in two days.

This was much better than his old place. Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, he still had to spend money to find a good place.

Friday is the last day of the week for Lin Mo. Tomorrow he plans to go to the Domain Gate again.

Lin Mo's level has been improved in the past few days, and his points have also increased a lot, which makes Lin Mo feel itchy.

Every time, it increased by 1 experience by 1 experience, which made Lin Mo upset.

From time to time, 2 experience and 10 experience popped up, and Lin Mo suspected that it was Zhan Hongying and the others who did it.

In other words, after strengthening beyond 10, he can gain 2% experience and 10% points.

He couldn't help but think about whether he should give others more equipment that strengthened 16 or 21, maybe it could increase it by 3% or 4%.

In Lin Mo's opinion, the calculation of the system should be 1% for strengthening within 10 points, and 1% for every 5 points thereafter.

Points should be the same way.

At this time, he couldn't help but turn his attention to Ling Chi. The weapon in his hand was enhanced by 20, which should be 3%.

Will try it tomorrow.

Ding bell~

"Boss, I'm bringing someone here." Zhan Hongying walked in with a smile on her face.

They couldn't help but be unhappy, relying on Lin Mo's enhanced weapons and equipment, they were making a lot of money.

You must know that some claws, teeth, fur and the like on monsters can be sold at a good price.

They even entered the disaster-level gate and dug a lot of ore, which was sold for a small hundred thousand yuan.

This was something they didn't dare to think about before.

Rank Four is indeed very strong. It is easy to kill F-level and E-level monsters, but there are a lot of monsters in the domain gate.

Entering it, the important thing is not to kill the monsters, but to resist the erosion of the evil energy.

The only way is to keep the monsters away and to increase the level of the mind's eye.

Their current mind eye enhancement levels are all +10, which greatly improves safety.

Lin Mo was pulled back from his thoughts: "Hey, you are here."

In addition to the four people Zhan Hongying at the door, there were 10 people following behind them. They should be two teams.

"Well, they are a team that is familiar with us, and they want to ask you to strengthen the equipment, but they want to ask if you can strengthen it a little higher."

The people from the two teams behind were greedy when they saw Zhan Hongying's weapon.

Everyone wants to strengthen it to 15, after all, 15 is already the highest equipment.

However, after listening to Zhan Hongying's explanation of the process, one of them thought that maybe this boss was unusual.

So I came up with this sentence with the idea of ​​catching a rabbit in the grass.

"No problem, strengthen it as much as you want."

Anyway, now that there is a country as a backer, Lin Mo doesn't care even if it is strengthened to 20.

The 14 people were shocked. The shop owner was so confident that he directly asked how much it would be strengthened.

It's not about how high you can strengthen yourself.


He shouldn't be able to strengthen even 16 and 17.

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