Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 106: Conquest Quest

After taking down the village, Maria soon received a quest prompt.

[Conditions have been met for Conquest Quest! A new quest has been generated!]

[Blood Rock Ruler

Rank: A

You have taken over 10% of the total lands within the Blood Rock Mountain Range. Continue to establish your rule and hoist your flag over the territory!

Main Objective: Completely take control of the entire mountain range.

Sub Objective: Take control of 50% of the entire mountain range

Rewards: 100,000 Faction Coins, 1,000 Reputation, 10 Faction Chests, 1 Unique Faction Chest, and the Title: Queen of the Mountain

Note: Quests can be completed by either fulfilling the Main or Sub Objective. The rewards will vary depending on the quest completion rate

Current rate: 11%]

It was another quest and Maria just dismissed it. Even if she didn't receive the quest, she would still have set her eyes on conquering the mountain. It was within her faction's area of influence and they needed to get over the mountain anyway.

What better way than to conquer it and save her the trouble of having to send her army to patrol the place periodically to thin out the monsters for her citizens' safe passage.

"Well, we'll be resting for now so it'll be put on hold like the rest of my quests...Why do I keep getting these long-term quests though..."

Maria frowned when she looked at her quest window. Not once since she had started the game did she ever get a quest that was a normal one that had specific and easy-to-complete targets. The rewards were great of course, but she wanted to be able to do one normal quest for once.

She regrouped with the rest of her army later that day and began distributing the ogres and the people from her faction which began to slowly stream into the mountain range from her city.

Her crowded city finally became a little less cramped as more and more of her citizens began migrating towards the new towns and villages she had established or taken over.

Thanks to it being VR, David was able to capture the battle on all fronts. Although the stream only showed Maria's battle, David was able to capture Ash and Orh'bankhur's battle. These two footages would be edited and posted separately on Maria's Switch channel.

Maria continued to stream even after the war had ended. She actually forgot to end it and because David received no prompt from her, he continued to let the stream run.

When Maria teleported back to her castle using Paimon's Spellbook, the viewers were able to see what it was like inside her chambers. David had to put the stream on a screensaver when Maria's maids walked in and began stripping off her armor and undressing her.


<Holy shit!>

<I think our little angel forgot that she was still on stream!>

<Whoever's handling her stream, good job!>

The terms of service for Switch naturally stated that any nudity or rated-18 and above content was strictly prohibited. Maria would have received a strike or maybe have been banned if David didn't react quickly enough.

He also wasn't so perverted to spy on her while she was undressing and preparing for a bath. He didn't want to be fired.

After her maids led her to the bath, Maria dipped in and released a long sigh. The stream's audio was still present so everyone heard her. At this point, even David caught on that his young lady had already forgotten about the stream.

<Miss, you're still on stream...>


Maria was immediately reminded so she opened the stream's chat window.

"Ah, hello~ I'm sorry. I actually forgot I was still streaming!"

Maria received many replies after she apologized saying that the viewers didn't mind. A majority didn't but there were a few that mentioned her slight mess up earlier.

"Ah, yes. I have to thank my stream's mod for that. Anyway, I'll be taking a break now. I should have ended the stream earlier, but if you guys wanna stay and chat, we can do that~"

Her chat began buzzing with many 'yes' so Maria decided to continue the stream for a while longer. She had to work on her faction's paperwork and other things later so it would be a good way to loosen up a bit before she got started.

"I'll be busy later so this is a good way to wind down. Managing a faction isn't easy. I'm glad I have good subordinates but it'd be quite helpful if I had a few reliable and loyal players to help out~"

Maria involuntarily issued a recruitment order for her faction. Many in the chat were interested in joining but Maria wasn't actually serious. They were all still back at the starting planet while she was already striking it big on another planet.

If they wanted to get the chance to join her faction, they would need to get to her planet first which wasn't plausible for any player at the moment.

The large majestic bathroom was filled with steam so it was hard for people to see anything so Maria let David turn on the video. When the video turned on, the viewers were able to see Maria in the bath, albeit, only her face.

Her large wings covered up the rest of her body both above and below the water so technically she wasn't violating any of Switch's rules.

She began chatting about various things with her viewers and answered some questions that they asked. Naturally, she didn't answer any real-life sensitive questions or compromising ones regarding her situation in the game.

It was only a few minutes later that Maria's maids came in with towels that she ended the conversation. David once again changed the video into a screen saver and let the maids dress her before switching it back.

This time, Maria was sitting behind a desk that was piled with a few documents. She was wearing a black one-piece dress. Unlike when she had donned her battle armor and priestess robes, her accessories like her earrings and necklace were visible this time.

