Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 52: Reinforcements

As Maria continued to attack the large golem with her spells and skills, she lured the monster down the mountain following Lizzy's lead.

The mob monsters down the way were taken care of by Lizzy and her group, while Maria focused her full attention on the boss. She didn't hear it, but a level up notification rang in her ear just once while they were making the trip down the mountain.

No matter how many times they saw it, the guild members of Fallen Angels were in awe at the spectacular performance that Maria was doing. Her one-man show of tanking, attacking, and healing was a sight to behold.

All of her attacks struck right on the mark and either caused the monster to stumble or fall over. Her flying axe and multiple spells which she was somehow was able to cast while on the move coupled with her uncanny healing ability that kept her HP up to full throughout the entire fight was just too much for the team.

There was also that weird buff that constantly supplied mana not only for Maria, but also for the entire team. They soon found out that it was the small fairy called Lilah's skill, who was apparently Maria's pet, or what she liked to call, familiar.

One of the members of the guild was even recording the fight and was planning to post it on the on the guild's web page and YuTube channel for promotion.

"Once I'm done editing the vid, this'll be a huge hit!" A player called VisuallyInept cried out in excitement.

VisuallyInept was a Beta Tester as well as a livestreamer and content creator for Unitale. He was both a skilled player as well as a skilled video editor. He along with his associates for his livestream and YuTube channel were at the forefront in creating gameplay videos of Unitale.

It was very lucky that this person took an interest to join the Fallen Angels Guild, so every now and then, the Guild's raid or dungeon videos, which were beautifully edited by VisuallyInept, would be uploaded onto the Guild's YuTube channel or on their website for promotion purposes.

"Hey, Vis, send me the vid later. I really can't believe what I'm seeing. Just how can she use magic while moving around like that? I heard from the Guild Master that she's not even a mage, but a Priestess..."

"It's probably a skill! As for why she can use magic...she most likely learned it manually after getting [Linguistics] and [Magic Comprehension]." Visual answered.

"Damn, I thought you needed more than just those 2 skills in order to learn magic that way...my friend's been going at it but he's only managed to learn the basic magic spells and they aren't all that impressive."

"Don't forget about that axe throw...is that also a skill? I mean, she's throwing it and retrieving it like a boomerang!" Another guild member quipped in.



Even while they were in awe of the girl's abilities, they still didn't neglect doing their duty. Any monsters that were in their path as the guild lured the boss down the mountain was quickly dispatched by their flawless teamwork.

"Mary, how're you holding up?!" Lizzy called out.


"It won't be long now! My other guild members are on their way so just hold on!"


Maria had charged in head on earlier in high spirits, but she was now beginning to regret it. Even after half an hour of luring and attacking the monster down the mountain, she hadn't been able to reduce its HP bar!

Her attacks were indeed effective and thanks to Lilah's debuff the whole guild party was able to contribute, but the battle recovery of the monster made up for all the damage that she and the party had done to it. The battle recovery was so high that after bombarding it with constant skills and magic spells, it would only heal up to full right away.

This was a monster that couldn't be soloed and needed the help of many people in order to bring down. Maria's damage was pretty high, but in this battle, quantity was needed and not quality.

She had been wondering why the monster was so slow and dumb, but the slab of rock was just a huge punching bag that wouldn't die and this really aggravated her to no end.

"Ugh...this is getting ridiculous...how is it that this STUPID THING won't lose any of its HP?! That's just cheating!!!" Maria cried out in frustration as she once more activated [Calamity Cleave] and threw her axe at the monster.

On the side, Lilah quipped up and said, "Master, that's because it's healing just like you. Don't you think that you're also cheating? You've taken on quite a number of its attacks, but even now you're HP bar is full..."

"O-oh...you got a point there..." Maria didn't want to admit it, but she had no right to complain and vent her frustrations for she too was doing the same thing the golem was doing to her.

"Well, Master's friend's idea is right. We should lure it down the mountain, so it'll be closer to the base, this way those reinforcements that she was talking about would be able to back us up much sooner."

"Hehe~ my friend is a genius, right?" Maria said proudly.

"...Master, that's not even you so why are you acting so smug?"

"Hmhm~ that's because she's my best friend!"

"T-then what about me?!" Lilah immediately asked.

"Huh? Aren't you my familiar, Lilah?"


"My best familiar!"


