Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 181: : I'm so fed up with you guys!

Lightning slashed continuously, reflecting on the uncertain faces of the survivors.

The mana reserves in the mana pool are rapidly being consumed.

The survivors were reminded by Zidi, retreated to the blood core, and were temporarily safe.

But those man-made beasts were suffering one after another, and they were hacked to death one after another in the cannibalism.

However, the number of monsters has not dropped significantly, because Taring is still sending more troops.

Purple color changed: "Taling, stop teleporting!"

Taring: "Requests to be rejected, to eliminate the invaders, and to protect the central tower is the most...priority..."

Regardless of Zidi's repeated calls, Taring was forced to sleep again.

"Damn it!" Zidi's face was serious, and the situation became quite bad.

The old fox, Scab, doesn't seem to be able to fall with a single breath regardless of his appearance, but he still has a lot of energy left. The plan to let Zidi make a surprise attack to grab all the weather control authority fell through.

What's more terrible is that Taling intervened horizontally, thinking that he wanted to eliminate everyone except Zidi.

The three parties had their own attempts and entangled each other, resulting in a state of deadlock.

Zhenjin's face showed an unconcealable panic. He quickly persuaded Zidi and Scab: "Calm down, we are all in one group, there is no need to make this happen."

"Hahaha." Scab sneered, "It's too late, now Lightning is out of my control and Zidi's control. It is a free strike. She has also regained most of the transmission authority. If it is in my hands, Taring has no power at all. Send so many monsters in!"

The needle was full of cold sweat.

Lightning again and teleportation again. If this continues, the mana pool's reserves will bottom out. At that time, no one can leave!

"Zi Di, my fiancee!" Zhen Jin turned to look at Zi Di, and besides anxiousness, there was a plea in her eyes.

Zidi shook her head, her eyes cold: "I have no way to return the authority. Once I lose to Scab deliberately, the contract will kill me. Only when Scab has no authority can I get out."

"At that time, when the tower is dormant, I can stop controlling the weather, stop the transmission of thunder and lightning and beasts. We can win!"

The needle gold looked at the scab again: "Father, take a step back, the sky is high and the sea is wide. The sapphire golden coffin is yours, and we won't ask any more!"

"Hahaha!" Scab raised his head and laughed wildly, "Why? On this road, I will lead you, treat you, provide you with food, and protect you with magical techniques. Without me, you would even enter this underground alchemy factory. Not coming!"

"Why should I give you other credits?"

"What did you contribute?"

"Despicable businessman, timid noble! Just relying on you at the last moment, suddenly turned back, can you make me submit by threatening me?"

Zhenjin's eyes widened: "Master Scab, can you calm down? No one will give in, we are all going to die! Now only you can give in. My fiancee has a contract on her."

Scab sneered, staring at Zhenjin and Zidi with a mocking look: "Why can't your fiancee give in, so I have to give in?"

"Besides, who knows the specific content of the contract? Templars, are you sure your fiancee did not deceive you?"

The needle was taken aback.

After all, the three parties seriously lack mutual trust.

At first it was just a dispute over interests, but now that the three parties cannot step down, the situation is out of everyone's control.

They are all riding a tiger.

"Master Scab and Miss Zidi, please be more sensible."

"Yes, unnecessary internal friction will only allow Taling to succeed!"

"The war dealer is dead, and we can already escape. If the result is to die together, it's not worth it."

Several apologetic knights also panicked.

Scab sneered, and his bloodshot eyes showed a strong killing intent: "Then kill Zidi first! As for needle gold, as long as you don't die!"

The apologetic knights hesitated and gradually moved.

As apologetic knights, their duty is to protect the sect, and they are not willing to fight against the Templars.

However, the current situation has become so tense that it seems to be the best choice to kill Zidi, as long as it kills needle gold.

Moreover, they have always obeyed Scab's orders.

Zhenjin looked at the guarding knights who were ready to move, and suddenly became nervous. Once he did it, his fists were hard to beat four hands, and it would be difficult to protect Zidi's thoroughness.

"Zidi, let my voice go on!" Zhenjin said to Zidi.

So the next moment, the survivors heard Zhenjin’s cry: "Mane Ge, Three Swords, Blue Algae, and all crew members, I, as the Templar Knights, the sole heir of the Hundred Needles family, summoned you, and called you all. ."

"The flag of the empire is flying above our heads, and glory will be added to everyone."

"Come up and fight with me!"

"I swear by my own reputation that I will not treat you badly."

The crowd rioted.

Previously, the conversation between Zidi and Scab hadn't been spread out, and was limited to the fourth floor. Everyone only sees lightning and teleportation happening constantly, and they don't know anything about it.

Now the needle gold suddenly summoned, and people were amazed.

"What's going on? What happened upstairs?"

"Did they encounter an enemy? Could it be that a modified monster teleported over?"

The temporary enlistment of needle gold had no effect, and none of the survivors moved.

"It's useless." Zidi's face was bleak, "This is why I want to resurrect the double."

"Damn, I'm a needle gold, a magnificent Templar!" A needle gold gritted his teeth, and in order to encourage the group to fight against the scab and the guardian knights, he deliberately vaguely said.

The crowd was indifferent, making Jin Jin feel ashamed.

Now, Scab has lost the authority to control the weather and can no longer use lightning to target a specific target. However, the random lightning strikes became more threatening in the eyes of the survivors.

