Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 120

The enemy was defeated.

Lord's log: "Zounds (large numbers): 500-999, high elf enemy fleet found on the Balayamakhan beach."

"Throng (large group): 100-249, wood elf fleet found on the Balayamakhan beach."

"Horde (many): 50-99, Batto Empire fleet found on the Balayamakhan beach."

Sphinx Medea said respectfully:

"My lord, this group of high elf fleets are chasing the small-scale human fleets, and the wood elf fleets are also helping."

Su Yue noticed that two red dots representing the enemy appeared on the map of the Mist Battle?

He asked, "So these high elves are not coming for us?"

Sphinx Medea, the 6th-level general, looked serious, indifferent, and somewhat attentive. His indifference came from the dark elves' natural cruelty, bloodthirstiness, and bloodlust, while his attentiveness came from his "Cthulhu" hero identity and his worship of the Old Ones. The two attitudes formed a sense of contradiction:

"They are coming for us."

Su Yue: "You mean, they are chasing the merchant ships of the Batto Empire as an excuse to test us? In this way, no matter what we do, they can find an excuse to reasonably invade our coastal areas?"


It has to be admitted that the high elves found a good excuse to invade other people's territories.

Three mast ships, with 5th-level imperial artillery and a large number of Innsmouth people (2nd level) boarded the ship. They went up the ship's gangway and boarded the deck. Many Innsmouth people carried huge oak barrels, boxes, and artillery ammunition. 4 Dark Elf Alpke Ships (Level 5) and 12 Small Charge Fast Ships (Level 2) were also loaded with Su Yue's Dark Elf Slave Troops x218, Level 3 Innsmouth Dread Spearhands x335, Level 4 Innsmouth Dark Elf Wizards x162, and Level 5 Innsmouth Dark Ark Pirates x86.

The special commander of this battle, Level 6 Dark Elf General, Sphinx Medea, had a unique eye cataract of Cthulhu creatures in his eyes, and he said:

"My lord, our Cthulhu troops have been assembled. But currently the ship can only carry 500+ Cthulhu Mythos troops."

Su Yue said with a smile: "Others go into the water."

Behind the Devil's Reef, in the huge Level 8 Dragon Port, countless Innsmouth people fell into the water. They are marine creatures themselves. If you insist on making a comparison, you can compare them to "fish people".

But whether they are "fishmen" or "frogmen", their common feature is that they are very good at swimming.

As believers of "Dagon", the old ruler of the deep sea of ​​Cthulhu.

The people of Innsmouth have made a living by fishing for generations.

"The river on the mudflat is not turbulent... It's really possible?" Su Yue was extremely shocked. You know, normal naval battles require ships to carry troops.

Otherwise, you can only build defenses on the shore. For defenses on the shore, only long-range crossbowmen, gunners and flying troops can participate in the battle. But Cthulhu's special forces can actually participate in the battle directly and swim directly? Can you bear this? ?

Lord's log: "Your 500+ Cthulhu troops entered the water."

"... Awesome, of course you can only swim for short-distance combat; if it's too far, the mobility of swimming will definitely be very slow, right?"

Su Yue guessed, but the next scene almost scared him to death.



"How can they move so fast in the water?"

Hearing Su Yue's question, Sphinx Medea knelt on one knee respectfully at the port of Balayamakan Tidal Flats and said, "Sir, your pathfinding should have worked."

"? Is this the effect of my pathfinding?"

Su Yue looked at the Cthulhu troops in the ocean in shock. They were like bonito migrating, drawing gray and white wavy lines on the surface of the ocean... The wavy lines of more than 500 people were like more than 500 people participating in a triathlon swimming competition, but the speed was too fast.

It was so fast that Su Yue felt a little bit weird.

"They are faster than the boat?"

Su Yue looked at the four dark elf Alpko big ship (level 5) not far away in shock. This level 5 big ship was a gift from Ide Ya to him, but the speed seemed a bit cumbersome, probably less than ten knots.

