Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 189: : Zidi on the island

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You can open your eyes. There was a sharp drill.

Zidi slowly opened her eyes, she found that she was no longer at the dock, but came to an alchemy factory.

The alchemy factory is huge, the growth line is running, and a large number of explosive dumbbells are quickly filled with key liquids under the precise manipulation of robotic arms.

Jian Zuan led Zidi to visit for a while, and suddenly said: The instructor has gotten up, come with me.

Passing through the gate made of legendary materials, Zidi came to the center of the alchemy factory, shocked by countless coffins.

On the first floor of the central tower, she saw war dealers.

This legendary-level mage, the grand alchemist at the pinnacle of the world, the life aura of the legendary level at this moment is somewhat weak.

Obviously, he was injured.

Three of his fingers were missing, and he was soaking in the sapphire golden coffin at the moment.

The sapphire gold coffin was filled with some kind of green liquid. The green liquor is translucent and seems to contain extremely strong vitality.

After a few breaths, the peddler's severed fingers re-grown in the green liquor.

He withdrew his hand, shaken off the green liquid, moved a few times, and nodded in satisfaction.

Then the war dealer looked at Zidi: "As you can see, there is a price to pay for studying alchemy."

Zidi's face was full of shock: "Master war dealer, what exactly is your medicine for this treatment? Actually, even legendary severed limb injuries can be cured in an instant? If this medicine is sold, even if the sales are not large, it will It must be able to cause a sensation in the world!"

"Hahaha." The war dealer laughed. "You are the same as your father. He came here for the first time and was fascinated by alchemy artillery. He suggested to me the price of artillery, and set a set in a few words. Sales Plan."

"Although he is only black iron, he does have rare commercial talents! I have many businessmen with whom I work, but any goods that reach your father will have the highest sales."

"Thank you for your praise." Zidi saluted again.

The war dealer nodded again, his eyes showing admiration: "You are bolder than your father, and very eloquent. You successfully persuaded the Baizhen family and contributed to this marriage by yourself. The goal you chose is very Good, very suitable."

Zidi thanked her, but there was a shadow in her heart.

On the first night she took over as chairman of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, snails assassinated her. If it weren't for his father's request for help, let the gold-level mage point drill come here and drove away the snails, Zidi was dead at the moment.

Obviously, some people do not want to see a new president with a strong personality in the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce.

Zidi didn't know what power or dignitaries were the real culprit behind the scenes, or a certain participant in the meeting that day.

In order to protect herself, Zidi needs the strong to protect herself.

Sharp diamonds and war dealers are obviously the best choices.

Because they are criminals wanted by various continents, their position is naturally clear. They need Zidi, and those powerful forces have plenty of substitutes.

Jian Zhuan asked Zidi to marry her, and only if Zidi met, she was qualified to cooperate with Jian Zhuan and war dealers.

The current Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is too weak, and it is completely different from the former peak state.

Once, Zidi refused to marry.

But now, in order to protect herself and avenge her father, Zidi can only choose marriage.

She succeeded.

She has reached a close alliance with the Baizhen family and formed a marriage with Zhenjin.

Thanks to the Southern War, the extremely weak Baizhen family now needs the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce.

The war dealer continued: "This kind of green liquor cannot be sold. The real power to heal me is not it, but this sacred tool of the sapphire golden coffin."

Zidi stared slightly: "Is that the rumored artifact that can revive the feather snake god?"

The war dealer nodded, and then shook his head: "It is indeed an artifact of the Feathered Serpent God, but it is not complete. As you can see, this artifact lacks a coffin lid."

"At the same time, I am not a believer in Quetzalcoatl. I have no corresponding divine power."

"I used alchemy to steal a part of the power of this artifact, but it is the limit to create this kind of green liquid. As long as I leave the range of the alchemy circle, the green liquid will immediately fail. Even in the circle, the green liquid is also Far from reaching the level of resurrection."

"So it's like that." Zidi sighed.

"The goods for you have been prepared and have been placed in the warehouse." The war dealer called Taring and opened the portal.

Zidi followed the war dealer and the sharp drill to the cargo warehouse and saw the double.

The avatar closed his eyes and fell asleep, sitting in a wooden box. The number marked on the box is EX-866.

Seeing the appearance of the double, Zidi's heart was shocked, and she looked so alike. The double was carved out of the same mold as the needle gold.

The war dealer smiled: "This is my most proud work so far!"::

"The debugging of appearance is just the minutiae."

"His original body was a silver knight. In order to perfectly replace the needle gold, I successfully integrated the blood of the golden bee into his body."

Zi Di suddenly changed color, showing a shocked look.

The Golden Bee is a legendary beast, and the bloodline of the Hundred Needles family is traced back to it.

