Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 41: Stupid Idiotic Jerk

Before Maria flew over to the Magic Tower, she first did a quick check on her [Status].

[Maria Lv. 20]

HP: 2,260/2,260

MP: 76,800/76,800

SP: 260/260

EXP: 216,000/2,000,000

Race: Fallen Angel

Class: Dark Priestess

Titles: Wolf Slayer, Slime Slayer, Monster Bird Slayer, Sprite Slayer, Angel of Death, The Knowledgeable One

ATK: 475 (+50~100)

DEF: 283 (+15)

M.ATK: 768 (+20)

M.DEF: 3,840 (+15)

STR: 85 (+10)

AGI: 70 (-5)

VIT: 105 (+8)

INT: 1510 (+26)

LCK: 10

Free Stat Points: 80

Maria took a look at her stats and was dumbfounded.


"What is it, Master?"

She rubbed her eyes just in case she was seeing things, but when she re-checked her stats, it was the same absurd number that she saw earlier.


"Master, what's wrong?"

"I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see that! Now, let's take a look at my [Linguistics] skill!"

"..." Lilah could only cast a confused look at her Master.

Maria dismissed her [Status] and brought up her [Skill] window. She scrolled down and found the skill she wanted to take a look at.

[Linguistics (0/100,000)

Rank: E

Complete understanding of every common language and an elementary understanding of ancient tongue, able to read 5-line incantations and write advanced language functions and structures

Upgradeable: ???

Requirement met: Linguistics S]

Maria guessed that the 5-line incantations probably had something to do with learning and chanting magic spells while the latter half of the skill which enables writing language functions and structures was something she still didn't quite comprehend.

If it was just writing, then she was totally able to do it. She didn't understand what the advanced functions and structures meant, but Maria didn't care.

"Finally, I've got it! Ahhh, it feels good. I'm finally free from that old geezer! Now let's check out what that [Book Keeping] skill is all about!"

Maria took out the [Book Keeping] skill book from her inventory and read its description.

[Book Keeping Lv. 1 (0/100,000)

Rank: A

Enables the user to make copy of books and opens up a subspace for the user to store books in. Books that can be copied:

- Rank E-D Books

- Rank E-D Scrolls

Subspace: 10 Slots

MP Cost: 1000 MP/Book or Scroll (Scales with Book or Scroll Rank)

Limit: 5 Books/week, 10 Scrolls/week]

Maria patted the book on her chest and learned the skill.

[Skill acquired: Book Keeping Lv. 1]

*DING* [Inventory Subspace acquired]

"What does this subspace mean?"

Maria quickly opened up her [Inventory] window and noticed that a new tab was next to her main tab, it had the label [Book] on it and when she switched to that tab, she only noticed that there were 10 inventory slots in it.

When Maria tried to move items into the slots, she was notified by the system that only book-type and scroll-type items could be moved into the slots.

"Oh, that's convenient. I can free up some of my inventory slots now!"

Her [Inventory] only had 30 item slots. Players could add more slots if they acquired higher ranked backpacks. Buying one from the NPCs was expensive and they only added 20 item slots. She heard from Lizzy and Milly who played during the beta test that there were backpacks that added more slots, but they had to be acquired through dungeon raids.

Maria moved all the skill books from her main inventory tab to the book tab. 9 of the available slots were immediately filled up. She was about to put the [Meditate] skill book into the last slot, but remembered that she had reached level 20 and could now learn the skill.

She quickly patted the skill book on her body and another new skill was added to her [Skill] window.

[Meditate Lv. 1

Rank: E

When out of combat, the user can meditate and quickly regain MP, boosts MP recovery by 100% when out of combat. While in combat, boosts MP recovery by 2%.]

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the Guild: Fallen Angels, for getting the First Clear to Hell Mode Dungeon: Arachne Lair!]

[Rewards: +100 Guild Reputation, +50 World Reputation, 5x Random Equipment Box, 10 Gold, x1 Rare Rank Building Design]

"Hm? Dungeon? What's that?"

Maria was puzzled by the system announcement, but she thought nothing of it, it wasn't related to her anyways.

"Okay, let's head on over to the Magic Tower~"

Maria, along with Lilah, flew over to the magical tower towering high up into the sky.