But Cthulhu's naked swimming troops...are much faster than this ship...

Soon, it cut through the waves in the water and swam towards the distance. The scene looked like a large group of sharks lurking in the sea.



Su Yue sighed inexplicably... He has such a marine force? Who will be his opponent in the future? I don't need a boat to play with you at all? What? Supplies? Ammunition, just tell me how fast I swim. If you need supplies, go to the coast... It's definitely not okay to play in the sea like this, it's too isolated and helpless, these Cthulhu soldiers also need food and drink. Evil gods also need faith.

"Foreign God Lord: The combat power of your Cthulhu gods soldiers +40%."

Su Yue sensed that this special effect of his had lit up.

He was not sure whether this combat power affected their speed in the sea? If it has an impact, plus the attack speed of Europa, the parliamentary general, and Su Yue's own "Pathfinding: Reduce the impact of terrain on mobility by 15%."

He will get an iron-like "evil iron army (adjective)" on the sea.

Su Yue murmured: "Come on, my darlings, I'll show you a big treasure." At this moment, with Europa, the beautiful woman, beside him, Su Yue felt a little drunk and wanted to drink a glass of red wine.

"You're in a good mood."


Dark clouds and drizzling rain, on a merchant ship in the city of Qiwell in the Batto Empire, two merchants looked out of the ship in horror at the scene of wind and waves:

"What should we do? The fleet of the high elves is approaching soon. Their sharp ships may overturn us in an instant!!"


"I don't want to die."

A sharp elf ship rushed over.

——Boom! !

A huge wave surged on the right side of the merchant ship of the Batto Empire, splashing white waves, and the sound of falling into the water came, which was a sign of human escape.


A human, with arms like tiny ants, swam in the sea, "shoot..." The cold command came from the commander of the sharp high elf fleet.

It is hard to imagine how he could say such ruthless words from his cold mouth.

The third-level Rossewei Sea Guard of the High Elf Force raised his longbow.

Aim at the "black spots" in the ocean.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh."

A human sailor, merchant crew, and nobles of Qiwell were like dumplings, suffering from the erosion and torment of the waves in the boiling pot of the sea. Magnum has been very good at swimming since he was a child. He dived into the sea. A large number of sharks and unknown carnivorous fish quickly shuttled through the seabed, biting their flesh and blood.

Corpses, pieces of meat, blood and flesh were splashed out, and the thin blood mist diluted by the sea water presented a hellish scene above him. Magnum watched the sharp arrows that pierced the sea surface like seals falling into the water, forming white lines... Those lines were the arrows shot by the high elf archers, sentinels, and Rosever Sea Guards...


Bubbles drilled out of his lungs, and he watched a young man's chest being pierced by a sharp arrow... The high elves' long sword arrows were sharper and longer than ordinary Bator human arrows... So the range was longer, even if it was shot from a high altitude to the bottom of the sea, it still had extremely terrifying power.

"Hide... I must hide..."

He didn't know how long he could hold his breath. A large number of human races who jumped into the sea from the merchant ships were forced by the high elves to not even stay on the surface of the sea water... Not to mention surfacing to take a breath. Magnum looked at a caravan guard who was obviously unable to hold his breath, and a bubble appeared in front of his eyes, and swam upwards.

He shook his head at him.

He pointed at his chest and beat it twice, meaning that he couldn't hold it any longer...


His body was shot into a hedgehog just after it emerged from the sea.

The arrows of the high elves seemed to be endless.

Magnan saw with his own eyes that the guard of the Qiweil Fishing Chamber of Commerce was shot to death by stray arrows before he even got close to the sea surface... The scene of the body floating out of the water and being shot into a hedgehog as a threat made him feel terrified.

"Such a high-elf army? Who can be the opponent?"

The Earldom of "Kafirwit" has always been clamped by the high elves at the seaport. Every time it goes out to sea, it has to pay a high sea tax to the high elves. Even so, countless ocean merchants die every year... "Humans may never be able to stand up in this life."

