Universe’s Most Famous Vinegar Goddess

Chapter 77

Chapter 76

From small to large.

What He Yunhan is most proud of is her extraordinary “self-control”, that kind of control over one’s emotions seems to have been there since a very young age.

But Yuanbao can easily make her “break down” again and again.

In the middle of the night, both of them were sweating, because it was here that the ingot dared not scream too loudly, biting their lips and enduring it was particularly hard.

He Yunhan’s chest was still undulating, sweat was flowing down her neck, Yuan Bao looked at: “You are so beautiful.”

He Yunhan squeezed her nose, “Don’t say anything like this again.”

What time is this?

Is it at home after all, does Yuan Bao really want to continue?

“Okay, then.” Yuan Bao nodded obediently, she got up without an inch, half-kneeling on the bed: “I’ll make the bed.”

This angle faces He Yunhan.

This is simply seduce in seduce.

There is no way, time and time again.

In the end, the two of them had been able to realize that the ingot almost fell asleep before they agreed to end it.

He Yunhan took a shower by herself and cleaned Yuan Bao again. She looked at the person sleeping like a pig, and kissed her on the forehead, “Don’t get too close to others.”

–you are mine.

Early the next morning.

Yuan Bao really got up, thinking about her sister’s deep-fried dough sticks, dragging her sour and feeble body to Xiao Fengxian’s side, squatting and watching.

Xiao Fengxian glanced at her irritably, “You rely on the score.”

Yuan Bao: “Why am I not reliable?”

Xiao Fengxian: “Your legs exploded?”


He Yunhan also came out. She walked to the campus and talked to grandma and He Ma.

Every family in the rural areas started early, not even seven o’clock, and there were already sounds of children chasing and laughing outside, and occasionally the sound of firecrackers, which was particularly lively.

He Ma: “Yunhan, go to the market with my grandma and me later.”

He Yunhan nodded, she looked at the Yuan Bao in the distance, looked at her softly walking, and blushed.

He Ma and Grandma Xiao glanced at each other, and both smiled helplessly.

People in love are always very sticky.

At breakfast, the porridge was a little hot, and Yuan Bao handed it to He Yunhan: “You give me a blow.”

This is the usual conversation between the two of them. He Yunhan didn’t think much about it, holding the spoon and stirring gently, blowing the Yuanbao gently as if he was preparing to feed a child.

Let alone the wind, Su Qin suddenly said, “I have a toothache.”

Feng Xing coughed: “Yuan Bao, you don’t have long hands?”

Yuan Bao raised his hand and pursed his lips artificially: “My hand is too tired recently. I want to relax.”


The sudden drive ended when He Yunhan pinched the ingot.

The sky is blue, the bird is so cute, and the sugar is sprinkled in the air.

Yuan Bao felt that when He Yunhan came over, everything was different. After eating, she relied on He Yunhan to hold her waist and not let go.

He Yunhan had no choice but to helplessly: “I want to go out with my grandmother and mother.”

“Didn’t you not like to go to lively places? If you don’t go, I will tell them both.”

“It’s okay to go and see occasionally.”

Yuan Bao pouted dissatisfiedly, “I don’t want you to go.”

He Yunhan poked her, “Where am I going?”

Yuan Bao pointed to the bed, “I just want to be here with you for the rest of my life.”

He Yunhan:…

Before leaving, Yun Han looked at Yuan Bao and gave her a warning look. The ingot vowed: “Don’t worry, Yun Han, from now on, my ingot will be branded by you, and men, women, and children are no longer bound to me. I will defend you like a jade!”

He Yunhan:…

As soon as the three of them left, Yuan Yu came with his wife. She carried gifts on her left and right, and laughed and kicked the door: “Yuanbao, Yuanbao, Xiaohuoyazi, sister is here!”

This is the name from childhood to adulthood, and I haven’t seen it for so many years.

Yuan Bao was picking beans with his sister, jumped up excitedly, and rushed out the door.

Lin Xixi was used to the “intimacy” between Yuan Bao and Yuan Yu. She arranged things well, said hello to Su Qin and Fengxian, and looked inside: “Where is the master?”

Feng Xian smiled, “Go to the market.”

Lin Xixi looked surprised, and Yuan Yu had already started giving out red envelopes to Yuan Bao.

The two people at this age are still like little friends.

Yuan Bao sat on the kang eagerly like a puppy and looked at Yuan Yu eagerly. Yuan Yu took out a big red envelope and touched Yuan Bao’s hair: “Our Yuan Bao has grown up. Here, we can’t say buying sugar. Give it to my daughter-in-law.”

