Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 89

Zhou Zhuo's eyes widened with shock and fear. He couldn't believe what he saw - the steel torrent in the distance was like a fierce tornado, rushing towards the territory of Canaan's right wing with endless pressure and destructive power. This steel torrent seemed to be able to tear the darkness apart and blow the dust in the night everywhere. It was so fast that it streaked across the sky like lightning, leaving people no time to react. Every metal car body flashed with a cold light, exuding a suffocating sense of oppression. "It's the Empire's troop carrier!!"

"They're going to raid us!"


Cold sweat dripped down Zhou Zhuo's neck, "It's the Empire's fifth-tier heavy cavalry, and it seems to have cast an invisibility spell! Fear the spear throwers, throw the spears!"

The spears were thrown out, refracted by the cold steel, and only caused a few casualties.

Zhou Zhuo looked from the side, and the dark elf troops were inconspicuous in Canaan's "miscellaneous army formation", because after a series of wars, the soldiers in the Canaan territory had a very large number of second-tier and third-tier troops.


Another round of catapults' flames swept across the sky.

Zhou Zhuo breathed in the cold forest air at night, and felt that the miscellaneous troops around him were all emitting black power, like black pythons, spreading along the city wall.

"Boom! Boom!"

"The enemy's catapults are moving."

Zhou Zhuo looked clearly at the distance, where there were 400+ imperial cavalry troops, transporting those monsters made of steel and wood frames 800 meters outside the right wing...

Sun Zhao: "Can our 1400+ miscellaneous troops withstand such a terrifying right-wing imperial rebel army?"

Eris: "Stop talking nonsense, quickly prepare supplies and kerosene! We need lighting at night, are all the torches ready?"

Gu Yu's eyes showed a smile, she led the elf troops, standing on the city wall, and was extremely nervous! !

"The empire's troop transports have begun to lay eggs, their right wing has at least 3000+ troops, plus siege equipment and ladders are also approaching, what should we do?"

Gu Yu's question was also passed on to Su Yue by Ragnar.

Lord's log: "Legions (countless) found ahead: 3000+ Empire Eastern Expedition heretic rebel legions, including 225 Empire 4th-level cavalry, 520 Empire 4th-level Nuln Armored Legion, 522 Empire 2nd-level hunters, 422 Empire 2nd-level hunters..."

"This is a fucking Empire reorganized legion! It has ranged, defensive, and offensive capabilities."

Su Yue looked through the night, looking at the dark Empire reorganized left-wing troops. The ranged and melee troops were neatly divided, showing the commander's high tactical quality;

Even in the night battle, they did not waver at all.

They moved forward slowly and steadily.

This was in sharp contrast to the actions of the right wing. Ten Empire troop carriers and engineering equipment arrived quickly, while the left wing seemed a little tepid.

In the distance, Su Yue watched the black army formation divided into more than 20 tofu blocks spread out, which was almost larger than the area occupied by the city wall of their territory, and looked extremely oppressive.

"Right wing assault?"

In the dark night, Su Yue's sight was not affected by the power of the Cthulhu pantheon, "Boom!!"

He heard explosions and the sound of broken city walls!

The flames of the empire's long-range power swept across the sky, with a huge whistling sound and heat waves, and blew up the position 200 meters away from Su Yue. Su Yue ignored the flames burning beside him and said, "The left wing is full of slow infantry, which is probably a fraud."

"The catapults are all on the right wing."

If it were an ordinary commander and lord, at this time, all troops would have been mobilized to support the right road, but Su Yue did not.

"Most of my troops are imperial troops and other miscellaneous troops. There is a high probability that they will have no problem blocking the first round of charge."

"Don't rush to change the formation."


Ragnar immediately passed Su Yue's message to the entire army on the right wing, center, and left wing. This will take a certain amount of time. Even Su Yue's speed of transmission will become slower and slower as the number of soldiers increases in the future.

"Send Gregory to move around from the north and carry out a counter-raid plan. It doesn't need to succeed. After a test attack, turn around and withdraw immediately.