"The ocean is the territory of the high elves and dark elves pirates..."


On the deck above the sea, the head of a merchant was cut off by the soldiers of the high elves in the boarding battle

The spotless high elf 2nd level soldier Maseran spearman pierced the chest of the Batto people.

A Qiwell merchant, wailing in fear, covered his bleeding right ear and staggered away, but before he could escape from the deck, a spear had nailed him to the mast. The high elf archers were all farsighted psychopaths. "Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" another batch of arrows rained down from nearly 30+ high elf sailing ships, like an endless stream of arrow engines, treating the merchants on the Batto merchant ships as prey and shooting them into hedgehogs.

The huge inertia of dozens of crossbows hit.

The massacre is unfolding.

"Swoosh, swoosh..."

The whistling sound of breaking through the air continued to come, and the shooting distance of the high elves was the longest in the entire continent. Although the shooting was in an arc, the accuracy was extremely terrible.

At this moment, on the remaining Batuo merchant ship, another group of merchants said:

"Request support from Lord Canaan, Baron Su Yue... We are the merchant ship of Qiwell City."

"Quick, speed up, quick, speed up, faster, three more friendly ships were attacked; we need urgent support. We need emergency medical treatment. Half of the people on the ship were injured."

"The flag bearer was shot dead."

"Change... change people, let the first mate go up..."

"The first mate said... he said he would rather die than go on the deck."

"The enemy is coming!!"

"Plop... plop... ah!" The sound of sniping the neck and screaming continued from the cabin and the plywood.

In order to avoid being massacred by the high elves, many human merchants were forced to choose to jump into the sea - now abandoning the ship and jumping into the sea still has a way to survive, once caught by the high elves, there is only one way to die.


The dark clouds flashed with signs of thunder, and the water waves were dark and opaque.

The high elves' troops were exquisite, and the wind was blowing their flags.

Lord Tyrone Jorri, with a serious expression, long ears and a tall body, always regarded himself as an elite noble of the high elves.

He just felt that this mudflat was very strange. The huge dragon-like port building seemed to be directly inserted into the dragon head of the sky. It was not so scary as to bring them great mental oppression.

"Lord Tyrone Jorra, the Balayamakan mudflat in Canaan is ahead... That building is a bit scary..." He was referring to the 8th-level Cthulhu dragon fleet port in the Canaan territory.

"I saw it."

The elf adjutant said: "Their marine forces, four dark elf Alpke building ships, a three-layered sculling bottom mast ship, and miscellaneous ships are all coming. Should we implement tactics? Avoid or defeat them head-on?"

Tyrone Jorge said: "How many people are there?"

"12 small assault ships, 4 dark elf fifth-level building ships, the enemy dark elf troops are about 500 people..."

"What about us?"

The high elf adjutant standing on the deck has the iconic long ears. Their helmets are specially made. Human steel helmets often do not have such a place and slot reserved for long ears.

"We high elves have always been known for our elites. We are sure to win against the opponent..." The high elf adjutant said with high morale.

Tyrone Jorge and the high elves hate seeing the dark elves' troops at sea. Now the weather is gloomy, the dark environment, the sea water and the reefs, and the huge buildings in the Canaan Territory that stand like a dragon make them feel a sense of destruction and killing.

As if they might be retaliated if they don't do this.

The sense of threat brings killing.

Brings destruction and attack.

"The Canaan Territory has become a trouble. Let's destroy their ports and troops..." Tyrone Jorge looked seriously at the navy of the Canaan Territory in the distance.

"A group of despicable dark elf pirate troops of various brands."

"The rumored Canaan lord is terrifyingly powerful, his troops are not defeated, and his morale is high... Is there enough time to train troops in a naval battle?"

Tyrone Jorge raised his head with high spirits. Countless troops of the Elf Kingdom, which emerged in the dark and golden light, lined up neatly, showing the aura of an elite army.

