Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 172: : The death of needle gold

Scab's proposal was rejected by Zhenjin, and the priest's voice suddenly turned sharp: "Knight Templar, you have to consider the overall situation."

Zhenjin's eyes were firm: "I prefer to think for my companions, Father!"

Scab snorted coldly, and suddenly a bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air, which actually struck Zidi.

Zidi couldn't react at all, and watched the lightning finally struck her feet.

After a moment of stunned, everyone was in an uproar.

"Master priest, what are you doing?!"

"Did you manipulate the lightning just now?"

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

"What do I want to do?" The scab roared, "I just want to save time! Now is not the time to doubt each other, quickly send me the artifact! Otherwise, the next lightning strike will not be so random."

"Xiong Dun, Chai Zha, how long will you apologize for?"

"Send the artifact up quickly."

"This is an order!"

"Don't worry, they won't stop you. Because we, the Templar knights, want to be considerate of our companions."

Speaking of the last, Scab's tone was markedly mocking.

Xiong Dun, Chai Zha and others stepped forward and looked at Jin Jin: "I'm sorry, my lord."

Zhenjin gritted his teeth and held a stalemate with several apologetic knights, and finally withdrew a step back to clear the way.

Under the gaze of everyone, the four apologetic knights lifted the sapphire golden coffin, brought the fairy tale of the mermaid, and went to the fourth floor.

"Master Scab?!" The four apologetic knights all felt shocked.

When they saw the scab again, they found that the priest had changed beyond recognition.

Originally, the scab was full of energy and he was in the prime of life, but now he describes it as withered, skinny, wrinkled brows, distorted expression, and blue veins on his forehead.

Scab saw the four of them, laughed miserably, and said with a volume that the four of them could only hear: "Do you think there is no cost to occupy this central tower? After all, I am just a silver priest, and here It is the base camp of legendary alchemists!"

Priests, pastors, and devout believers all get divine power more or less because of their faith. Under normal circumstances, the body of scabs always contains divine power, and is continuously nourished by divine power. Over time, the physical quality of scabs will also be improved, especially eyesight.

However, in order to occupy the central tower, when the scabs are intact, all of his divine powers are not enough. What's more, in the process of coming here, as well as in the fierce battle just now, he has repeatedly performed divine arts and consumed a lot of divine power.

The divine power is far from enough to invade the central tower, so the scab can only use unconventional means.

He squeezed his own vitality and overdrawn the potential for future advancement, and this burst of supernatural power.

"Master Scab..." Several apologetic knights were shocked, and their voices were a little choked. They knew how great the sacrifice of Scab was.

"It doesn't matter." Scab smiled, "As long as you enshrine these two artifacts, and then inform the upper echelons of the situation here, the credit and rewards we get will far exceed our efforts. At that time, I will even have it. May become the cardinal archbishop. And you are no longer just knights in charge of guarding the priest."

"My lord, when can we leave here?"

"It's about to succeed. Taling was seriously injured and is losing ground. We will soon be able to open the portal." Scab said here, his eyes flashed, and he was very confident.


A monkey-tailed brown bear attempts to rush to the third floor.

The huge white-bone feather deer got stuck on the stairs from the first floor to the second floor, but man-made monsters like monkey-tailed brown bears are not in this category.

Zong Ge brandished the bone hammer to repel the monkey-tailed brown bear.

The monkey-tailed brown bear was quickly bitten by the crocodile-headed anaconda behind him, dragged it down, and began to swallow it.

Several bat monkeys were about to rush over when they were sprayed with acid, and they fell down one after another.

The green lizard spraying acid was quickly trampled by the powerful white rhinoceros who came from the guns and scorpions, and fled in panic.

There was chaos in the second layer, lacking a unified scent guide, these man-made beasts were killing each other.

The pressure on the survivors stationed in the third floor plummeted.

Ironically, Zong Ge thought that this kind of pressure would be even greater.

"The situation is not so good, Zhenjin. Scab is controlling the central tower. The key is that we don't know how he is progressing now!" Zong Ge took advantage of the gap and said to Zhenjin.

Zhenjin furrowed his brows, a look of embarrassment, and a deep sigh: "What else can we do? We don't have supernatural powers. Only Scab can invade the center."

"He also controls lightning..."