. "

Su Yue commanded calmly and asked: "How long will it take for my 17 5th-level artillery warriors of the Empire to reach the beach of "Balayamakhan"? "

Ragnar said: "It is estimated to take about five minutes. "

"Archers, shoot! "

700+ Imperial peasant archers on the right side of the Canaan Territory surrounded the firing holes of the city wall. From Su Yue's perspective, they looked like an eel, with the sound of "swoosh swoosh swoosh" breaking through the air. He was riding a horse on the wide city wall. In the distance, the 3rd-level Imperial spearmen on the left wing and the elite 3rd-level Imperial infantry regiment began to be continuously hit from a distance. Nearly 1000+ Imperial shield vanguard soldiers, as the vanguard of the 3000+ left-wing headquarters of the Empire, began to approach the city wall.

It seemed that the 3000+ Imperial Iron Legion formed dozens of squares of different sizes. Abraham stood beside Su Yue and sniffed the smelling salt bottle in his hand, but Su Yue knew that the smelling salt bottle was not filled with smelling salts, but souls.

"David Fleishev... and Schwartz were resurrected by you and sent to the abyss? "

"Yes, they are helping us to mine minerals; there is a portal to another dimension on the lake near the Canaan territory, and we can completely build a multi-layered structure of the multiverse."

Su Yue laughed. Even in such an occasion, he could still chat and laugh with Abraham, saying:

"Will the devil cult believers not participate in the war?"

"Not until the last moment."

"Understood. "

The conversation between the master and the servant did not slow down the offensive of the outside imperial rebels. As the defender, Su Yue felt that the power of his long-range troops was indeed too limited, so that above and below the city wall, he could only watch his limited second-level imperial peasant archer corps; and only third-level fear spearmen (dark elves) x245, throwing spears at the enemy!

The 150-man third-level imperial crossbowmen were newly recruited long-range troops, mainly inside the towers on the city walls, heavily armed and launched a killing attack on the empire.

Because of the blessing of the soldier king +35% lethality, the lethality of the imperial system's long-range troops is still extremely terrifying! In a short period of time, it caused the collapse of the opponent's two small-scale vanguard troops.

Lord's log: "Your long-range troops have hit the imperial left wing troops, and the number of enemy casualties: 163 people."

"Too slow!"

Su Yue looked at the picture of the rain of arrows and said: "Abraham. "

"Do you know any large-scale battle-level spells?"

As the commander of the night battle to defend the city, Su Yue is now a little impatient with the slow progress of the imperial character on the left wing. He seems to be born to shuttle between war and death. The sword "Arachne" in his hand exudes a green glow like a brilliant stone.

Abraham said: "Abyss spells, fire rain and meteors are okay?"

"What level?"

"Sixth level."

Su Yue has now mastered the art of meditation, and under the premise of breaking through 40 points of intelligence, he has a strong sense of the fluctuation of magic power, and said: "Estimated number of casualties?"

"More than 1,000 imperial troops should not be a problem. "

Abraham smiled and was about to wipe out one-tenth of the enemy's troops. You should know that the total number of soldiers in front of this group of rebels is only more than 9,400!!

There are 3,000 on the right wing, and nearly 4,000 on the left wing. Together with the shepherds and the 2,000+ troops in the middle, plus the Pegasus and Griffin Legion, they constitute the entire lineup of this attack.

"Release them, I need to tell them that the trouble on the left wing will be bigger than the right wing."

The frontal troops of the empire have already carried a large number of ladders to attack the outer wall of Su Yue's Canaan territory.

Behind the Canaan territory, the farmers are busy like crazy!

"The lord will definitely win!"

"Damn the empire rebel bastards! ! Our Canaan soldiers are unbeatable."

"I will treat these military masters to a drink when I go back!"

"What is that? "

Ailishi suddenly stood on the city wall and looked up at the sky!!!!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! "

Zhou Zhuo fiercely blocked the attack of a Pegasus and almost had his head chopped off. If it weren't for the timely protection of the fifth-level Hargansi executioner beside him, he might have died...

"It's too damn dangerous, a dangerous battlefield! !"

"What the hell is that?"

Gu Yu, Elishi, Zhou Zhuo, the rat player Zhan Ji and many other players from the Dragon Kingdom looked up at the sky in horror. They only saw that the dark night in the sky was suddenly illuminated by some strange fire.

A large black cloud formed a curling fire cloud and vortex

! !

"Look at the lord's log?"


Lord's log: "The surrounding magic power is being drained by high-level creatures, your magic value -3, your magic value -2..."

"Damn, my soldiers can't cast spells!"

Jenji has rat warlocks under his command... At this moment, the magic power in the warlocks' bodies is being continuously drained, and even his expression is a little pale! !

"What the hell is that thing in the sky?"

"Rain of fire!?"


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