"All troops charge!! Launch a sea attack on the Canaan territory of Balayamakan."

All the elven ships immediately changed course, and the water waves spread out a white smoke-like scene, which seemed to correspond and refer to the Canaan territory covered with thick black clouds in the distance with the golden setting sun light in the sky.

The troops of the Krado High Elf Kingdom, led by the commander Tyrone Jorge, consisted of 342 third-level Heirs of Maslan Heavy Guards, 332 third-level Tal Archers, 252 fourth-level High Elf Tide Riders, and 67 fifth-level High Elf Swordmasters. They also had some high elves

200 second-level high elf rangers, engaged in logistics and crew work.

"Defeat them!"

Tyrone Jorge shouted excitedly, and the moment the dark fleet of the Canaan dark elves 500+ in the distance approached the range, a round of shooting began.

"It's the dark elf's fearful spear throwers..."


A high elf soldier standing on the deck next to Tyrone Jorge was directly driven by the huge inertia of the spear and hit the cabin in the distance.


In an instant, Tyrone Jorge saw at least 30 high elves on the ship fall down. They clearly didn't need him to give orders to raise their shields, but they were still pierced by the inertia of the terrifying spear throwers?

"This range is wrong!!!"

The adjutant said in horror: "It's the power of the fourth-level soldiers!!! But the spears are the spears of the second-level fear hairy hands... How come their range suddenly increased by nearly 200 meters."

The range of spear throwing is much shorter than the range of archery... Unless their soldiers are strong enough and their strength is high enough, Tyrone Jorge and the adjutant obviously realized that something was wrong... The range of their archers is 450 meters, but the opponent's spear throwers should have a range of only 200 to 240 meters. How could they shoot them? ?

"Swish, swish, swish..."

A whistling sound came, and Tyrone Jorge cut off the spear thrown by the fear hairy hand with a sword.

"What... what is that?"

The adjutant looked at the distance in shock, and waves like the dorsal fins of swordfish appeared on the distant sea, as if there were enemy troops lurking in the water, but their speed was too fast.

"There are also enemies in the water!!!"

Tyrone Jorge realized this immediately and ordered to shoot into the water.

The war of death showed its cruelty once it started.

A fourth-level dark elf wizard of Cthulhu, with arrows all over his body, fell in the ocean, with black dark elf blood flowing all over his body.

The blood of Cthulhu continued to flow in the ocean.

The biggest difference between Su Yue's troops and the main force was that he did not have time to replace all the armor. Only one-third of the troops were equipped with armor.

The preparation, spears, and ammunition were not enough.

"They are too fast!!"

The adjutant looked at the shadows of the dark elves swimming in the water in shock...

"No, they are not dark elves, they seem to be... they seem to be corrupted by the evil god!"


"Their rank is abnormal!"

The 5th-level Innsmouth Dark Ark Pirates climbed onto the high elf ship like vines, raised their shields, and arrows from the high elves shot at them, making a crisp sound of ding-dong-dong, but were blocked by the fish-scale-like skin and embedded in the outer layer of the skin, or did not break through the defense at all? ? ?

"This... this kind of defense?"

The high elf's Heir of Matheran looked at the scene in horror.

"At first I thought that only 500+ soldiers could participate in the battle, and my 5,000 troops dared to raid the northern fortress. You have the same number of troops as me, and dare to confront me head-on?"

Su Yue stood on the dark elf Alpko building ship, with a hint of coldness on his face.

Lord's log: "Your power of the Old Ones, the characteristic of the Fear of the Spiral, explodes, the enemy's morale -7, and the Fear of the Spiral causes the enemy to have negative states such as madness and mania."

--Lord of the Outer Gods: The combat effectiveness of your Cthulhu soldiers is +40%.

The Cthulhu Dark Elf Army, which already has a numerical value higher than that of normal troops, is even more exaggerated under his influence.

The Dark Elves are traitors of the High Elves.

