Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 101: Queen of the Mountain 2

The next day when Maria logged back into the game, she was greeted with the sight of an exasperated vampire duke.

"Guh, A-Ash! Y-you're back!"

"Of course I'm back...Now, my Lady...what were you planning on doing by rounding up everyone from your private army and the newly established ogre division for? Hmm?"


Maria wanted to escape, but unfortunately, Orh'bankhur just had to come over and ask in a loud voice, "Queen, when we march to war?!"

He sounded so excited that everyone in the encampment heard him. When they heard the word 'war' they all stood up and began banging their weapons or their chests, waiting for a response.

"Gah! N-n-n-n-no! You idiot!"

"My. Lady?"


"Did I hear that right? You're going to war?"

"W-w-well, I already promised them that we'd raid the remaining 7 settlements nearby! D-don't worry, we'll just reuse those conquered settlements as temporary housing for the ogres—why the hell am I explaining myself?!"

"My Lady didn't I just ask you—"

"Shut up, Ash! I'm the Queen so whatever I say goes, ya hear me?! Now listen to your Queen and get ready to set out for battle! You'll replace Berserker and lead the East Army!"

Ash sighed, but since it was an order, he knelt and received it. It was a 'high decree' from his Queen so he couldn't refute it.

"Yes, Your Highness!"


Maria nodded and turned towards Orh'bankhur and said, "You, get your men ready! You'll be the general of my kingdom's West Army. We march in an hour!"

"Rahahah! Yes, War Chief!"

Maria's words echoed through the entire camp and it got everyone, including the vampires in her personal army, excited and cheering. It was such a loud reception to her words and it annoyed her a little.

She didn't expect to be reprimanded by Ash as soon as she logged into the game so she was still a little irked and needed some quiet. However, that wasn't possible anymore since everyone was being so rowdy because of her words.

"Berserker, come over here!"

"Mmmph, Queen?"

"You'll be under my command again. Go get our people ready!"


"Lilah, Alexa, go help the blockhead out," Maria said.

"Okay, Master~"

"Yes, Queen Sister."

Alexa was being polite again, but she didn't have a choice since her strict uncle was close by. The fairy and the young vampire left with Berserker while Maria retreated into her tent. Ash followed after her and asked, "My Lady, which settlements will we be attacking?"

"Ah, you weren't there yesterday, huh? Come here, let me explain."


<She's doing it!>

<So domineering! I can't believe this cute girl is actually playing such a strong role!>

<She's da Queen!>

<Da Queen!>



When Maria logged into the game, her stream was already active. She had done a small introduction just before she logged into the game when she was still inside the game's waiting room.

She totally forgot all about it because Ash suddenly appeared and gave her a slight reprimanding lecture to which she strongly reacted to.

Her flustered, wronged, and domineering side all showed up within the span of a few minutes, and her viewers thought that she was extremely cute because despite being in the wrong, so they assumed, she tried to act tough and push the blame away.

Naturally, they didn't know why the handsome vampire tried to lecture her, but they assumed it was because she was the one who did something wrong.

Her shift in character was extremely amusing and it made her stream all the more fun, especially when the viewers were able to see her expressions change constantly. Earlier she was acting like a tyrant queen, but now she was calmly explaining her battle plan to her subordinate.

They didn't think she was bipolar or anything, but rather, they thought that she was the kind who was more forgiving since she didn't take the issue from earlier with her subordinate to heart.

<As expected, she really is on a different planet.>

<Just how lucky is she?>

Many people began discussing in the chat about the fact that she was really on a different planet. Over on planet Eur, the ogres looked very different from the ogres Maria was controlling. The ogres on Eur were large, bulky, and slow. However, the ogres Maria was controlling all had rather lean, but very muscular bodies.

Their skin colors were also different, the Eur planet ogres all had skin color similar to humans or demons, depending on which side of the planet or faction they found them on while Maria's ogres all had skin in every different shade of red.

Not only did they look cooler, but they obviously looked much more powerful than the Eur planet ogres. There was even a large, twin-headed, Quadra-limbed ogre to boot. Berserker was the only ogre within Maria's ranks that looked more like the Eur planet ogres, but unlike the fat, bulky bodies they had, Berserker's body was more like an enlarged version of the typical Vanhal Planet ogre.

Berserker was big enough to carry around Maria on one of his shoulders and Orh'bankhur was even bigger than him. If it wasn't because there was some sort of intricate problem which prevented Orh'bankhur from rising and uniting all of the ogres within the mountains, everyone reckoned that the unique ogre would probably be a World boss if he was on planet Eur.

