Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 187: : New President of Wisteria Chamber of Commerce

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The drizzle made the sky gloomy.

Zidi's father is buried at the back of the manor, together with her mother. This was the last wish made by his father when Zidi's mother died.

At the beginning, he dug up the first pot of gold in his life. In order to marry Zidi's mother, he used almost all his wealth to buy this hill and built this manor.

For Zidi's father, this is a testimony of his glorious life, the beginning of happiness, and the end of life.

The priest was praying, and the coffin descended into the tomb.

A group of people dressed in black were silent and solemn.

Zidi stood at the forefront, staring quietly at the coffin in front of her.

Here is buried her last relative in this world.

She was expressionless, but her heart was full of grief and hatred.

What a ridiculous cause of death!

As the president of a Super Chamber of Commerce, her father has a black iron-level cultivation base and also has many powerful body protectors. Even riding a smashing hoof horse, it would not die like this.

But such ridiculous reasons are accepted.

Ignorant people really believe and feel the impermanence of fate.

Those who are well versed in the rules of society and have wisdom understand it better-this is actually a cold and hideous warning given to the lower classes by the empire-the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is so large that the Chamber of Commerce president will suddenly fall from a horse and die one day. You should know who is in charge of this empire!

After the priest prayed, someone took the shovel and filled the tomb with soil.

Soon, the funeral was over.

"Thank you priest." Zidi, as a family member, thanked the priest.

"Beautiful lady, please mourn, and may your father be guided by the gods to ascend to the kingdom of God." The priest comforted.

Zidi's father is a believer in the **** of wealth, but he is not religious.

The devout believers of the **** of wealth are mostly poor, and most of the rich believe in general.

This is reasonable.

Talents who are capable of earning wealth will take their blood and sweat as their own, and are less willing to contribute to the gods.

Poor and incompetent people thirst for wealth and can only rely on prayer. Faith is often pious.

Of course, there are also wealthy fanatics, but the number is obviously small compared to other gods.

For the priest's blessing, Zidi knew very well that it was impossible.

Don't talk about her father's beliefs. The most important point is that after her father fell from a horse and died, his own soul disappeared.

In this world, death does not mean that a secret is buried. Whether it is magic or divine art, there are many means to overcome death and unearth a lot of information.

The soul dissipated, obviously the murderer's clean hand.

The murderer behind the scenes did not want to leave any handle. It's not about worrying about what Zidi or the people in the Chamber of Commerce do, but to avoid this handle from falling into the hands of other powerful forces.

This has also led to the fact that Zidi and others still don't know who killed his father's enemy, and who is behind it.

"But I will still do my best to investigate the truth and avenge you! My... father."

Zidi stood in place, shaped like a statue, not moving for a long time.

The fat tongue behind her sighed and patted her shoulder: "Don't be too sad, Little Zidi."

"President, he actually has a hunch." Wei Wei

"He has always loved you, and has guilt for you."

"After you rejected the Garden City Lord, he withstood the pressure and never forced you."

"In these years, you rejected his funds and never used a single point. Instead, you worked **** your own. This made him feel distressed and very pleased. On many private occasions, he used your every small achievement to show off to me. ——He has such an excellent daughter."

Zidi was silent for a while: "Uncle Fatton, I want to be alone with my father for a while."

"Okay." Fat Tongue nodded, turned and waved, motioning the others to stay away from the tombstone.

The group of people stood in the distance, looking at Zidi and the tombstone, and started talking in a low voice.

"How long will she stay? How long will we have to wait?" Someone was impatient.

"Huh, if she hadn't been shrinking in the academy, how could the president be buried until now!" Someone expressed dissatisfaction with Zidi, "Even if there are conflicts between father and daughter, it won't be like this."

"According to the schedule, the next step is the meeting. Let's do it as soon as possible. My time is very tight."

Fat Tongue turned his head and looked at the crowd with indifferent eyes. He said: If you want to wait, you can wait. If you don’t want to wait, you can leave directly if time is tight, and you don’t have to attend the meeting.

People's discussion suddenly stopped.

Fat Tong turned his eyes to Zidi again, and he was worried. This group of people attending the funeral are all senior members of the Chamber of Commerce, or veterans, but now they have different thoughts. Some people want to go it alone, some want to revive the chamber of commerce, and of course there are spies. Compared with her father, Zidi has no prestige for these people, and she certainly can't hold back the scene.

At the beginning of the meeting, Zidi said directly: "How to operate the Chamber of Commerce, I don't understand this yet. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Then I will just say that my main business is the production of Griffon seats. But the alchemists in the Chamber of Commerce have been poached away, but I still have a large number of orders that have not been completed. I need to give them from the Chamber of Commerce. I have adjusted enough alchemists to help me overcome this difficulty!"

"My flour business in Stone Statue City was also suppressed. The many merchants in the city united and competed against me disgustingly. They hired market gangsters to interfere with my store, and they hired thieves to try to burn down my granary. I caught thieves, But the city lord and the city guards are on their side, there is no justice at all."

"My banks in all parts of the province have also suffered runs. At present, my capital chain is directly broken and I need a lot of financial assistance."


Everyone is in a difficult situation. In the past, the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce was extremely large, and the limelight was very high. The business map was rapidly expanding, and the speed even made the Chamber of Commerce president feel afraid.

But now, everyone knows that the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce has fallen, and most of the industry has been divided by major forces. The full predators slowly left the scene, and the piranha swarms attracted by the smell of blood. UU reading www.uukanshu.com everyone saw the weakness of the wisteria chamber of commerce, and everyone wanted to take a bite.

The veterans who stayed behind from the Chamber of Commerce were miserable. This time they participated in the meeting mainly to seek help and keep warm.

Faced with many requests, Zidi slowly shook her head: "I can't help everyone. In fact, I don't know what to do."

"Miss Zidi, it's actually very simple." The veteran who ran the bank smiled. "We know that for the past few years, your father has been sending money to your account for your tuition."

"But in fact, this amount of money is huge, far exceeding academic needs."

"I think this should be the pre-prepared method of the president, which is used to deal with our current situation."

The Magic Academy where Zidi attended is aloof, and the assets in his private account are often relatively safe.

Zidi blinked: "You mean, let me lend you this money?"

"Yes, as long as I get through this difficult time, I will definitely repay you several times, beautiful lady." The veteran said.

Zidi nodded: "I agree with this approach. In fact, I am willing to do my best to help you all."

The veterans of the Chamber of Commerce smiled, and some people began to praise Zidi for her kindness and responsibility, and her style of the president.

Zidi thought for a while: "I am willing to take out one hundred thousand gold coins as a loan. I hope you can use the black hair horse farm as collateral. At the same time, the interest rate is 10% per year."

The smiles of the chamber veterans froze.

Fat tongue is secretly funny. On the way here, he warned Zidi many things, but after communication, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Zidi was much more mature than he thought.

The veteran who mastered the bank also changed his face and stood up from his seat suddenly: "You are robbing!"

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