Her maids had tied up her hair and it gave off a refreshing feeling. Now, she wasn't the battle-crazy valkyrie from before, instead, the vibe she gave off was that of a little sister who was forced to do something she didn't want to do like eating her veggies.

That was the vibe Maria was giving off which was enhanced by her extremely reluctant expression when faced with the piles of documents on her desk. A few moments later, a few vampires came into her office-slash-bedroom and began helping her with the documents.

All the while, Maria was chatting with her viewers. Many of them were curious about what she was doing but when she began explaining about this and that regarding economics, city-planning, document approval, and other mumbo jumbo, the chat could only sympathize with her and understand why she was making such a face.

Even while playing a game, she had to 'work' an office job. Here everyone was enjoying the game by raiding, questing, and dungeoning, however, Maria, was forced to work. Maria didn't end the stream when she got busy. Instead, she let her viewers watch her work while occasionally talking back to them.

It made her job all the more bearable since she was able to talk with her audience while doing it. She lost quite a bit of people, but there were still more willing to just hang around with her and chat.

Maria was able to get her work done and because she was talking to her vampires in Vanhal's language, her viewers weren't able to understand what was in the documents or the plans that were underway for her faction.

Naturally, it wasn't that she was talking in a different language, but she had turned off the language filter for the stream so her conversation with her NPC subordinates remained unintelligible.

"How about those exploding insect farms, is everything going according to progress?" Maria asked one of her assistants.

"My Queen, we've just discovered one of their nests and the ogres have quickly commandeered it. Using the Shaman's concoction, we were able to tame many of them, but unfortunately, we still had to get rid of the stronger and more mature ones so productivity may take a hit for a few months."

Maria nodded in understanding before addressing some other issues. After everything was taken care of, Maria ended the stream after it had started nearly 8 hours ago.

"Wow, I didn't expect time to fly while talking with them...I should do some work chatting streams as well!"

Maria flew out of her castle and checked on her faction's statistics and saw that everything was Above Average grade. This was good enough because it was only 3 grades below Perfect.

Raising a grade was extremely hard and the larger her faction became, the more variables there would be that would bring down said grade. So being above average after just swallowing up a large amount of land, towns, and villages were already good enough for Maria.

Ash and all of her other subordinates were doing their job well. Due to their efforts, Maria didn't need to worry about anything else besides her quest to expand her faction and replace the Blood Faction as the ruling authority of the Blood Continent.


Back on Planet Eur, the starting planet where all the action was taking place. Maria's former guild, the Fallen Angels, had finally been able to complete the final leg of their Main Scenario Quest, ending the first major dispute among the player base as well as getting the first major reward from the first major quest of the game.

Many firsts had been completed on that day as not only did the Fallen Angels become the first guild to complete such a quest, they were also the first to single-handedly destroy 2 of their rival guilds and absorb them into their ranks.

Naturally, Lizzy didn't take in any of the administrative members of either guild but only the elite members who were good at the game and only played UT because it was fun. They didn't take any of those that were being backed by the guild's sponsoring companies.

Naturally, her actions attacked the interests of many people, but those consequences were being borne by her guild's sponsoring companies. The Heltania Group was one of the Fallen Angels' sponsors and they were at the forefront of the dispute.

Naturally, the young ladies also had the backing of their own parents' power so they didn't need to worry too much and just continue playing the game like normal. This was something Maria didn't quite like.

She wanted to be able to play the game as she wanted to but now that people knew about the economic prospects of the game and how big it had impacted the real world's stock market, politics and business was slowly seeping into the game and polluting the pure gaming environment.

Not many people cared about this and just went about their way in the game, but some were completely against this.

In the Fallen Angels' guild house in the guild master's office, Lizzy was in a meeting with the other higher-ups of the guild and looking through a report of their recent gains and losses. One of her subordinates, the guild's First Elite Team's captain, Crimson Howling, a level 95 Dread Knight, stood up and made a report,

"Guild Master, we were attacked by them again."

"Them? You mean those Freedom pricks?"

"Yes...it's the third time this week and not only my team, but the others as well. They aren't too happy about us, a 'corporate' guild, taking away one of the game's major achievements."

Lizzy scoffed and replied, "If they were so strong then why didn't they take on the quest instead of us? Freaking pricks, we're all players in this game so what gives them the right to act so entitled?"


"Issue a guild wide kill order. The targets are anyone who identifies themselves as being part of 'Freedom' or acts hostile towards our members after being warned. I won't let my guild be bullied by a bunch of ragtag retards."

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