"Don't worry, he is the priest of Emperor Shengming after all. Divine art cannot be faked."

Seeing Zhenjin's response like this, Zong Ge was stunned, and his mood became even worse.

The half-orc's heart sank, and he suddenly understood: "No. Pinjin is brave and fair, but too benevolent. This is his strength, and also his weakness. Now he is seen through by the scab and he is holding on tightly. Pinjin Dedicated to save other people, especially his fiancee here. He is too young!"

"One more thing, Acupuncture is a Templar Knight, Scab is Father Shengming. The two have the closest relationship. Therefore, even though the priest deliberately threatened Acupuncture with lightning, Acupuncture still believes that the priest will never entrap him."

The Templars are the armed forces that belong directly to Emperor Shengming, and priests, priests, etc. are also the civilian positions of Emperor Shengming. The two are a system and share the same belief.

If the two kill each other, it will certainly cause dissatisfaction with the gods. Acupuncture against the scab, the plot is serious, will be deprived of the identity of the Templar, and wanted. Conversely, if the scab is not good for acupuncture, the teaching position will be reduced or completely zeroed out, and it will even be defined as a traitor.

Therefore, the lightning of the scab did not split into the needle gold, but chose the purple dice.

But it didn't really hit Zidi, just a warning.

Zong Ge's eyes were filled with gloom, and he secretly analyzed the situation: "The current situation is very bad. Only scabs can invade the center. Now he has been acting for a long time, controlling most of the center tower, and can activate lightning and firmly occupy it. initiative."

"I have no way of judging how true or false what he said. I am afraid there is a danger of drying up the mana pool. But it is also very possible that he has been able to open the portal."

"It's really too bad to send these two artifacts. We have lost the important bargaining chip to restrain the scab."

"But if we don't give it away, we will probably be killed by lightning!"

"Listening to his voice, this priest is full of credit and credit. Obviously, in his heart, artifacts are more important than people!"

"Zinjin is a Templar Knight, so we won't have this level of worry. But our identities will not be seen by the scab. In this case, we are very dangerous."

"And now the only thing that can make Scabs worry about is these artificial monsters in front of you."

"Damn it!"

"I wished that these man-made beasts died before, but now I need them to show a stronger offensive to ensure my safety?"

"It's ironic!"

Zong Ge is a tough guy who knows the truth about being kind and not in charge of soldiers, and he also understands the benefits of raising bandits.

He was both disappointed and understood about the needle gold, after all, Zidi was the fiancee of the young knight.

"What should I do, it's a headache."

Zong Ge is not good at handling such things. Despite his father's high status, as an illegitimate child, he was only cared for by martial arts teaching in his childhood, and he was not trained in strategy.

Otherwise, he would not have the most outstanding record after joining the army, but he would still be squeezed out by his colleagues.

More or less, other people also have such an idea. Read

The threat of scabs and the lightning that fell on Zidi's feet made everyone feel chilling and startled. Seeing that the needle gold was forced to be unthinkable, everyone's morale quickly declined.

Therefore, even though the monsters killed each other, under the impact of the monsters from time to time, the survivors' defense line was obviously unstable, and there was a startling shake.

"Stick me!" Scab had a keen insight into this situation. In fact, he had already prepared.

He then shouted loudly: "As long as we survive the last difficulty, we will all be rescued!"

"The credit you have now is enough for you to start again."

"Needle gold, don't forget, I am your examiner. As I said before, our credit at the moment is definitely not just the position of the White Sand City Lord."

"Muban, you stole a large number of drawings of the bow and crossbow in the guild. With this credit, you can return to the guild and even become the club president!"

"Cangxu, you may not know that the internal strife in the Shata family has subsided. Although you have been betrayed by your son, he has been implicated in jail because of the same faction. The Shata family is getting rid of the chaos. You have this credit, With my guarantee in the future, the Shata family will revoke your wanted, admit your mistakes, and you can be your scholar back."

"Zidi, your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce and the Zhenjin Family Alliance, but you are still in trouble. After this battle, I will bridge the bridge for you and let part of the Shengming Diocese become your trading partners. You should understand that this is for the Chamber of Commerce In terms of how important it is."

"Three knives, you really pay attention to integrity. But because of integrity, your mercenary group does a lot of dirty work, right? Although it is disbanded, I can find a safe place for you people, such as a guard in a certain city. If you can truly serve Emperor Shengming, I can even lead you to the Knights of Apologetics!"

