Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 174: : Memory Crystal


The Pig Kiss was moored quietly, a few crew members stayed on the ship, and most people were entertaining in the tavern, gambling, and other places on the dock. The day of sailing is tomorrow.

In a warehouse at the dock.

A sturdy and delicate wooden box. At this moment, the lid of the wooden box has been lifted to reveal the goods inside.

"Ah, this is?!" Zhenjin stood in front of the wooden box, exclaiming uncontrollably.

He saw: in the wooden box, lying a blond teenager, he was sleeping with his eyes closed. Whether it's the nose or eyebrows, arms or ankles, it's completely a re-enactment of his needle gold, even the height is the same.

"My lord, this is the substitute I prepared for you." Zidi smiled beside her.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable. How could it be possible to find such a perfect substitute!" Zhenjin exclaimed again and again.

Zidi explained: "Of course it wasn't found, it was modified and transformed. He is a lycanthrope."

"Beastization?" Acupuncture's pupils shrank slightly, and immediately thought of related information. "This kind of biological weapon seems to have become very popular. Especially in recent years, it has increasingly appeared in the battlefields of various continents."

"As expected to be an adult, I have seen a wide range of things." Zidi gave a soft sigh.

The flattery of such a beauty makes needle gold very useful.

Zhenjin gave a faint hum, and then frowned: "But why does he look exactly like me?"

Zidi said: "Because this is a lycanthrope customized for you."

"Can there be customization?" Zhenjin's eyes flashed, and her heart secretly admired, "The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is indeed second only to the six largest chambers of commerce. No wonder my father will agree to this marriage. The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has such a huge size and contact. In many dark corners of the world, hidden and dangerous people. Even if they are maimed, they should not be underestimated."

Zidi went on to introduce: "According to the requirements we put forward, the arms dealer customized this animalized man. You have also seen that he has the same appearance, height and other characteristics as you. More importantly, he and the adults Like you, you are also a knight, practicing fighting spirit. His fighting spirit is already at the silver level."

Zhenjin's heart suddenly shuddered, and said: "It's not easy to capture a silver knight, this kind of city lord level character?"

Zidi shook his head and smiled: "Our Chamber of Commerce can't do such a dangerous thing. This is all provided by the arms dealer."

Zhenjin asked: "So, what is his specific identity? Which noble child or a commoner promoted knight?"

Zidi continued to shook his head: "We don't know, this can be assured. His original memory has been completely erased, and now is a blank. Even if he wakes him up now, I don't know who he is, but he has been transformed and will definitely be Be loyal, obey our orders, and endure till death."

"The technique of beastization is really convenient." Zhenjin sighed, but a sense of crisis was born in his heart.

A knight of silver rank has been planted, let alone a small black iron rank?

"However, Zidi and I are married. I am a Templar and the only heir of the Hundred Needles family. They dare not harm me."

Zhenjin thought of this, frowning deeper, and he saw one of the shortcomings of the lycanthrope: "How can a blank stand-in play me?"

"On this point, please take a look at it, adults." Zidi showed the needle gold, "Of course we were prepared."

Zhenjin looked over and found a creamy white crystal pillar in Zi Di's palm.

"Angel's tears?" Zhenjin raised his brows slightly, "No, this is the memory crystal of Youshen!"

Zidi smiled: "My lord, it's a pleasure to talk to someone like you with deep vision and wisdom."

The ancestor of the Necromancer, Youshen, the sixth most wanted man, is a legend who created necromantic magic.

What kind of race he is, there is no way to verify it. A lot of information mentions that he is a successful blasphemy priest and has stolen the power of many gods.

This is not easy.

He has repeatedly successfully deceived the gods, making them mistakenly believe that he is his own believer, thus projecting his divine power and instilling it into the ginseng.

Some experts speculated that perhaps it was You Shen who had stolen the power of many gods and conducted private research, which prompted him to successfully create undead magic.

And the important prop for You Ginseng to deceive the gods is the memory crystal he developed.

This kind of magic item, which looks very similar to Angel's Tears from the outside, can delete, modify and copy the memories of intelligent life.

Every time you change your identity and believe in another god, you will cut your memory into the memory crystal, and then put the forged memory into your body.

In this way, he directly deceived himself without any flaws, and then deceived the gods.

"Wonderful!" Zhenjin laughed, stroking her palms, "Just copy a memory and instill it in this double. In this way, it's just a living me."

