Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 106

The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Su Yue suddenly imagined a picture in his mind!

"Is this boy Huntington Frederick?!"

He paid attention to the boy in front of him.

The Lord's Log suddenly appeared with information: "Your "God-level Resurrectionist", the first advisor of the Parliament, Huntington Frederick William, has been resurrected!"

"The name has changed to William?!!"


Seeing the conflict intensifying, the man began to beat the woman in front of him, including his son Huntington Frederick. He held a long whip, pulled Frederick's hair, punched and kicked him, and said:

"You all deserve to be punished!"

Su Yue knocked on the door and walked into the house, and the door opened calmly!

"Lord... Lord?!!"

"Greetings, Lord Baron!"

At this time, Su Yue suddenly felt a strange light of cyan, gray, silver, white and many other strange colors mixed together across the sky! !

He didn't know what happened, but his brain was dizzy! !

He said, "Do you have tea?"

"Yes... Yes!!"

Huntington William's father was lame, and a genetic disease caused him to have ugly scars on his arms and ankles as if he had leprosy. The blonde woman next to him, as his mother, showed a trace of hesitation and tension in her eyes the moment she saw Su Yue, as well as the cautiousness and cowardice of "commoners to nobles" and "people to lords"!

Sister Wilhelmina looked at Su Yue curiously with her bright lake blue eyes, "Lord...your tea!"

"Thank you."

Su Yue's attention was not on them, but on the resurrected "God-level resurrectionist" Frederick II William.

He turned into a thin, malnourished, weak boy about 1.5 meters tall.

His face was strangely ruddy.

He had long hair and worn linen clothes, and he had a gloomy aura.

"Do you still... recognize me?"

The young Frederick shook his head, looking at Su Yue with a look of vigilance, confusion and uncertainty.

The room was filled with thick tobacco, gauze for bloodletting treatment piled up in the corner, and tattered wooden tables and porcelain cabinets. Su Yue said: "I need your children to do something for me, follow me to fight and manage the territory, this is money."

"Use it to send the children to school and treat your father's illness."

"Ah?! Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Su Yue took the young Frederick out of the room and said, "Do you really remember nothing?"

Frederick's eyes suddenly appeared with a patch of eye film, and he said: "Father... I don't want to be a major of those Potsdam Giant Grenadiers anymore!! I don't... I don't want to go court hunting with you anymore, I don't want to go to that dark and damp Wusterhausen with only dark forests!! I don't want to go, I don't want to go!"

Lord's log: "Huntington Frederick William triggers memory, you get: 6th-level Potsdam Grenadiers (Giant, special building, only) training camp blueprint x1!"


Su Yue was stunned... Shit!

"One level higher than the Rick Empire Guards!? Counting Jin Xiuer, it's level seven!!!!"


Su Yue immediately felt that it was all worth it. Apart from anything else, the first blueprint that dropped after Frederick's resurrection was enough for many players to work hard for a year or two, but they might not be able to get it!

Su Yue felt a little guilty about the young man who turned into the old king after his resurrection, but there was no way, interests came first!

"Do you still remember how your father got along with you? Are there any more memories?"

The young man Huntington Frederick William trembled:

"No... I don't want to go to Wusterhausen! I want... I want to take a bath with Uncle George, I want to be with the mistress he gave me... I want to sleep with the Count of Ozerhuska!"


The thin young man, holding Su Yue's hand, said in horror: "I hate the dark and humid environment, I like France, I want to speak the French language, I want to date the romantic ladies of France!!"

"Damn it!!"

Su Yue noticed that his pupils were in chaos, as if half of them were swallowed up by ancient and long-lasting memories... At this moment, Su Yue actually had a lot of feelings that were connected with him? !

Lord's Log: "The host learned of the resurrection

The secret of the magic, the spiral yellow seal is copying the opponent's soul structure, current progress: 10%! (When the progress reaches 100%, the host can obtain the ability to resurrect!)"

"What! ? !"

Lord's log: "Huntington Frederick William triggers the memory, you get: French champagne wine x1400 boxes!"


Lord's log: "Huntington Frederick William triggers the memory, you get: Pru Empire luxury furniture x7 sets, you get Imperial Mark silver coins x20,000."

Lord's log: "Huntington Frederick William triggers the memory, you get: 5th-level Hohenzollern Dynasty moat construction blueprint x1!"

