Unserious Beast Tamer

Chapter 402 - 247: Preparation for Evolution, New

Chapter 402: Chapter 247: Preparation for Evolution, New

Four-Star Skill!_l

When Ziyun heard the second step of the evolution ceremony, Ziyun was completely fascinated.

The previous evolution conditions, evolution resources, and the first step of the evolution ceremony were hard enough, but at least it was hopeful if it gritted its teeth and tried its best.

This last step…

It’s just a kitten, why does it have to fly to the sky to evolve?!

After a moment of silence, Ziyun gritted its teeth abruptly.

“Meow!” (learn!)

It’s simply learning a flying skill!

If Twelve, as a bird pet beast, can’t fly, it’s quite reasonable for it, as a cat Pet Beast, to fly, isn’t it?

In that case, let it become the first pet beast in the team that can fly!

“Cheer up.” Xu Ran caressed Ziyun’s head, his face filled with a bit of helplessness, “The evolution of the Emperor species is obviously not something that can be prepared in a short time. We will work together and there will be a solution.”

“Meow-” (Okay-)

Ziyun nodded slightly, looking a bit better.

Upon careful consideration, although the content of the evolution path is more difficult than expected, it can still be resolved in the end.

Hopefully, the Emperor species after evolution will be worthy of this evolution difficulty.

At Ziyun’s side, Star and Cancan had different expressions.

After hearing about Ziyun’s evolution ceremony, Star did not cease to worry.

After all, it is a supportive pet beast that does not possess any kind of attack skill. If its evolution ceremony requirement is to hunt King Stage Extraordinary Beings just like Ziyun, it practically has no possibility of accomplishing it based on its capabilities.

It would almost finish it off by overfeeding rather than actually hunting.

“Don’t worry, Star.” Noticing the constant emotions relayed through the Beast Taming Contract, Xu Ran gently stroked its single horn, “Every evolution line has its unique ceremony, yours won’t be the same as Ziyun’s.”

“Xi Lu- ” (Hope my evolution path can be simpler.)

Star neighed, and its eyes no longer showed the frenzied desire for the Emperor Species Evolution Route.

The difficulty far beyond the King Species Evolution Route sobered Star up.

“Charming?” (Would the evolution be easier with just one attribute?)

After pondering, Cancan suddenly asked.

“Probably.” After pondering for a moment, Xu Ran nodded, “Previously, Senior Gu Wu stated that the difficulty of dual attribute pet beasts’ evolution is far greater than single attribute pet beasts.”

“Also, when visiting the Transcendent Evolution Department, Senior Liu Yu mentioned this point.” He paused slightly, “So, to ensure successful evolution, the requirements for dual attribute pet beasts to evolve are inevitably stricter.” “I guess, it makes sense that in the evolution conditions, more than half of the talent skills had to be upgraded to dual attribute talents.” Xu Ran glanced at Ziyun.

According to Senior Liu Yu’s words, it’s best for the pet beast to reach a higher skill proficiency before evolving to better control its power.

Xu Ran agreed with this.

The greater difficulty for dual attribute pet beasts to evolve compared to single attribute pet beasts is in managing the conflict and coexistence of two different attributes during the evolution process.

If this balance is not well adjusted, it may fail at a crucial time during evolution.

They say increasing Thunder Attribute skills to Violent Sun Level proficiency will allow Ziyun to sufficiently control Thunderforce during the evolution process, and the situation for Fighting Attribute is the same.

Therefore, upgrading dual attribute skills to Violent Sun Level proficiency may better maintain the balance between the two powers.

With this in mind, Xu Ran looked at Ziyun, “Seems like, upgrading four skills to dual attribute skills is just the minimum requirement.”

“If you want abetter chance at evolution, it would be best for you to…”

Ziyun quickly interrupted.

“Meow?” (Upgrade the remaining six talent skills all to dual attributes?)

“That’s right.” Xu Ran nodded, “What do you think?”

Upon hearing Xu Ran’s question, Ziyun pondered for a moment, then nodded firmly.

Four or six, there is no difference anyway!

Since the previous plan has been disrupted, let’s make it even messier!

“Then, let’s officially start this round of resource distribution.” Looking at the three little ones, Xu Ran spoke softly, “The Emperor Species Evolution Route is a red item superior to purple items. Let’s set its value points at ten thousand.” After that, Xu Ran took out the blackboard and chalk and began to write down the resource list available for exchange this time.

Since he has just completed the system store manager upgrade, this round of resources hardly includes skill fragments, new physical points, and skill points.

However, there are many Skill Fusion Stones, and a lot of new purple items have been acquired.

After totaling the overall value, Xu Ran deducted ten thousand points for Ziyun and then started the new round of distribution.