"Miss Hella was right! That tower really is hard to miss!"

When she arrived at the entrance of the tower, there were a lot of mage players going in and out of the tower. Maria quickly landed and made her way into the tower. As usual, her appearance and entrance caused many players to gawk at her.

Maria couldn't help but notice that while she was flying through the sky earlier, there were many more players roaming about on the streets. Even the magic tower was so congested with many players that it was hard for her to move around, especially since she had a large pair of wings behind her.

She wrapped the wings around her body and moved forward. It really was uncomfortable when people accidentally bumped into her wings and sometimes she almost fell over.

"Muuh...having wings really isn't all that great... More importantly...who am I even looking for right now?"

Maria didn't even know who she was looking for, but suddenly the sea of players around her began to part ways and a mage-like character approached her. The person stopped just a few steps short from her.

When she saw the person, he or she was fully covered by a large cloak and the hood on their head was covering even their face so she couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman who was standing in front of her.

"Are you that girl?" An androgynous voice sounded out from under the hood.

"Huh?" There were many girls around her so Maria looked around, but then the person in front of her spoke up once more.

"I'm talking about you, the halfwit with the wings!"

"H-halfwit? Hey, I'm not a halfwit!" Maria yelled back, feeling totally incensed at the unexpected insult.

"Hmph, from what I see, you are a halfwit!"

"Haaahhh?! What kind of jerk insults a person they just met?!"

"Come with me, halfwit."

"Shut up! You stupid jerk! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Idiot! Stupid!!!"

The cloaked person stumbled just as he or she was about to turn around.

"What did you just call me?"

"I called you a stupid idiotic jerk! Not only are you stupid, but apparently, you're also deaf!"

The cloaked person was probably fuming under the hood when he or she heard Maria insult them again. Maria didn't care about the crowd of players witnessing the odd exchange that she was having with the cloaked stranger.

The cloaked person cleared his or hers throat and tried to retain their composure.

"Halfwit, is that really what you should be saying to your new Master?"

"Master? Hah, an idiotic jerk like you has no right to become MY master!"


The cloaked person waved their hands and a surge of magical energy rushed straight at Maria. Maria widened her eyes in shock when she saw the person suddenly send an attack at her. She hastily flapped her wings and flew up.

Maria then reflexively pulled out her Calamity and was just about to dive in to retaliate, but she noticed that she couldn't move properly while in the air.


"Haha, you're a halfwit through and through," the cloaked person chuckled.

"Hey! What'd you do?!"

"Shut it, you're coming with me."

The person waved their hand and Maria floated over in the air just above the person's head.

"Hey! What'd you do?!"

"I just cast a [Levitation] on you, no need to fret."

"Really? Then, PUT. ME. DOWN!" Maria began swinging her axe and thrashing around in the air, but it only caused her to spin in place. Gradually, she began to grow dizzy and the cloaked person only laughed and mocked her once again.

"Careful! You're going to make yourself sick! Hahaha!"

Lilah wanted to do something, but she felt a strong sense of danger radiating from the cloaked individual who was toying with her master.

"D-dammit...How dare you humiliate my Master!" Lilah gritted her teeth and rushed straight at the cloaked person. However, in the next instant she was frozen in place when the person suddenly waved their hand at her.


"Sleep, little fairy."

"Huh? N-no...mas...ter..." At his words, Lilah immediately fell asleep and floated straight into their hand.

Seeing this, Maria grew furious and roared, "Hey, jerk! Stop messing with my fairy!"

"Hahaha! You're coming with me, I like you."


A magic circle formed under the cloaked person and in the next instant, Maria, Lilah and the cloaked person disappeared from the Magic Tower's first floor in a flash of light.

"...What just happened?"

"Was that some sort of event?"

At the staircase to the second floor, Lilith was standing there in shock. She didn't expect to see her friend, Maria, and her class instructor, the Magic Tower's Arch Mage, together. Not only that, her instructor had actually straight up and abducted her friend!

"Holy shit, what did you do Maria?!"

Lilith immediately rushed back up the tower and made a beeline towards the Arch Mage's research laboratory. It was the only place where anyone with enough reputation could meet the Arch Mage.

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