"Awesome! ! ! ! ! ! "

Su Yue saw that something was exploding again. He suddenly realized that Frederick II in front of him would probably continue to explode things as his memory recovered after the restoration of the country! !

Isn't this too cool?

He looked shocked.

The point is that Su Yue didn't know why the Spiral Yellow Seal of the Cthulhu God System was always hot. It seemed that there was a vortex-like figure that attracted his attention.

Especially when Frederick William II was talking about women.

Su Yue's Spiral Yellow Seal kept beating once or twice like a heart.

This made Su Yue feel extremely weird and curious!

And through the subtle perception of the Spiral Yellow Seal, he vaguely felt that the world seemed to have undergone subtle changes.

"I don't know if I have changed... or if there have been subtle changes in the Turin world? People's joys are not the same... Maybe I have changed in some way? "

Su Yue obtained two "special" architectural drawings.

At this moment, he was in a state of jubilation. Su Yue also had a moat. It all depended on when Jin Xiuer would build it for him. Moreover, during the day today, Su Yue found that the number of farmers in the territory had almost broken through from 12,000 to 22,000+.

On the one hand, Su Yue's territory had built an 8th-level dragon fleet port and Joanna's attraction bonus, and on the other hand, it was also related to Frederick's attraction to refugees.

The third aspect was the outbreak of the Empire's Eastern Movement, and Su Yue defeated Weber Yang Dragimir, which caused the refugee clustering effect; as for the fourth aspect, it was naturally Abel. The guidance and seduction of the Lahan devil cultists!

Otherwise, let alone seeing 10,000+ refugees a day, 500 would be enough!

And once the territory's military force is not supported by the terrible Canaan troops like Su Yue, the refugees will instantly turn into looting thugs, snatching all the food they can see - hunger will cause them to do so... So Zhou Zhuo and others were shocked by the acceptance of so many refugees! !

"These are two special building drawings, 5th-level Hohenzollern Dynasty moat construction drawings x1, 6th-level Potsdam Grenadiers (Giant, special building, only) training camp drawings x1..."

"I wonder if I can master the secret of Frederick's resurrection?!"

Frederick went from an old man.

to a teenager!

He said: "I want to cut my hair, I want to cut my hair, I want to piss off my father to death!!"


Lord's log: "Huntington Frederick William triggers memory, you get: gold coins x7777. ”

“My court teacher, Madame de Lucour, is teaching me Spanish!! Why should I learn this language? I don’t want to learn the language of the Holy See, it’s difficult for me!”

“Military uniforms are my father’s shroud. I hate anything military-related. Compared to these, I prefer women, wine, gorgeous clothes and poetry!!”

“Everything about my father is wrong!”

“His smoking room and drinking room are my nightmares and absolute childhood shadows!!”

Lord’s Log: “Huntington Frederick William triggers memory, you get: third-level special building, drinking room, smoking room construction drawings!”

Lord’s Log: “Huntington Frederick William triggers memory, you get: “Imperial Sergeant’s Manual”, after reading, intelligence and strength +1.”

“Good stuff!!”

Su Yue’s eyes lit up! This is equivalent to two free attribute points!

“Can he still explode this thing? "

The young man held Su Yue's hand and trembled, "I... I can't be frugal anymore, I want to live a rich life like King George! ! I want a lot of mistresses, I want to go to the opera, not enjoy the humid rainy season and dirty, moldy clothes; I want a luxurious palace... I need elegant women, I also need... I need more lovers! ! "

"I need war, I need soldiers, I need subordinates! ! I need to flee to the enemy country! ! "Su Yue looked at the

The boy suddenly grew up to look like he was nearly three years old!

Height increased from 1.52 meters to 1.7 meters? !

Lord's log: "Your subordinate "God-level Resurrectionist" Huntington Frederick" has completed the resurrection ceremony! The host has learned the secret of the resurrection technique, and the soul structure of the spiral yellow seal memory, progress: 30%. "

A blond and handsome young emperor stood beside Su Yue!!

"Huntington Frederick William II, meet the Lord."

The young man was shirtless and knelt on one knee! His face was a little childish, his hair was white curly, and his eyes were full of ignorance and the calmness unique to young people.

His clothes were also torn.

He knelt down to Su Yue with a respectful and cautious expression.

Su Yue smiled and said, "Get up!"

At this time, Europa led the cavalry and came over: "My lord, the troops have been assembled! ! "

Su Yue smiled and said, "Frederick..."


