Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 185: : Princess's Crown

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In the process of growth, too many changes. The only constant seems to be the father's love for his daughter.

Year after year, the birthday party he held for his daughter became more and more luxurious.

For the 11-year-old birthday party, my father spent a lot of money, and the banquet covered the entire Garden City.

"Just here, stop." Father released his hand covering Zi Di's eyes, "clang clang!"

Zidi's eyes suddenly brightened, her small mouth subconsciously opened into an o shape, and her face was full of surprises and surprises.

In front of her, a giant cake with a height of three meters and 11 layers was shining brilliantly. Each layer had the main color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple...like a rainbow, dreamy and charming.

Zidi exclaimed: "Rainbow cake!"

This dessert classic is well-known throughout the empire. No more than ten people can make it in the world. Because it uses many rare magic materials. Every bite of the rainbow cake can make people feel the sweetest taste in the world, and produce a very relaxed and happy wonderful mood.

This is a special-grade pastry, which is a huge benefit and increase in the cultivation and status of consumers.

"Aren't you always curious about the taste of rainbow cake?" Father smiled, "So this time, I invited a famous pastry master. This cake is your birthday cake!"

"Dad, this is... amazing!" Zidi was a little bit incoherent with excitement. She hugged her father's arm, leaned her head on his father's shoulder, her eyes gleamed, "I know that Dad loves me the most. "

"Of course, you are my little princess." Father laughed, and then hesitated, "Daughter, besides this birthday cake, Dad also arranged a date for you."

"It's a date again?" Zidi immediately released her arm, took a step back, looked at her father, frowning.

The father gave a wry smile: "My child, you have grown up, it is time to accept these things. I know you have always disliked these things, but..."

"Okay, okay. For the sake of the rainbow cake, I will go. But don't you expect me to lower my standards...Which family is it this time?"

Father blinked his eyes again and again. He had prepared these words for a long time, but when he was about to say them, he realized that it was so difficult to confide these words!

"He is the nobleman among the nobles, of course, he is also a knight, he..." It took a long time for his father to speak, his tone difficult.

"Okay, I see. Don't say it!" Before her father finished speaking, the girl Zidi interrupted him. She began to walk around the rainbow cake, admiring it carefully, and her whole mind was on it, and she kept admiring. .

Seeing his daughter's joy, the father's expression is quite complicated.

He opened his mouth several times, trying to tell more about it.

Zidi occasionally raised her head and caught sight of her father standing there, and waved her hand: "Dad, are you still here? Go and work. Don't worry, I will deal with it. Even if I look down, I will never offend him. other side!"

"Then I'm going." My father sighed and turned hard to leave.

The gala dinner gathers together and the powerful gather.

Zidi is a well-deserved protagonist, and the gift is softened.

In the middle of the banquet, Zidi walked to a room on the second floor.

Today she is all dressed up, a pink princess dress with lovely lace edges. On the feet are a pair of white pearl-like high heels, and on the arms are long gloves made of pink silk. Her hair curled up like waves, and her amethyst-like eyes were covered by thick eyelashes, making her cute, noble, and charming.

Compared to when she first appeared on the stage, she now has a dazzling diamond necklace on her chest, a white jade inlaid gold bracelet on each of her wrists, and a small and exquisite crystal crown on her head. These were all gifts given by the nobles at the dinner, she took them apart in person and put them on happily, both the host and the guest.

In the dance hall downstairs, the sensation caused by the rainbow cake continued.

"This is the most beautiful birthday party I have ever had." Zidi was happy and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice came from the room.

Zidi entered the room and saw a short, fat middle-aged man standing in front of the French windows, holding a wine glass full of wine in his hand, overlooking the garden under the night. Moonlight shines through the window and shines on his face, revealing the oily glow of his face.

"Master City Lord." Zidi was slightly surprised. She was here for the appointment, but she did not expect to see the City Lord of Garden City.

"I think I might have gone to the wrong room." Zidi was about to resign.

"You didn't go wrong, my little beauty." The Garden City Lord turned around and looked at Zidi with a smile, "Your date is me."

"What?!" Zidi widened her eyes and looked at the middle-aged man who was older than her father in shock.

"This is impossible!" Zidi shook her head, without a trace of blood on her face, and backed away, "This joke is not funny."