The fighting qi tactics, fighting skills, secret skills, etc. of the Hundred Needle Family are all based on blood, and after many years of creation, improvement, etc., they have been gradually improved to this state.

"Before instilling the memory of Zhenjin himself, I had already instilled the memory of a strong man in the Baizhen family into him through the memory crystal."

"After a series of battles and training, his muscles have also been modulated by me to the state most suitable for the fighting skills of the Baizhen family."

"His memory has also been carefully screened and modified, and there is no lack of common sense. Once the memory of needle gold is obtained, it will closely match his physical state at this time."

The more Zidi listened, the more frightened.

After the war dealer finished speaking, he looked at her profoundly: "As for the blood of the Queen of Golden Bees, I spent a lot of money and secretly acquired them from the Giant Mouth Hunting Group. The legendary blood... Tsk Tsk, I have to say that we are very lucky. it is good."

Zidi's face became completely pale.

"Hahaha. It seems that you have noticed it." The smile on the face of the war dealer grew thicker.

"Tutor, I told you that she is a smart little human girl." Jian Zuan agreed.

Zidi's mouth was dry and her heartbeat accelerated: "So, the plan has changed?"

"Yes." The war trafficker looked appreciatively, but he didn't explain, but drilled to the tip, "You come and tell her in detail."

Jianzhuan explained: "Originally, we wanted to support you, give you shelter, and let you sell our arms. Of course, the current Wisteria Chamber of Commerce is not qualified to cooperate with us, but you accepted my suggestion, or say It's a test."

"You succeeded. You married the Baizhen family. With this level of identity, as long as the competition for the city owner succeeds in the future, your Wisteria Chamber of Commerce will be able to gain a firm foothold and sell our arms in large quantities on the wilderness continent."

Whether it is practicing magic or alchemy, it requires a lot of experimentation and consumes huge amounts of resources.

Through the sale of arms, the mentor and apprentice of war dealers and sharp diamonds can obtain funds to invest in practice and research.

The results of research and practice can create more advanced arms and earn more funds.

For so many years, war dealers have been carrying out a virtuous circle in this way.

In recent years, he has shifted to the realm of life alchemy and has made many achievements.

"But recently..." Pointed Diamond continued, "Our alchemy has made a major breakthrough. We can perfectly integrate the legendary bloodline into the body of life. Of course, it is only a part of the bloodline, and the quality of this life body is also To meet the standard, at least the silver level."

"With the memory crystal, we can directly create a'needle gold', a perfect puppet under our control."

"Our luck is also really good. It just so happens that the giant mouth hunting group hunted down a legendary golden queen bee."

"We arranged an ambush, and the direct team sent by the Hundred Needle Family to Needle Gold has been completely wiped out by us."

Technological breakthroughs and growth in strength have swelled the ambitions of war dealers and sharp drills.

They are no longer satisfied to support a Zidi, but want to invade Baisha City, and even begin to erode and control the Baizhen family.

"But I have a marriage contract. If it is not good for the needle money, I will suffer backlash." Zidi expressed her concern.

"Don't worry, I will personally take action next time and modify your magic contract." The war dealer laughed.

Zidi's heart was cold.

She is very profoundly aware that cooperating with an existence like a war dealer is simply seeking skin from a tiger.

Zidi could barely accept the previous plan. Because she can make use of both the war dealer and the Baizhen family, she will actively disclose her trade relationship with the war dealer to the Baizhen family, which will greatly enhance the value of Zipi in the eyes of the Baizhen family and protect Zipi freedom of.

But now it's different.

Now, the war dealers and others want to deal with needle gold, against the Hundred Needle family, Zidi is too weak and can only be trapped by their conspiracy.

Once the incident occurs, the murder of the sole heir, Zidi, will become the mortal enemy of the Baizhen family, and will be hated by all the nobles of the empire!

The risk of the new plan is too high, but Zidi has no power to refuse.

"I'm not cooperating with war dealers, I'm just one of their pawns."

Her heart was extremely sad, but Zidi nodded to the master and apprentice in front of her, and said solemnly, "Great new plan."

Soon after, Zidi staggered out of the magic circle.

The war dealer is worthy of being a legendary mage, who personally took action and successfully changed Zidi's magic contract.

Just after the magic ceremony, Zidi was dizzy, and his spirit was not lightly hurt.

But the war dealers had been prepared and handed Zidi a potion. The fastest mobile phone update::

Zidi did not hesitate, drank it all in one go, and the condition quickly improved. After a few breaths, her mental trauma was completely healed, and it even increased a bit more than before.

The girl's face was slightly aside, and the intact spirit made Zidi quickly feel the magic contract.

