Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 40: : Bow making

Bang Bang.

The sound of the axe chopping down the tree trunk was one after another.

The axe was swung vigorously and deeply embedded in the tree trunk. After a burst of small pieces of wood was stirred up, it was shaken by the exploration team and pulled out by force.

The trunk was cut with a large enough gap, and the whole tree began to become shaky.

The members of the logging team shouted loudly and issued a reminder, then several people worked hard together, pedaling on the tree trunk.

The trunk made a crunching sound and then fell to the ground. With the dense sound of countless branches being broken, the leaves also flew around.

Although the axe of the exploration team only brought a few, it greatly improved the efficiency and saved the physical energy consumption of the players.

The next step is to saw the trunk into sections for easy transportation.

These trunks are rolled and transported to the camp, where they are finely processed.

The expedition team did not carry a saw.

However, the needle gold lent them.

The needle-gold "saw" comes from the blade spider. The spider's hind legs are slender and straight, and there is a row of tight spikes. This is a natural good saw.

Blade Spider is a silver-level Warcraft. The exploration team members soon realized the power of Silver-level Warcraft from another angle.

They cooperated in pairs, using bladed spider legs to saw through thick trunks, as if using a sharp knife to cut white bread easily.

Old scholar Cangsu has extensive experience in leadership and command.

Because Jingjin sat down, he divided the people in his hands into two groups.

A group of logging, a group of peeling bark, tearing the inside of the bark into thin filaments.

Every time, the two groups will take turns to change the work content, so that the team members can save physical strength, have a rest, and can maintain the progress of the work.

One morning, the logging team exceeded the task.

A lot of wood, rolling in sections, was transported to the camp one after another, and temporarily piled up in the corner.

There are also filaments ripped from the bark, which have been smeared with potions.

Lunch has increased the supply, almost everyone is very hungry.

White buds and yellow algae also came back at dinner.

They didn't have much harvest, only a few flying birds and a pheasant. This is obviously not comparable to the manpower and time paid, but at least they have cleared the forest near the camp again.

To everyone's surprise, Pin Jin also ordered that there will be a short nap after lunch. This is unprecedented.

This is actually a suggestion from Cangsu, lunch break can ensure the efficiency of the team members in the afternoon.

Although the logging work is over, the workload is still very large.

A large number of tree trunks were chopped down to form blocks of wood. This is the prototype of a short bow arm.

Therefore, the length and thickness of the board are required.

Even if the board is in the original position of the entire trunk, it is best to be the core of the tree.

This is the work of joinery.

It would be nice if there was a carpenter, but the exploration team members were laymen, so the essence of the layman was immediately revealed-many trunks were destroyed, and although many planks were chopped out, they were not after the white bud inspection qualified.

Unqualified wooden boards can be used to arrange hunter traps.

Even the worst wood can be used to burn fire. After burning fire, the charcoal and wood ash formed are also good resources and have high practical value.

Exploration team has reached this point and needs any resources. The resources available will never be easily let go.

The progress of woodworking is quite slow, so that the anxiety and impatience in Jing Jin's heart accumulate.

Although he also knew that he was in a hurry and could not come.

To tell the truth, Zidi's medicine did help him a lot, which saved him the most critical time.

Furthermore, the arrangement of Cangsu is also very reasonable and sufficient. The old scholar has already estimated the unqualified situation.

Exploration team members gradually became familiar with this work, the loss of wood began to greatly reduce.

Successively, qualified boards were born, and more and more.

The number of planks rose to a certain level, and Cangsu then directed everyone to use the planks to make short bows and arms.

This process is actually quite simple.

Just cut the board into thinner strips to form a slightly thicker middle and thinner ends, and cut out notches at both ends to facilitate hanging bow strings in the future.

The finished short bow and arm, after the white bud inspection and confirmation, will be smeared by the agent and placed in a dark corner to dry.

After this work was over, many people shouted, and they felt that they could be archers.

More people keep moving their fingers, or kneading their arms, arms, thighs and other muscles. The pain and soreness made them grin.

Their bodies are close to the limit, but there are other jobs waiting for them.

Need to make a lot of arrows.

Arrow rod selection generally has a standard. For wood processing that meets the standard, it is cut into long cylinders, and then the surface is smoothed.

Exploration team, of course, there is no mature processing link.

The main material for making arrows is branches. The branches should be as straight as possible, close to the length and thickness of normal arrows.