Yuan Yu said this is still very sad, she can still think of the chubby little ingot when she was a child, she can easily hold it in her arms.

Now…Even if she can hold her, people probably won’t give her a hug.

Lin Xixi went to work with Fengyan and Aqin, Yuan Bao pulled Yuan Yu to twitter: “How did you bring Xixi? How far have you progressed?”

Yuan Yu rolled his eyes, “She didn’t come to see me specifically this time. She came to see your old man. It seems that a modeling agency has caught her and wants her to enter that circle.”

When Yuan Bao heard it, “No, the model circle is too wild, and it’s a bit hard.”

The supermodel’s requirements for figure are absolutely outrageous. Has Xi Xi received it?

But who is Yuan Yu?

Yuan Bao had known for a long time that there were no things in the world that she felt sad about.

Yuan Yu smiled, “Let her go if she wants to go. If it’s a big deal, I will get tired out, so I will follow her.”

Yuan Bao pursed his lips, a little worried about his stupid sister.

Because Yuan Yu and Lin Xi came to the restaurant in the city on weekdays, Yuan Bao went to cook dumplings for the two of them, and cooked some side dishes happily. Grandma Song, who lives alone next door, sent some new year goods. Grandma Song is Grandma Xiao’s friend. She is getting older. Her only son had an accident outside a few years ago. In these years, no matter how busy she is, Yuan Bao will accompany her during the New Year.

Seeing Yuan Bao left, Yuan Yu took the bowl and chopsticks for Lin Xixi, and the two ate dumplings together.

Yuan Yu is a person who is particularly good at spoiling people, and he treats Lin Xixi in every possible way, “You eat more, your complexion hasn’t been very good recently.”

Lin Xi nodded regretfully and looked at Yuan Yu with a smile. Yuan Yu’s heart was shaken by the gentle expression. She leaned forward and was about to kiss, but Lin Xi smiled and pushed away.

Dog food is really being scattered everywhere.

Xiao Fengxian couldn’t control it any more, and slowly walked over from behind, and hugged Su Qin who was picking the beans.

Su Qin trembled and turned to look at her, Xiao Fengxian cleared his throat, “Shall we go in and pick it up?”

Su Qin:…

It’s really small and bad to teach bad to big ones.

Although her family style was childish, has she been brought too “open” by Yuan Bao recently?

After eating.

Yuan Yu patted his stomach to bask in the sun, and Lin Xi was sorry to go to the toilet. She especially liked Xiawa Village. She felt that the mountains and rivers were much more beautiful than those in the city.

Yu Guangdi, Yuan Yu saw Lin Xi Xi’s mobile phone on the table, she smiled, this little confused.

Picking up the phone, Yuan Yu walked to the door of the bathroom and was about to knock on the door when he heard a strange sound coming from inside.

As soon as her body became stiff, Yuan Yu’s heart sank. Instead of knocking on the door, she sat on the opposite chair and waited.

I don’t know how long it took.

The door was opened, and Lin Xixi walked out. Her face was covered with water and her hair was a little messy. She was shocked when she saw Yuan Yu.

Without waiting for her to speak, Yuan Yu handed her the phone, “You have fallen.”

Lin Xi was silent.

Yuan Yu looked at her and took a deep breath, “Why do you want this?”

Lin Xixi was still silent.

Yuan Yu knew what she did.

Induction of vomiting, let alone model circles, is also very common in interpretation circles.

It is understandable to stay in shape, but it can be very hurtful for a long time.

Lin Xixi kept silent, but lowered her head. Yuan Yu wanted to grab her hand and was avoided by her. “Don’t do this, Xixi, I just… don’t want you to work too hard. You stay healthy like this for a long time. I can’t bear it.”

Lin Xixi nodded suddenly, she looked at Yuan Yu calmly, “I know.”

This look made Yuan Yu think of He Yunhan.

No wonder she chose Xi Xi as her apprentice, they are really similar in some respects.

Lin Xixi: “I know, you dote on me and love me, but, Ayu, I don’t want to look up at you like this, and rely on you for everything I don’t want.”

At that time, Yuan Yu arranged the operation for her mother. Of course she was moved. After being moved, she felt inferiority in her heart.

Lin Xixi felt that she and Yuan Yu were too far apart.

Later, they were very happy together.

But when Yuan Yu gradually led her into her circle of friends, Lin Xixi knew how much they were worse off. She couldn’t get in when they talked about the topic. She had only heard of the wine they mentioned. She didn’t even dare to think about the brand they said. It was okay once or twice. Over time, her sense of loss became more and more weight.