"Zong Ge...I know your identity, you are an illegitimate child, you want to make a contribution, you want to go back with your head high, and take back everything that belongs to you. Then you should seize this opportunity now, right? "


The words of Scab moved the survivors again.

He actually knew the survivors very well, and he knew it deeply, and he seemed to understand everyone's thoughts and demands.

He clearly remembered the name of each survivor, and he did not miss any one, even ordinary people like Bai Ya.

This is the excellent quality of the evangelist!

He promised Bai Ya that as long as he cooperated with him, the credit would be given to him and he would become a knight in the future!

"Master priest, I... believe you!" Bai Ya showed longing.

The morale of the public no longer fell, and the front line stabilized.

More importantly, Scab occupied too much initiative, and everyone had no way to counter him, they could only choose to believe.

However, in the fourth layer.

After scab's agitated speech, he snorted coldly, with disgust and disdain on his face: "A bunch of scums are also worthy of assigning this credit to us! Let you die here and make atonement for yourself."

"Master priest?"

"There are Templar knights in it."

"They are all in the same boat. After all, we rushed all the way to support each other..."

Several apologetic knights showed unbearable expressions.

Scab snorted coldly: "Of course I will save the Templars!"

"But other people, I can't take them away."

"The more I invaded the central tower, the more information I got. Judging from the records of the war traffickers' transmissions in the past, the current mana is very reluctant to transmit two artifacts. Only a few people can be taken away."

"Do you want companions? Or do you want credit?"

Scab's eyes were sharp, and when he glanced around, the apologetic knights lowered their heads, not daring to look at the priest.

Scab smiled triumphantly, but at this moment, another golden monster rushed over.

It is not big, it is actually a golden manta!

Everyone is invincible, and the front is about to collapse.

"Damn, I have to untie the third layer of magic circle and take out that strange blood cell." Scab was anxious in his heart, and quickly yelled at the next layer, "Needle gold! Go up and use all your strength. "

"I know your concerns, it doesn't matter!"

"Relax, with me, I will purify everything for you."

The look of needle gold changed drastically.

At this moment, he is already in the state of "Knight of Gods", and the meaning of the scab is undoubtedly to completely change the needle gold.

He seems to have understood the biggest secret of needle gold!

Zhenjin hesitated for a while, still gritted his teeth and charged.

But the direction of his charge was not the golden manta monkey, but the fourth step.


"Needle gold, what do you want to do?"

"Don't stop, at your own risk!"

The needle gold turned a deaf ear, and the speed got faster and faster.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect needle gold to be so reckless.

Then the next moment, everyone was more horrified.

Several bolts of lightning struck in succession, hitting the gold needle, which actually killed the young knight on the spot.

"No--!" After a moment of stunned, Zidi screamed sternly, and ran towards the body of needle gold, but was caught by the black scroll beside her.

"It's too dangerous!" Hei Juan shouted, "President Zidi, please calm down."

"Dad!!!" The big man yelled, reacted, and rushed towards the corpse of needle gold.

The big man ran at full strength and fell directly to his knees, ignoring the violent rubbing of his knees against the floor tiles.

He carefully flipped the corpse of the needle gold, the surface of the needle gold was pitch black, and there was no life.

"Dad, daddy, wake up, wake up..." The big man's eyes were red and tears were streaming.

But obviously, the needle gold is dead.

Everyone felt his breath of life disappeared.

After all, in this forbidden environment, UU reading www.uukanshu. How can the human body withstand the lightning attack? Even those man-made monsters fell apart under lightning.

"No, it's not true."

"Master Needle... is dead?!"

"Could the scab be crazy? He actually killed the Templars! Even if he has a monstrous merit, he can't turn back on this alone!"

Rong Ge and others struggled to resist the golden manta monkeys and were defeated, but they couldn't believe what happened before them.

"Murder! Murderer!! The murderer who killed Dad, I want to kill you!!" The big man roared with a ferocious look, and rushed to the fourth floor.

"Don't go!!" Zidi screamed.

But it was too late.

The next moment, there were a few successive flashes of lightning, knocking the big man to the ground, twitching all over, foaming at the mouth, unable to move.

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