Lilah's dejected look earlier immediately brightened up at her words. Maria was amused to see how easy it was to appease her little fairy. It wasn't the time or place, but these two were still in the mood to banter around a little.

It didn't take long before the golem was successfully lured close to the base of the mountain. They wanted to go down a bit more, but the golem would only stop chasing after Maria and send ranged attacks at her when it got to a certain point.

They could only lure it up to here and scout out for a better place to fight it. Lizzy immediately ordered for the thieves to go around searching for a better spot for them to fight the boss while the rest assisted Maria and continued to rain down attacks on the boss.

At the place they were at now, it was much too narrow for a large group of players to attack the boss effectively.

"Guild Master!! We've found a good spot nearby! To the west at 523,210,557!" A thief shouted in the party chat.

"Alright, we'll lead the monster to it; inform the rest of the guild those coordinates."


"Maria! Over here!"

Lizzy immediately signaled for Maria and the rest to follow after her and they immediately began to make a break for it and run after Lizzy while at the same time still sending attacks at the golem to lure it after them.

The boss gave a loud, angry roar at the ants that kept on pelting it with insignificant mosquito bites and chased after them. It hurled trees, boulders, and chunks of earth while in pursuit of Maria and the others.

"Everyone get back! Let Maria handle this! You're only going to be collateral damage if that monster's attacks hit you!"

Everyone else scattered away and the golem continued chasing after Maria since its aggro was still locked on to her. Even while retreating, Maria had been constantly pouring all her attacks on the monster.

She didn't need to worry about a shortage in mana since her in-battle mana recovery coupled with Lilah's [Faerie Aura] was more than enough to sustain and recover her mana despite the girl constantly using [Angel's Rage] like no tomorrow.

If this wasn't a game and Maria was a literal angel, then she would have long since become a featherless angel instead of a fallen angel.

"This is it! We'll hunker down here and wait for reinforcements! Everyone be prepared later. I know that there are spies in the guild and there's no doubt they've informed their masters about our raid. Don't let them catch us off guard! Understood?!"

The Fallen Angels immediately responded with a shout and began rearranging themselves into formation to fight the boss. Thanks to Maria's assistance and role as a tank, the guild's tanks could now also act as DPS and not focus too much on defense since the boss' attacks were only aimed at Maria.

Heck, even the guild's priests could act as a DPS now since they didn't have to worry about healing anyone.

"Rain hell on this thing!" Lizzy commanded as she too opened her wings and took to the skies. She circled around the monster and steered clear of all its attacks before beginning to unload all of her skills and attacks on the boss.

"Keep it up guys! Healers, keep casting [Illumination] around us! Snuff out any enemy thieves and make sure they can't jump the gun on us! Scouts, you're in charge of keeping the area clean while only the Assassins are to continue acting as DPS!" Lizzy ordered.

There were many level 50 and above players in Lizzy's guild. Many of them have already advanced classes so there was a more clear depiction of their roles now. Thieves who had advanced their classes to the second tier became either an offensive thief known as an Assassin, while the other, a Scout, was more of an explorative and trap-orientated thief.

Warriors like Lizzy could advance to become Berserkers, who wielded Axes and polearms, or Swordsmen/women, who wielded a variety swords and shields. She had opted to go for the Swordswomen class.

Lizzy made sure that her guild had a balance between each advance class, but of course it wasn't like she forced any of her guild members to choose a particular class. She let them choose however they wanted and would try to counterbalance it by recruiting players with advance classes that the guild was currently lacking in.

"Keep the heat up guys! Reinforcements will come in 30 minutes!"

Unlike the time when Lizzy and the rest had to dive all the way into the mountains to find Maria, the guild reinforcements would only need to walk up a little bit into the mountains to get to their location.

It did take a while for them to lure the Abyssal Golem down the mountain, about an hour or so since they had to rush down the mountain while clearing away some mobs, but it was worth the effort since this was a boss monster that hasn't yet been taken down.

The first clear rewards were going to be abundant since the monster was a level 60 Rare-Elite Boss.

The team waited and endured a hellish 50 minutes before their guild reinforcements arrived.

"Lizzy~ Mary~" A voice called out from afar.

Lizzy turned to look at the source of the familiar voice and scoffed in disdain.


The person from afar saw this and only ignored her before announcing.

"Yours truly, Milly is here! Nahahahaha~"

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