Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 1

The two of them collided!

Su Yue suddenly woke up from a nightmare. It seemed that there was a thick and continuous black cloud in this nightmare, and a large number of iron hooves and iron cavalry charged at him alone.

A large number of red streamers floated in front of Su Yue.

One by one, the black catfish hiding in the mud turned into red in the black and white world and attacked the torrent of steel knights in front of them!

The two collided with each other!

The picture was comparable to the 3D film and television effects of the top Hollywood special effects blockbusters he had seen in his previous life. One word, dazzling, two words, shocking!

Su Yue suddenly woke up?

"No... This is not a dream! It's a real experience."

He felt his hands and feet trembling, especially his forehead dripping with cold sweat.

"It's real... Everything is real."

"A world called "Turin" is about to break out around the world like a plague. Everyone can enter this game in their dreams and become a battle lord, fighting for themselves and their own territory."

Su Yue coughed violently twice, looking at the surrounding environment. In the dilapidated rental house, there were extinguished mosquito coils and cigarette ashes.

Others traveled back after a year or two, and encountered betrayal by their wives, relatives and friends.

Swear revenge.

But he is different. He discovered a secret of the "Turin" world.

I don't know if this secret has been restored by the "Turin World"?

If this secret has been restored by the Turin World, then he will probably regret it!

"This is a shocking opportunity, which is related to the strength of everyone's job transfer lord. Once I get this secret, I will have the opportunity to become the strongest lord in the Turin world... At least the potential should be the strongest among everyone."

As we all know, the Turin world is a game of lord development.

As a lord, you naturally have subordinates.

There are heroes and arms under your command, and they fight together through command and strategy, but if Su Yue can intercept the god-level lord profession?

Wouldn't it be superior to others in the first step?


In the city of Dulin on the blue star, white raindrops floating in the sky, hazily hanging on the trees, formed pieces of thin and white slightly cold clouds.

In Class 6, many students were discussing:

"Did you have a nightmare last night? I suddenly dreamed of a shark in the ocean last night. The ocean was all around me. The shark showed a fin and chased me madly... It was so scary. I woke up in a cold sweat."

"Did you encounter it too? I dreamed yesterday that I turned into a cow, and there were thousands of minotaurs under my feet, fighting on the battlefield. They were as small as models, and I became huge. Suddenly, a red lightsaber fell, and then I woke up in pain."

"My goodness, you all had a nightmare? My parents also had a nightmare. They didn't even make breakfast for me in the morning."

The students were all surprised. They were all having nightmares?

"And don't you feel strange? It has been raining for more than ten days in Dulin City. It's so gloomy."

"I don't know if it's gloomy or not. Yesterday I dreamed that I was riding a horse and commanding the troops to kill people!~"

The news in the classroom was like scraps of paper, drifting in the wind, beaten by the rain, and sent to the trash can along the wet broom of the cleaning lady.

In the streets and alleys along the way, white-collar workers were discussing on CB, and many of them were holding coffee: "You had a nightmare?"

"Do you know that there is a theory in psychology called 'collective unconscious'?"

"What does collective unconscious mean?"

"Baidu yourself!"

The collective unconscious refers to the collective experience and spiritual sedimentation at the bottom of the soul formed by human ancestors in the process of countless years of evolution, which is manifested as the commonality of human beings.

The white-collar workers are all highly educated, and many of them have taken psychology as electives.

So when they found that everyone around them was having nightmares, they naturally mentioned this term.

The scraps of paper followed the cleaning lady's garbage truck past the tall buildings in the CBD and into the alley.

"Have you heard? Many people had nightmares yesterday."

"I dreamed that I was standing and was suddenly pulled away by the hand of a skeleton underground. I was so anxious that my pants fell off... The skeleton hand pulled me deeper and deeper."

"Have you read "The Interpretation of Dreams"? It is said that all dreams seem to have meaning and will eventually come out of it.

The subconscious is involved in reality and manifests itself.

An unemployed vagrant who was eating breakfast, with his collar open, leaned against the wall crookedly, and spitted: "What this and that, I'll go to the arcade to play dinosaurs today."

"You're right, I dreamed of hundreds of crows flying over my head yesterday... I was stunned at the time, and the next second, I was surrounded by the crows, pecking me..."

The cleaning lady continued to sweep the wet road, sweeping a plastic milk can into the dustpan along the way.

The scraps of paper continued to float and were ravaged.

In the garbage treatment plant.

Several people wearing sanitation workers' uniforms were also discussing the arrival of the nightmare.

"And this rain, it's really endless, hurry up and send this batch of garbage to the incineration plant, don't let that old woman complain again."

"Who said it wasn't, the garbage on this rainy day has become sour. ”

“Municipal services are not easy to do…”

The cleaning lady sent the garbage to the garbage truck, and the scraps of paper followed the garbage truck to the incinerator in the hazy rain. Vehicles along the way turned on their searchlights in the rain, and many vehicles had their windshield wipers turned on.

The half-moon-shaped wipers brushed the rain back and forth.

In a Nissan sedan, the woman in the passenger seat suddenly tilted her head and said, "I'm a little sleepy. Yesterday's nightmare was a bit scary... I need to sleep for a while."

The man in the driving seat smiled and said, "Okay, I'll call you when we get to work. ”

The woman hugged the seat belt tiredly, leaned against the window sill and fell asleep...

But when the garbage truck with bamboo and wooden brooms hanging on it drove past, the driver looked at the sight in front of him, and suddenly it turned into a stream of colorful colors...

"Wife, wake up, damn, look, it's suddenly bright in front..."


His wife was still sleeping, without any movement. The man's sight penetrated the windshield, and a large area of ​​strange glass color seemed to form a bright tornado-like cyclone; it was like a cluster of bright planets, attracting all forces to approach.

The man turned his head in horror and found that a strong wind suddenly blew in the rearview mirror. The wipers were struggling to turn back and forth under the storm. , he watched a pedestrian being attracted and pulled into the vortex by the dazzling colorful glass-colored vortex!

The world seemed to be collapsing, and the wind and rain-like airflow made the visibility around lower and lower, until the wheels of his Nissan Jetta car made a friction sound with the wet ground!

"No, the vehicle is out of control..."

The car, the cars on the road, the garbage trucks of the sanitation workers, and the surrounding forests, the fallen leaves of the trees blown up by the wind all converged towards the colorful vortex.

The woman who was sleeping soundly in the co-pilot seat suddenly saw a picture of a bright star in front of her.

"Welcome to the world of Turin, please walk to the other side in the rainstorm, and choose your new role on the other side."

The woman was shocked:

"What is going on? Am I too sleepy because of a nightmare? How come I suddenly... got here? "

She couldn't understand what was happening in front of her.

But everything was real. In front of the storm, there was a white passage leading to the other side. She was guided by something in the dark and walked forward step by step, and then she was swallowed by the majestic white light.

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