The blood flowing in the bodies of the two is the same, and their ancestors are the same, but the Dark Elves have been promoted to Cthulhu monsters, which is one level of improvement; Su Yue's "Lord of the Outer God +40%" improvement is the second level of improvement.

The 3rd level Terror Spearman, with a strength close to that of the 5th level troops, has a range that has skyrocketed by 200 meters, resulting in a direct crushing of the battle situation.

Tyrone Jorge watched the Dark Elf troops climbing onto the deck of the battleship like countless ocean vines.

Roaring: "Attack!!!"



Once in contact, the battle entered a white-hot stage, and the ships of both sides were approaching each other.

Magnum, a sailor from the Qiweier Territory who was supposed to be lurking in the water, looked at the large number of corpses floating on the sea, and saw no white lines of arrows. He carefully covered his chest and floated to the surface of the water when he felt his eyes were about to go black.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

The strong smell of blood and the salty taste of sea water

, constantly irritating his nasal cavity, he choked on two mouthfuls of water and coughed loudly twice. Magnum was a sailor with excellent swimming skills, but at this moment, as soon as he showed his head, he saw the group of extremely powerful, even desperate high elves' pointy-eared bastards.


Actually collided with more than a dozen extremely dark warships? ?

On the deck...


"How... How is this possible???"

Magnum swore that he would never forget the horrific scene in front of him in his life... A large number of dark elf troops boarded the decks and ships of the high elves... And, the high elf troops that he had previously regarded as invincible actually collapsed under the attack? ?

"Canaan's naval forces???"

Before he went out to sea, he had been trained in marine vexillology, so he naturally recognized that the large flag with a black background and red patterns was the battle flag of the Canaan Barony...

"Something is wrong... How could there be dark elf soldiers as troops in the human territory of our Batto Empire?"

"They actually suppressed the high elves?"

"The high... the high elves began to collapse???"

Just like the scene of them falling into the water like dumplings, a large number of high elf corpses were defeated by the dark dark elf guards and thrown into the water... Unlike them who took the initiative to enter the water for refuge, most of the high elf soldiers were killed and then fell into the sea.

Magnum looked at a high elf pointed ship not far away in shock.

A high elf with a broken arm and a severed shoulder with a severed abdomen shot an arrow at him the moment he noticed him.

"Oh no..."

Magnum was just about to hide in the sea to avoid the high elf's sharp edge, but from the sky... a spear was thrown down... The high elf in the sea was immediately pierced through the brain and died in front of him.

"Canaan? The Lord of Canaan?"

"This... this is too strong, the strength of this army????"

"Did the dark elf troops actually surrender to him?"

Seeing the previously arrogant high elf troops defeated and killed, Magnum couldn't help laughing in the sea: "Hahahaha..."

"You... you long-eared bastards have also suffered this day."



"Retreat, it's too late to retreat!!"

"Lord Tyrone, the Heir of Matheran's troops have been defeated!!!!"

"How could this happen??"

"Massacre, this is a one-sided massacre."

Tyrone Jorg pierced a 5th-level Innsmouth Dark Ark pirate's chest with a sword. The adjutant beside him had been killed, and his body fell under the severed flag.

The entire ship was in chaos. The strange pupils of the Innsmouth Dark Ark pirates showed a hint of the evil god of the K-series:

"High Elf Leader?"


The Dark Elves and the High Elves are sworn enemies... They are fighting each other with great jealousy at this moment!!

Tyrone Jorge did not need to consume so much physical strength to deal with the 5th-level Dark Elf troops, but he felt dizzy after killing three!

"This is not the strength of the 5th-level troops, this is the 6th-level..."


He also knew that he could see the enemy's high-level troops... which meant that all the troops in front had been killed or broken through...



His right arm was cut off by a dark elf leader who looked like a night owl, and the blood vessels and muscle tissue were exposed on the smooth wound.

Sphinx Medea held the sword elegantly, with dark pupils, like ink sprinkled on a lake.

Watching Tyrone Jorge's movements.