But Yuan Yu in the crowd is so dazzling.


They are wrong.

She couldn’t let go of Yuan Yu, so she had to work **** her own.

Lin Xi has eaten very little, and even didn’t eat anything on the plane today, but the company’s contract conditions are extremely demanding, and the weight is not reachable by ordinary people. This morning, Yuan Bao and the others were there, and she had to eat it, but after eating, the guilt spread in her heart, so that she could not breathe, so she could only induce vomiting, as if vomiting out, her heart Feel much better.

“We are lovers, why do we rely on looking up?” Yuan Yu did not understand Lin Xixi’s thoughts, “I have never underestimated anything.”

In some respects, her thoughts are very similar to Yuanbao, and they are all tied to the end.

Yuan Yu feels that two people are in love with each other. It also depends on the material conditions. It’s not just that Lin Xixi depends on her. She also depends on each other in daily life. Isn’t this normal? She didn’t tell Lin Xixi that every morning, when she held water for herself to drink, Yuan Yu felt that she was the happiest person in the world. Her family is a typical kind of complicated wealthy family. She has had everything to do with food and clothing since she was born, and she is prosperous and wealthy, but this is not what she wants at all. What she wants is the care of people around her.

Lin Xi sighed weakly, “I can’t tell you clearly.”

Yuan Yu rubbed the fire in his heart, “What do you mean?”

Lin Xixi shook her head. She looked at Yuan Yu, “You think there is nothing, because you have all this since you were born.”

Leaving these words, she walked out of the house, leaving Yuan Yu alone.

Yuan Yu was very sad. At this moment, she missed Yuan Bao very much.

She knows that many people think her thoughts are too simple, but this does not mean she is stupid.

It’s like Yuanbao, always understanding and loving her.

In this case, it would be okay to say it in the mouth of others, but when it was said in the mouth of a lover, Yuan Yu was still hurt.

Yuan Bao, who was delivering goods for the New Year, had no idea what happened to her sister.

She brought a lot of fresh vegetables and all kinds of meat to Grandma Song. Grandma Song shook her head, her head was white, and she looked at Yuan Bao busy with a smile.

“Grandma, I put the milk in the refrigerator for you. Didn’t I bring you a microwave oven last year? If you don’t want to catch a fire, just heat it up and drink it without taking it out.” Yuan Bao wiped the sweat from his head. ” I’ve put this rice in a rice jar. Why do I think there are so many chili peppers in your refrigerator? I’ve said it several times, and I’m getting older, so I can’t eat it like I did when I was young.”

Yuan Bao was talking about it, and Grandma Song’s eyes were a little red.

Yuan Bao saw it and felt a pain in her heart. She walked over and hugged Grandma Song: “Okay, Grandma, you can’t drop the golden peas during the New Year.”

Grandma Song touched Yuanbao’s hair: “You’ve grown up and changed, and grandma won’t recognize it anymore.”

Yuan Bao squinted into her grandma’s arms and acted like a baby. He didn’t dislike the smell of medicine on her body at all. “Grandma, people have been in the family these past two days. My grandma is a bit busy. After this period of time, I will treat you two old men. Mrs. Get together.”

Grandma Song is older than Grandma Xiao, and she touched Yuan Bao’s hair with some dry hands. Even the pregnant cat Yuanyuan from grandma’s house knew Yuan Bao and walked over to stick to her.

Yuan Bao hugged Yuanyuan, and the two of them leaned against Grandma Song, “My God, how many pregnant women have such a big belly?”

Grandma Song was amused.

She likes ingots very much.

She even dared not say that she knew that Yuan Bao had returned a few days ago, and she had been sitting at the door looking forward.

She always feels that seeing Yuanbao is like seeing her own child.

She had nothing in her whole life.

Fortunately, Yuan Bao warmed her.

The two were chatting in a whisper, the door was pushed open, Grandma Xiao carried a fish in her hand and walked in front with a smile on her face. Behind her, He Ma was pushing a bag of rice, and He Yunhan carrying two boxes. Milk came in.

When Grandma Song was about to speak, she felt that Yuan Bao, who was acting coquettishly on her shoulder, was stiff, and then she jumped up like a spring.

Yuan Bao quickly put Yuanyuan, who was lying comfortably in his arms, in Grandma Song’s arms, and then complained: “Grandma, we have to keep a little distance, don’t be confused when we look back, and you little bad cat, why? If you are pregnant, don’t you be reserved to seduce me and touch you? I’m telling you, I’m a family member, don’t hook me! My family is terrible! Cut you guys!”

He Yunhan:………………

other people:……………………

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