He drew a long sword from the waist of a fourth-level imperial cavalryman and said, "Are you ready for a new war?"

He touched his chest with one hand, "For your great cause, I am always ready."


So far, the old king died and the new king was born!! The 5,000+ soldiers of the Canaan Territory were mobilized, and the terrifying black army like a long dragon shook the farmers and peasants in the surrounding buildings, the farmers in the farms, outside the pastures, and the forest logging, as well as the Innsmouth people operating in the port, all felt the tremors and turbulence of the earth!!

"Li! "

Griffins and more than a dozen surrendered fourth-order Pegasus and fifth-order great griffins in the sky passed through the blue sky... The Dwarf Empire learned about Su Yue's dispatch of troops at the first time! !

Immediately reported the news to the dwarf troops of the Jinzun tribe!

Joanna came out of her bedroom after hearing the news:

"Baron Su Yue, what are you going to do?"

Su Yue kissed her charming long hair, ignoring the shocked eyes of other nobles, and said: "Of course, we will start a war against the Dwarf Northern Fortress!"

Oswald, Sir Mosley roared angrily: "You are the lord of the Batto Empire. Now you don't think about how to recover the empire's territory and lost land, and don't think about how to attack other heretic shepherds in the Earldom of "Kaffelwit"! ! What do you mean? ! ! "

Another viscount also said angrily: "Indeed, you are going to mobilize troops against the dwarves now, why don't you help Lady Joanna recover the lost land? ! "

This is undoubtedly a criticism and questioning of Su Yue's actions from the perspective of the attitude of the upper nobles! But will Su Yue pay attention to them?

Joanna looked at Su Yue gently.

Su Yue said: "They misunderstood me, do you too?"

Joanna said: "Shut up! ! ! "

"Lord Earl! ! ! "

"Baron Su Yue's will represents my will! He must have his reasons for attacking the Dwarf Empire... Maybe now is the best time to fight... You guys who don't understand fighting are questioning a victorious white horse general? ! ”

“Lord Joanna…you…”

Even his cousin Eli was stunned. In the eyes of the nobles of Barto, Su Yue should capture the lost territory of the empire and help them conquer the Earldom of “Kafirwit”. This is the right way…but what is this lord doing?

He is mobilizing 5,000+ troops and forces to attack the dwarf fortress in the north?

Batto’s foreign policy is trying every means to appease and win over the dwarves. High elves, you Canaan are actually going to take the initiative to attack the dwarves in the northern fortress?

Eli said respectfully: “Lord Su Yue, I know your plan must have its deep meaning…but the dwarf fortress is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the high mountains themselves are a natural moat…you, I’m afraid you will return empty-handed! "

Su Yue ignored Eli. He only needed to explain to Joanna. He didn't need to pay attention to other imperial nobles. Moreover, with the "Declaration of Restoration of the Nibelung Empire, "Dragon Slayer" Huntington Frederick"... he now had a complete retreat and faced the Batto Empire and the Holy See head-on.

He didn't even care about the Holy See.

Will these nobles' chatter affect him? Are you kidding!

Gregory said respectfully: "The dwarf scouts have reported intelligence to the back."

"Well, prepare to launch an attack! !"

"It doesn't matter if we fail! It won't hurt the strength of our territory!"

Su Yue's troops are not too few, but too many! Warmongering is not a good thing. Even if he can't capture the dwarf's northern fortress, his ability to fight to support the war will definitely benefit him a lot; at the same time, Su Yue is also actively reducing his own troops! !

To achieve a balance of income and expenditure on the fifth day! !

His military expenditure is too high!

"And once

The plan to capture the northern fortress succeeded, and my new round of goals can be launched! ! "Su Yue's eyes were extremely bright... William stood beside him, looking at the nightmare below on Sleipnir's five-hoofed white horse, burning with a faint black flame! His expression was horrified!

"Nightmare? ! ! "

"He rides a nightmare! ! ! ? "

The nobles of the empire were terrified, and nightmares were rumored to be a type of soldiers in the hell series!

Su Yue's white horse?

Why is there a big fire burning under his feet! !

Devil, this person is a devil heretic from the devil's abyss!

Su Yue said: "Let's go! ! !"

"All troops, let's go! ! ! "

The large army of the Canaan territory began to crawl along the 16-mile defense line of the dwarf northern fortress and launched an upward attack on the castle and high mountains of the northern fortress!

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