He slashed back with his long sword.

Sphinx Medea blocked the attack and said, "Such a vulnerable high elf army? What's the point of existence? How about surrender?"

Tyrone Jorge's physical strength has reached the bottom. His movements, which should have been extremely fast, have become sluggish and slow due to the reduction of physical strength. A large number of elf corpses, blood, and corpses formed a picture of collapse in his sight...

"Where is your leader?"

Tyrone Jorge staggered and asked the dark elf general in front of him.

Sphinx Medea: "You can't see Lord Su Yue."

Tyrone Jorge swung two swords in succession, and the long sword flew not far away and stabbed on the deck, blurring his vision.

Sphinx Medea walked past him calmly.

His head drooped and fell in the golden sunlight.

"If you don't surrender, you will die."


Lord Bertrand of the Wood Elves looked at the scene in shock?

"Tyrone Jorge

This strong man is actually dead? "

"The navy of Canaan destroyed a fleet of 1,000+ high elves? ? "

They were watching the battle from the beginning... No one thought that the high elves would be defeated.

"What kind of troops are Canaan's navy?"

"Too terrible!"

"What kind of troops are they? It is definitely not an ordinary dark elf army..." The ranks of the troops of the major races are fixed, and the organization has long been fixed, and they know each other, but the marine troops of the Canaan territory can actually defeat 1,000+ high elves?

The high elves are the overlords of the sea that blocked the human empire's ocean nearby??

The control of the sea has always been in their hands.

Although the wood elves are allies of the high elves.

But at this moment, they have no intention of intervening in this battle... They are all shocked by the strength of the terrifying navy of the Canaan territory.

What puzzles them is why Canaan's troops can raid the elves' troops in the water without borrowing ships??

Lord Bertrand of the Wood Elves: "Retreat. ”

“Retreat immediately…”


The 200+ Wood Elf troops, crowded into less than ten ships, immediately turned around and retreated to the distance…

On the Canaan territory, only one in ten merchant ships of the Batto Empire remained… On the damaged ships, many humans cried sadly for their dead family members, relatives, and friends…

Lord’s Log: “You won a brilliant victory, defeated Legions (countless): 1000+, obtained third-level armor x420, obtained fourth-level weapons x145, gold coins x42259…”

“You obtained Lord Experience x3400.”

Su Yue shook his head: “After all, it is a small-scale army, only 1000+ people, and it will be destroyed in minutes. I didn’t taste the true strength of my Cthulhu army at all, it can only be regarded as an appetizer. ”

The casualty ratio reached an astonishing 1:11. He killed nearly 700+ high elf troops before they were defeated. The number of deaths on his side did not exceed 70...

What an exaggerated data?

"There is no operation, all numerical values."

"I am a pure numerical freak now."

"The dark elves are elite in themselves, plus the mutation of Cthulhu, plus 40% of "Lord of the Outer Gods: The combat effectiveness of your Cthulhu pantheon soldiers +40%."

"It was too easy to win."

He looked at Sphinx Medea who was kneeling on one knee not far away.

Sphinx Medea said: "My lord, the wood elf fleet has escaped."

More than 300 high elf troops have surrendered to him.

Su Yue had no worries about accepting the elf troops. He was a lord famous for his "miscellaneous army". I don't mind being a little more unorthodox... At least it can dilute the concentration of "Dwarf Lord", which he can accept.

The 6th-level Cthulhu Dark Elf General, Sphinx Medea said:

"Lord, the merchant ships in the Qiweier Territory suffered heavy losses, and now there are no more than a hundred survivors. Do you want to save them?"

"Of course, salvage them and send a few representatives who can speak and have no missing limbs to talk to me."


In this way, Magnan and others in the Qiweier Territory entered the Canaan Territory and were saved and survived, otherwise they would all die at sea.

Su Yue's eyes were also on the high elf troops in the distance and the control of the sea.

"High elves..."

"Dare to invade my territory, this matter is not over yet."

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