Bai Ya instructed everyone to make arrows, firstly plucked the skin of the branches to make the arrow shaft, then carefully cut the feathers with the blade, and then glued with the medicine to make the arrow feathers. Finally, the arrows are baked a little bit to harden the wood and then sharpen it.

The arrows made in this way are far from comparable to regular military supplies.

First of all, the selection of arrow shafts is a bit worse. The selection of arrow feathers is not first-class. It is completely crude, but you don't want to discard it.

There are too few feathers in the exploration team, most of them come from the feathers and feathers that Baiya hunts today, so every one should be cherished.

The only thing that is gratifying is the potion that is temporarily arranged by Zidi-the stick is really strong!

As for the arrow, it was almost shabby.

Not even iron arrows.

Is really used and will be scrapped after a few times.

Lethality is also very low, but it is still a threat to ordinary beasts.

There are other tasks besides making arrows.

For example, a large wooden shield, one person tall and relatively wide. It is formed by assembling tree trunks and rattan, and pestle on the ground, forming a simple and extremely low curtain wall.

This is also called a shield.

Long ago, when the Terrans attacked the castle, there was such a fortification.

Until now, this kind of fortification has long been eliminated.

Even if it is used by someone, it is at least covered with a layer of iron.

In addition to the shields, there are wooden spears.

Explorers can use both guns to assassinate flying squirrels within a certain safe distance.

But this tactic is only better than nothing, because everyone knows that the mouse is fast, and can glide in the air, the tail adjusts the direction in the air, and the posture is very flexible.

What everyone expects is mainly a short bow.

In the evening, the torn bark was completely dry, and people began to rub the twine while lamenting Zidi's means.

The technique of rubbing the rope is also learned from Baiya.

There are tips here.

First divides a strand of filament into two bundles, each of which rotates counterclockwise, but when the two bundles merge, it rotates clockwise. As a result, the braided rope will be tighter and will not easily fall apart.

Hemp rope is used as a bow string. Each short bow is equipped with at least two bow strings, one for common use and one for spare.

By the time of dinner, the bowstring was basically made enough.

Like noon, dinner is also very rich. There is also wild game, which has become a rare taste regulator.

The next morning.

Jin Jin and others all get up early because there is an important thing to do——

Try the bow.

Was left for one night, and with the potion of Zidi, the bow had dried.

Bai Ya tried to grasp both ends of the bow arm with two hands, and flexed hard. After seeing the bow arm bent a little arc, he grinned: "Great. It is better than I thought."

Cangxu pondered: "Yellow algae, explain to you a task. Break this bow arm, but you must slowly apply force."

Yellow algae understood the meaning of Cangsu, and immediately set off. When the bow arm reached its limit, it snapped into two pieces with a click.

Everyone witnessed it, and immediately understood the limit of this simple bow arm.

Cangsu estimated: "It seems that only a twine can be used as a bowstring."

No one has any objections.

Sometimes, multiple hemp ropes are combined to form a bowstring. But after the test, the toughness and limit of this short bow arm is more appropriate with a twine.

Bai Ya tied the bow string, he used a live button, clever and reliable.

Immediately, the son of the Orion hit the arrow and aimed at the target in the distance ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shoot the arrow with a swish.

Everyone looked at them with wide eyes.

It is obvious that the arrow that was originally directed directly ahead flew directly to the upper left, then landed obliquely.

Has a range of more than fifty steps.

Is far away from the target-I don't know where it's crooked.

But everyone did not show disappointment, Jin Jin even nodded slightly-he knew it was just beginning.

The bow needs debugging.

The arch arm is very rough, and you need to continue to use the dagger and other props to continue processing the arch arm. Also adjust the bowstring and arrows. Along with this process, the short bow will become stable and the range will be greatly improved.

Finally, after the debugging of Baiya ended, the arrow successfully hit the target of a hundred steps away, and the arrow hit the depth of two fingers.

For this result, Pin Jin is already very satisfied.

On the one hand, this is not a composite bow, but a single bow. The bow arms and bow strings are all selected locally, not carefully selected. On the other hand, there are no arrows made of iron, but they are sharpened after carbonization and treated very rough.

It is good to have such a performance.

Because the needle gold does not require much.

They are now in the forest, not the vast open terrain of the grassland, long bow is not suitable.

Exploration team members are not excellent archers, most of them are catching ducks on the shelf.

"Restricted by the environment and personnel, the effective range of the short bow can be one hundred steps, which is already enough."

"The key point is, how many arrows can we shoot in this hundred steps? If you can shoot more than three arrows and have a certain accuracy, then the short bow plan is successful."

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