The Garden City Lord looked at her with interest: "Of course this is not a joke. If you don't believe it, you can look up at the room number plate."

Zidi retreated to the door, looked up to see the number plate, panic and fear made her tender body tremble slightly.

"No, no, this is not true..." Zidi murmured, unable to believe the facts before her.

"Didn't your father say?" Garden City Lord was surprised.

Zidi was shocked physically and mentally. At this moment, she fully understood why her father had such a complicated expression when talking to her before.

The girl was upset.

"Oh... my poor little boy." The Garden City Lord walked towards Zidi slowly, "Look at how you look like a delicate little flower swaying under the wind and rain. Don't worry, I'm a flower cherishing person, and I will be fine. Cherish you."

"No, no!" Zidi suddenly woke up, backed back again and again, and all of a sudden stepped back into the corridor, shaking her head constantly, "It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this..."

The Garden City Lord walked to the door, compassionate and mocking, cold and joking, looking down at Zidi: "In fact, it should be like this."

"Do you know the scale of the current Wisteria Chamber of Commerce? How many powerful people have penetrated into it?"

"Do you know that your father has long been unable to control the Chamber of Commerce?"

"Your father and daughter do not have the status to be on the stage at all, your bloodline is low, and your status is humble. Throughout your life, you can only be limited to the black iron level, but you have a huge amount of wealth. The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce... Under the Chamber of Commerce...behemoth..."

"I have to admit." Garden City Lord shrugged, "Your father has a wonderful business ability. This is his luck, and perhaps his misfortune. He has no qualifications and strength to master such a huge chamber of commerce."

"He also realized this, so he worked so hard to get through the relationship all the way and finally found me."

"At first I refused."

"But then, the bargaining chip your father opened still moved me."

"You also know that my brother is the Grand Duke Maixiang. To take refuge in me is to take refuge in the living gods of the empire. Only in this way can your father be able to keep the achievements of his struggle and his life, as well as his and your lives."

"I will marry you, and I will be your husband."

"So, come here."

The Garden City Lord beckoned to Zidi: "Close to me obediently, walk into this room, then close the door, and take the initiative to throw into my arms."

"I like taking the initiative the least."

"No, no..." Zidi kept shook her head, the cruel reality had a big impact on her, her thoughts were confused and it was difficult to really think.

"I won't go out of this door." The Garden City Lord said proudly, "In my capacity, I will not make any action to pursue you. Young and innocent Miss Zidi, you are just an addition to this transaction, please You must understand this."

"Of course, you are also the key. Without the marriage between you and me, other forces in the empire would not easily give up. This is one of the rules of the game called'Politics'."

"I can't marry you, Lord City Lord, I don't want to!" Zidi's tears flowed down, crying.

The Garden City Lord frowned, and his tone began to be unhappy: "Of course, you can reject me completely. In fact, I am not willing to sacrifice my wife's precious quota for this transaction. Let you become my wife, this is one A major waste of political resources!"

"I don't care."

"If you can't make up your mind now, I can give you time to consider."

"Now, you can go downstairs. I believe that your father is already waiting for you at the corner of the stairs."

"There will be a good conversation between your father and daughter."

Zidi's face was pale, she forgot to salute the Garden City Lord, and staggered downstairs.

Sure enough, her father was standing on the corner of the stairs on the first floor.

"Zi Di." Father's expression is very complicated.

"You lie to me!" Zidi shouted angrily at his father with tears in her eyes.

"I didn't lie to you, and I never thought to lie to you! My daughter." The father quickly defended.

"You actually chose to sacrifice me for the Chamber of Commerce!?" Zidi asked, "Which is more important than the Chamber of Commerce or me?"

"Of course it's you, you are my only family, my baby girl!" The father blurted out, then covered his face with his hands and sobbed, "But I can't do it, I really can't."

"I want to give up the Chamber of Commerce, I swear to you, I want to give up it more than once!"

"But I can't."

"I'm already riding a tiger. The Chamber of Commerce is infiltrated by too many powerful and powerful people and is not under my control. As a founder, I can't retreat to the second line. They will not let go of a person with great influence like me. I am. If I don’t choose to join one of these forces or stand in line, I will be eaten by sharks! At that time, both of our father and daughter will be dead!"

Zidi was speechless, as if falling into an ice cave.

After a long time, she said, "Then why don't you tell me?"