Some of the viewers wanted to get Maria's attention and chat with her for a bit, but unfortunately, the girl was too focused on the game to even remember that she was streaming.


After Ash left, Maria was given a notification from her butler that she was currently on stream right now. Maria's eyes widened and her wings perked up.

"Ahhh, I'm very sorry for ignoring you all!"

<Don't mind it!>

<Hey, she finally noticed that we're here!>

<She noticed us, guys!>

"Y-yeah—well, anyway, as per the introduction and from what you all heard earlier during my...speech..."

<It was a good speech~>

<Very good speech!>

<Oh yeah, what did you do wrong?>

<Getting lectured in-game by an NPC, oof!>



Maria grew a bit embarrassed from reading the chat. They were either praising her for 'moving' speech or making fun of her and asking what she did wrong because her subordinate immediately began reprimanding her once she logged into the game.

"Sh-shut up! I did nothing wrong alright! Anyway, as you can see from the map here, we'll be raiding the other ogre villages and recruiting the ones who are willing. As for the others... well, you either join me or become EXP!"

<Join me or become EXP!>

<Join me or become EXP!>

People kept on spamming the phrase in her chat after she said it. A lot of donations also began coming in, though she didn't actually need it since she was so well off. However, this was money she personally made. It was something to take pride in especially since she was still just a high school student who was still receiving an allowance from her father.

"Ohhh, thank you for the donations! Anyway, I'll be focused on commanding my soldiers later, so please forgive me if I become too immersed and ignore you all," Maria apologized in advance.

It was bound to happen so the people in the chat were understanding, especially those who had watched her previous stream and had already experienced it.

"Alright, it's about time to set out. I better get going," Maria waved at her chat before walking out of her tent.

Once she walked outside, a large army greeted her. The army was separated into 3 with Orh'bankhur and his shaman leading one, Ash alone leading another, with Berserker, Alexa, and Lilah standing at the forefront of the army she was going to lead personally.

The total amount of soldiers within all 3 armies easily amounted to 500 or more. There was still Maria's personal army which had 50 soldiers in it so there were roughly 550 or so people in total.

It was a sizeable force and if she added her faction's army which had another 100 soldiers, she had roughly 650 soldiers total within her faction. It was a rather sizeable army, on par with those of a vampire counts' army.

If Maria wanted to, she could easily attack a count or a marquis ranked vampire. Her soldiers were a mix between ogres and vampires so she not only had quantity, but also quality. The quality of her soldiers would enable her to attack a low-leveled marquis ranked vampire.

It was a pity that Maria couldn't call her faction's forces over to join in the battle. She wanted the soldiers in her faction's army to experience war as well so that they'd be battle-hardened. Although it was a pity, she wasn't going to call off the attack today.

"Listen to me!"

The boisterous army immediately began quieting down when they heard her voice. Her voice was the source of fear, despair, awe, and admiration for all of the ogres present. It was only awe and admiration for the vampires and the Mountain Blade ogres though. They didn't have the bad luck in experiencing Maria's forceful conscription, unlike the other ogres who were practically threatened with their lives.

So despite Maria only talking in a rather subdued voice, everyone in the army heard it and immediately became silent as they waited for her to speak.

"Oh, good, I don't like to repeat myself so let's get going now."

"Uhh, Master, no motivating speeches? You know, we are technically heading out to war..." Lilah flew over and whispered into her ear.

Maria closed her eyes and thought for a moment before spreading open her arms and wings.

"Hear me, my loyal subjects!"

Maria rose into the air slowly so that everyone could see her.

"I know that some of you were only forced into the army yesterday, but what choice did you have if you wanted to live, right?"


No one dared to say anything since it would be stupid to speak out at this point. It was obviously a rhetorical question.

"You all chose correctly when you decided to serve me for you will become my arms, my legs! The blades and axes that will smite my enemies and the plow that'll carve my path forwards! With me, you shall obtain glory! Wealth! And supremacy!"

Maria pulled out her ax and shouldered it before continuing, "With me, you shall obtain immortality!"



All of the ogres and vampires were surprised at her words. Even Ash was surprised. He highly doubted that Maria actually had such an ability. Naturally, Maria didn't but this wasn't the kind of immortality she presenting them.

It wasn't that lonely, unending life kind of immortality. It was something she thought was far more glorious.

"You'll be immortalized in the history books as the ones who road into battle with this Queen, the one who will soon conquer this world!"

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