"It's just..." Zhenjin thought of something, and she had new worries.

Zidi knew what he was thinking and immediately persuaded: "My lord, don't worry, the secret skills of the Hundred Needles family and the secrets of the Knights Templar will not be revealed. After the memory is instilled, he will only think that he is a needle gold, how could it be possible? Do you hurt yourself by revealing these secrets? We will strictly control the memory crystals, modify and delete them. We will not pass on some important memories. We are the only one who handles this memory crystal. I am yours Fiancée, practicing magic, and will not have any idea about these secret skills. Our interests are the same, Master Jin Jin."

Jin Jin nodded: "You are right. In fact, the family's fighting skills, secret skills, etc., have been leaked out. As the defeated, these things have long been stored in the depths of the Imperial Library. And these fighting skills, The secret technique needs to be matched with the blood of our Hundred Needle family to show its true value."

Zhenjin looked at the sleeping substitute in front of him, and his heart became more satisfied: "Very good, I am very safe with the substitute. Silver vindictiveness is also suitable for competing with Baisha City Lord. My own vindictiveness is still too low. As expected. My father. I now fully approve of the decision he made. Cooperating with the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has benefited a lot."

Seeing the change in Zhenjin's expression, Zidi knew that he had approved his plan, so she continued softly: "Master Zhenjin, next copy the memory, there are some points to pay attention to."

"First, we don't need to copy all the memories into the crystal. Because people will forget, and we will not remember everything that happened in the past."

"The second point, please try not to omit important moments in our lives. If we omit them, we will be very troubled if we see enemies as our substitutes but treat them as friends."

"The third point, please try to copy some positive memories as much as possible, so that when the substitute recognizes himself, he feels that he is a Templar knight, an excellent child of nobles. Only in this way can he exert his greater value."

Pinjin's face turned solemn, nodding repeatedly.

Zidi said very reasonable. He quickly thought of people like Qingkui and Ange: "Haha, let my silver substitute to deal with them. They must be very surprised when they saw my cultivation level suddenly risen to silver. "

After a while.

"My lord, how do you feel now?" Zidi asked.

Zhenjin shook his head slightly: "Except for the headache caused by copying memories, everything else is fine."

He stared at the mirror in front of him.

In the mirror, is a young man who wants to hang a sword. He has black hair and dark eyes, dark skin, and natural curls in his hair.

Zhenjin looked at herself in the mirror with a novel look: "It is indeed a potion made by Duke Emmy himself. I am totally another person! What name should I give?"

Zhenjin thought for a while, and said a few names, but Zidi shook his head and rejected them: "My lord, these names you said are too noble. You are playing a mercenary now. The name of the mercenary needs to be vulgar. It's better to just It's called Black Roll."

"Heijuan? What a terrible name." Zhenjin shook his head, and then shrugged. "It doesn't matter, just call it this."

Zidi looked at Zhenjin's waist saber again: "My lord, please give this sword to your double too."

This time, the attitude of Zhenjin's refusal was very firm. He didn't hesitate, and shook his head repeatedly: "No, this can't work."

"This is given to me by my father. It is called Yindian. It is a gold level. In fact, it is one of the secondary swords of Qiguang Nine Swords."

"Such a valuable thing, I must keep it personally!"

Looking at Zidi, the needle gold said again: "But don't worry, although the Qiguang Nine Swords are well-known all over the world, they have many secondary swords. The world rarely knows what UU reading www.uukanshu.com is. I won't be because This one reveals his identity."

Zidi nodded: "Then, Master Zhenjin now you can go to rest. I have prepared a room for the adults, as well as the reddest dancer on the pier. Of course, she is definitely not your true identity. Just Think of it as a trial for you to become familiar with your new identity."

"Hahaha." Zhenjin laughed, "I have never performed these activities as a low-level mercenary. It must be very interesting. Zidi, all these make me very satisfied. You did a very good job. . I have recognized you now, and perhaps you will indeed be competent in the future to become my wife. But, won’t you come to accompany me tonight?"

Zidi smiled. She curtsed her knees. With the moment of bowing her head, she concealed her contemptuous expression, and said softly: "I'm sorry, my lord, the pig kiss will set sail tomorrow, but there are still many things to deal with."

"Hahaha." Zhenjin laughed, "Then go to the business. Keep working hard. Want to be the wife of a nobleman. With your identity and blood, it is not easy."

"My lord, I must keep it in my heart!"

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