"Is it useful for me to tell you the truth? Is it useful?!" Father was excited, "We are just inferior people, just low-blooded businessmen. No matter how much resources we use, we will only be a black iron."

"No matter how much money I spend to hire strong people, even Legendary! No one will deal with the major forces in the empire for us."

"The Wisteria Chamber of Commerce...Haha, although the vines are winding and growing luxuriantly, even if they cover more and more extensively, without the support of big trees, they can only lie on the ground and let others step on it!"

"We must go to one of them, do you understand? My daughter."

Zidi frowned, feeling infinitely sad: "So, you have to sacrifice me? Let me marry a man older than you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Father wanted to go up and hug Zidi.

But Zidi quickly backed away, and she screamed to her father firmly: "The man upstairs is definitely not my knight! My future is not like this."

Having said that, she was crying.

"Zidi, my daughter..." the father called affectionately.

But at this time, the owner of Garden City urged: "President Wisteria, you had better hurry up, my patience is limited."

Father's face changed, like a dark cloud, he anxiously shouted to Zidi: "Zidi, stop making trouble. Do you know how much I paid for this transaction?"

"Your father knows how much effort and risk I took for the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. You know how difficult it is for me!"

"I can't just watch it be taken away!"

"Help Dad, ah, just treat it as if you repay my kindness of nurturing. Over the years, your food and clothing costs and your high tuition fees have all been given by Dad. No matter what the money is, Dad will try to satisfy you. That’s it. Like this rainbow cake, don’t you like it very much?"

Seeing such a father, Zidi only feels cold.

"No, I don't like any rainbow cake! It seems that it is just a means for you to realize your plan!"

"From then on, I won't spend any more money from you. I will pay you back all the investment you made in me!"

Seeing Zidi so determined, his father became more annoyed: "Enough, what stupid you said, you can't live a day without me! How can you live the life of such a superior lady by yourself? Listen to Dad If you marry the Lord Garden City Lord, you will never worry about it forever!!"

"No, never!!" Zidi yelled, lifted the skirt, turned and ran.

Her father's call came from behind and made her stop, but Zidi ran faster instead.

She rushed out of the door of the building and almost got her toe. She lost one of her beautiful pearl white high-heeled shoes, and Zi Di simply kicked the other one away.

She ran into the garden, and her beautiful fluffy princess dress was scratched in the bushes, adding gaps and becoming dilapidated.

She was crying, tears shed all the way.

Her father's words were still echoing in her ears-you wouldn't live a day without me! How can you live the life of such a superior lady on your own?

How hurtful, Zidi became more angry and sad. She tore off the diamond necklace on her chest~www.readwn.com~ and took off the exquisite bracelet with high value, and then threw it on the side of the road.

She finally ran to the gate of the manor, and the guards looked at today's protagonist strangely.

The princess who was originally dressed up, the pearl on the palm of the president, is now in torn dress, panting, and tears on her face, embarrassed.

"Miss Zidi, can I help you?"

"Open the door to me!"

"This can't work, the chairman issued a strict order." The guards shook their heads repeatedly, with a firm attitude.

"Zidi." A familiar voice came from behind.

Zidi turned her head and saw Fat Tongue, her body trembled, and tears: "Are you here to persuade me too? Uncle Fat Tongue."

Fat Tongue slowly shook his head: "I don't agree with your father's approach. Let's go in my carriage. I will persuade your father."

After speaking, he ordered the guards: "Now, open the door."


"I will explain to the chairman, if something happens, the responsibility lies with me and will not affect you." Fat Tongue was determined.

The guards had to follow their orders.

Fat Tongue escorted Zidi all the way to his carriage.

"Uncle Fat Tongue, thank you!" Zidi stepped onto the carriage stairs, and she was extremely grateful for Fat Tongue.

Fat tongue smiled bitterly: "I watched you grow up, child. Don't blame your father, he has troubles and was forced to do nothing."

"No, I will never forgive him!" Zidi gritted her teeth.

She took a deep look at the manor, which was her home for many years.

Then she got into the carriage.

Inadvertently, the crystal crown on her head touched the lintel of the car door and fell off.

Zidi looked back at the crown on the ground, then closed the door of the carriage without hesitation.

"Go! Back to the Magic Academy." The next moment, her determined voice came from the carriage.

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