The war dealer laughed and said: "I just modified it and transferred its original object to the substitute. In this way, this magic contract has also become a strong evidence of the disguise of the substitute."

"From now on, you and the life of the stand-in are linked together, and both parties share life."

"Of course, the highest authority is in my hands. As long as I think about it, this magic contract will change drastically in an instant, taking the lives of both of you. Unless one day I die, this contract will accompany you. You are a girl of Human Race."

Zidi's face was pale.

The war traffickers did nothing, and did not give Zidi or stand-in any room for rebellion.

If nothing happens, Zidi will only be a **** of war dealers from now on!

"What this avatar lacks now is the memory of Jin Jin himself." The war dealer sighed.

"I will give you a crystal device that instills memory."

"Of course it has been touched by me. As long as the needle gold uses this device, all his memories will be secretly copied."

"It's best to let him do this voluntarily."

"If you force him, it will make the memory copy flawed."

"As for how to make him willing, I believe you can."

"Zi Di will do her best to live up to the expectations of Master War Trafficker!" Zi Di saluted, half kneeling on the ground. This attitude makes war dealers and sharp diamonds very satisfied.

A few days later...

In a warehouse at the dock.

"My lord, this is the substitute I prepared for you." Zidi smiled beside her.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable. How could it be possible to find such a perfect substitute!" Zhenjin exclaimed again and again.

Zidi is smiling, but in a complicated mood.

Who would have thought that the Mysterious Island is actually in this sea.

The Mystery Island and her party had a tremendous impact on her life.

"From then on, has my life been linked to you?" Zidi silently stared at the double.

"I and Zidi are married. I am a Templar and the only heir of the Baizhen family. They dare not harm me." With this thought, Zhenjin trusts Zidi very much.

According to Zidi's plan, Zhenjin produced a memory crystal, disguised as a black scroll.

"Hahaha." He laughed happily, "Then go to get things done. Keep working hard, and want to be the wife of a nobleman. With your identity and blood, it is not easy."

"My lord, I must keep it in my heart!" Zidi responded.

After the Pig Kiss sailed for a while...

Late at night, the captain's room.

The captain fell softly to the ground, looking at Zidi in horror.

"What's going on?" He was paralyzed and unable to move. "I have been very careful, loosening on the outside and tight on the inside, and have been monitoring you. How did you poison me?"

Zidi smiled and looked at the ink bottle on his desk.

"Master Captain, you have to send a letter to the Templar Fenyi almost every three days, reporting Father Scab and our information."

"Are you still used to using this high-priced ink?"

The captain stared at the ink: "You relied on it to poison you? Impossible. I have used this bottle of ink a long time ago. Why is it poisoned now?"

Zidi shook his head: "You don't actually need to know more, because this involves a certain herbal knowledge of the barbarians. You can rest in peace."

"No, wait! I can take refuge in you, the Hundred Needles family. Don't kill me, kill me, how can you go to the wilderness continent smoothly? Without a captain, the Pig Kiss would be very dangerous!" The captain hurriedly begged for mercy .

Zidi drew out the stabbing sword that had been prepared: "If you just watch us, I'll forget it. Unfortunately, these days you have deliberately slowed down the voyage, and the time has been delayed, but it is very detrimental to us. ."

After speaking, there was a chuckle, and the stabbing sword easily penetrated the captain's body under the blessing of magic.

"You will regret..." The captain stared before his death, his eyes full of hideousness, fear of facing death, and viciousness of revenge.

"Not good." Zidi immediately realized that the captain must be hiding some countermeasures.

Almost the next moment, the magic device of the Pig's Kiss was activated, and the entire hull broke in two.

"Damn it!" Zidi hurried out of the captain's room.

She used stealth magic, and the chaotic crowd didn't even notice her.

However, as she rushed to the needle-gold compartment, she suddenly stopped and was shocked to stand still on the spot.

The magic contract was suddenly lifted!

The war dealer's joke once again sounded in Zidi's mind, which made her realize an incredible fact that the war dealer is dead!

"This is impossible!"

"But the magic contract has indeed been cancelled, and war dealers will never do this for no reason."

"he died!"

"What happened to Mysterious Island?"

"I... want to go and see!"

"Be sure to check it out, some kind of huge change must have taken place in Mysterious Island."

"If the war dealers and the sharp diamonds are not dead, they will definitely find me again in the future. If they only have a breath, I will temporarily decide whether to save or kill!"

"If they are all dead, wouldn't it be said that the alchemy industry on Mysterious Island could be taken over by me!"

"Yes, yes."

"I want to go to the island."

"I still have the eighteenth level of authority, I must go to the island as soon as possible!!"

(Ps: This chapter has been changed temporarily and almost wrote a bug.)

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