"You have to risk your life to rush to the fourth floor!" Zidi said.

Zhenjin thoughtfully said, "If the double is still alive, he must encourage these people?"

"Not necessarily." Zidi shook his head, "You have revealed your true identity, and his prestige has fallen to the bottom. It's hard to believe. Master Zhenjin, I remember caring for you many times, so I must keep it secret! Once you reveal your identity, the loss to us is really too great."

"Blame me!!" At this moment, Jin Jin extremely regretted.

He wiped a cold sweat on his head: "Is the mana pool almost drying up? Let's open the portal first. The four of you can go first!" Zhenjin said to the four **** knights.

The apologetic knights were ready to move, but when they heard this, they hesitated again.

Because most of the transmission authority is in Zidi's hands, the situation is now out of everyone's control. It is also a good choice to get out of your life early and save your life.

The scab suddenly sank.

Currently he and Zidi are in a stalemate. Although he is retreating steadily, there is still resistance.

Even if Zidi finally wins and seizes all rights, time will be delayed for a long time. At that time, the mana pool was completely dry, and no one could be teleported at all.

Scab and Zidi are unwilling to see this happen, so both sides must change the situation in advance.

After the temporary conscription of the needle gold failed, the choice of the four apologetic knights became the biggest factor in changing the situation.

The apologists are very embarrassed.

They want to survive and they want credit. I don't want to deal with needle gold, and I don't want to violate the scab's orders.

Seeing the hesitation of the apologetic knights, Zidi was overjoyed and immediately added: "Don't you see it? Father Scab is crazy! Maybe it was because of the infringement of authority, he suffered backlash, and he was already unconscious. In fact, he is not afraid of death. Because even if he is dead, his soul may be attracted by Emperor Shengming, enter the kingdom of God, and even become a hero."

"But what about you? Do you have this treatment? Your situation is actually the same as ours!"

The apologetic knights were more hesitant.

But the next moment, Zhenjin was full of horror and said: "Zidi, my good fiancée, I don't want to die. There are standards for the souls of believers to enter the kingdom of God, and my faith in the emperor has not reached the level of piety. You. Open the portal and let me go first!"

Zidi was taken aback.

Before Zhenjin proposed to open the portal, Zidi thought that Zhenjin wanted to stabilize the apologists, but he did not expect that he really wanted to open the portal.

Under the tremendous pressure of death, needle gold revealed its nature, reason was being used to destroy it, and the strong desire to survive took the upper hand.

The scab and the apologetic knights changed slightly again, and the panic of the needle-gold made them instantly capture the huge flaws in Zidi's side.

Zidi quickly remedied it, and she coldly said to the needle: "My fiance, you are gone, do you want to leave me here alone? The reason why I agreed to Taring and accepted the contract is not for our future. ?!"

Ai Ai: "I will try my best to revive you! I swear!!"

Zidi sneered: "Even if you can resurrect me, and I die in their hands, all the credit for this splashing sky belongs to them! Are you willing?"

"My fiancée, what credit are you talking about now? Save your life! I can tell this scab, he is crazy, regardless of life and death! This is actually normal, he is not a businessman, he is a believer, a believer. Pious disciple of the God of Victory!" Zhenjin shouted, his face full of pleading.

Zidi closed her eyes and shook her head slowly. At this moment, she was completely disappointed with Zhenjin.

The apologists were ready to move again.

Zidi suddenly opened her eyes and sneered again and again: "Kill me, you can't escape. Scab, how can I not understand your state?"

"You have no more energy!"

"Even if I die, you still have to expend divine power and spirit to invade your authority. Do you have so much divine power? Your spirit has also been hit hard in the confrontation with me."

"In other words, once I die, no one can open the portal!"

The apologetic knights hesitated again.

They want credit, but they want to live more!

Scab smiled, and deliberately used a bright tone to show his state: "You underestimate me too much, Miss Zidi."

"How can you understand the level of silver if you are a black iron?"

"I have a lot of spare energy! You are alarmist, just showing your weakness."

"My spirit is still vigorous, and my divine power can even cast a resurrection technique. But I will not resurrect a substitute?"

"Resurrect him and let him inspire the people below to attack me? I have seen through your strategy a long time ago!"

The apologetic knights moved again.

Zidi also sneered: "Still energetic? Then why do you fail, and the authority is recaptured by me..."

The apologetic knights hesitated again.

"Enough! You two! I really have enough of you!!" Suddenly, the needle gold broke out.

He grabbed his hair, his face flushed, and roared: "What the **** are you two damned guys doing?! You can escape, what are you doing?"

"Ah! Now the mana pool is drying up, you are not willing to give in!"

"Do you want to die?"

"You want to die, why don't you die early? Why don't you die on the road? Why don't you take the initiative to send it to those monsters? Why come here?"

"The longer the time delays, the less our credit will be, and the less we hope to survive. Don't you understand this truth?"

"You two idiots!!!"

Zhenjin roared again and again, venting the anger and panic in his heart.

"Master Zhenjin is right!!" The four apologetic knights nodded again and again, and those who agreed could no longer agree.

"Since I'm right, you four **** guys just listen to me, don't be influenced by these two people again!!" Zhenjin was furious.

The four apologetic knights looked at each other, and then they looked firm and nodded to the gold.

The scab and purple pedicle changed color at the same time.

The situation suddenly turned, and the needle became angry, which actually changed the situation!

Now, his attitude and choices have become the key.

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