“Xi Lu-” (Let Ziyun choose first!)

“Charming!” (Let Ziyun pick first!)

As soon as the distribution started, Star and Cancan unanimously agreed to give priority to Ziyun.

After all, at this moment, Ziyun had entered into the preparation process of evolution.

“Xi Lu!” (If you do not have enough value points, I can lend you some!)

Apart from expressing its stance, Star also said to Ziyun very seriously while lifting a hoof slightly, drawing in the air twice with it.

The stone for keeping accounts had brought along from Qingzhou City to Xieyun City and was certainly not forgotten.

Finally, it can be put to use!

With the generosity of the two little ones, Ziyun, touched, started to exchange resources to prepare for the Evolution Path just learned.

First of all, there were two three-star skill scrolls.

Up until now, Ziyun still had two talent abilities at the two-star level – Heartfelt Strike and Falling Thunder. It was time to enhance them further. Let’s start with the fighting skill, Heartfelt Strike.

[★★Heartfelt Strike (Full Moon Level)] (4231/10000) [+]


[★★★Judgment Strike (Full Moon Level)] (4231/10000) [ + ]

“Judgment Strike…” Upon seeing the new skill name, Xu Ran revealed a trace of astonishment on his face, “Such a domineering name.”

“Unfortunately, this skill probably doesn’t have a childhood.” Xu Ran turned his head to look at Ziyun, “Would we still proceed with the fusion as planned?” “Meow!” (Yes!)

After feeling the effects of the new three-star skill that had just been born, Ziyun had a more excited look in its eyes.

Given the effects of this skill, once it successfully completes the fusion, the result would be extraordinary.

“Alright.” Xu Ran nodded slightly, using a skill fusion stone.

[★★★Judgment Strike]+[***Thunder Light Refinement]+[***Crimson Gold Electroplating]+[***Scarlet Battle Intent]

[Fusion Success Rate:o.oo81%]

[Proceed with Fusion?]


Looking at the four-star skills selected, Xu Ran couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

During the last resource allocation, Ziyun had already expressed its idea.

Crimson Gold Electroplating is a Thunder Attribute burst skill. It could bring a short-term strong Thunderforce amplification, but the side effect was a temporary loss of Thunderforce.

Scarlet Battle Intent is a Fighting Attribute burst skill. Its effect was similar to Crimson Gold Electroplating, with the side effect being a temporary loss of Fighting Attribute power.

These two skills had such similar effects that Ziyun wanted to completely fuse them together, to form a new skill, and fully harness their burst properties.

It had to be said, this idea was very bold, but also very risky.

After all, both of these skills had significant side effects. If the fused skill had more severe side effects, it probably couldn’t be used casually.

To avoid such a situation as much as possible, Ziyun made a compromise when choosing the other two three-star skills.

Thunder Light Refinement, a new skill gained from the King-level resources selected during the last resource allocation, its effect was to refine Thunderforce for a milder amplification effect.

Because it was mild, the side effects were small. Combining it with the first two skills might alleviate the side effects of the first two skills.

The other skill, Heartfelt Strike, now Judgment Strike, a fighting skill with burst properties but no side effects, could also serve to mitigate potential side effects.

Of course, these were all theoretical analyses. The actual conditions of the new skill after fusion, no one could guarantee.

Aside from these factors, after obtaining the Emperor Species evolution path, Ziyun had one more reason to fuse them.

Among these four skills, two were Thunder Attribute skills, and two were Fighting Attribute skills.

The new skill resulting from their fusion would certainly be a dual-attribute skill.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ran checked the quantity of skill fusion stones this time.

Probably because Xieyun City was much larger than Qingzhou City, and the system clerk’s efficiency could be better used, during the time the system clerk was in charge of the Starfire Foster Care Shop in Xieyun City, the rate of increase in pleasure value became faster.

As a result, Xu Ran had done eight ten-consecutive draws this time, obtaining a total of 69 skill fusion stones.

More than the last time.


Let’s see what can be fused!

He clicked on skill fusion without any hesitation, and then fell into a mechanical verification process amidst repeated reminders of fusion failure.

One… five… ten…

The consumption of more and more skill fusion stones increased the success rate of the skill steadily, finally raising it to over one percent.

One percent… five percent… ten percent…

Eventually, the action of Xu Ran selecting ‘Yes’ stopped.

After using up a full 49 skill fusion stones, the fusion of the four three-star skills finally succeeded.

[★★★Judgment Strike (Full Moon Level)] (4231/10000) [ + ]


[★★★★Divine Punishment (Full Moon Level)] (4231/10000) [ + ]

Divine Punishment huh…

Xu Ran smiled.

He liked this name.

“Meow     ”

Ziyun’s body twitched slightly. Amid the great joy emanating from the depths of its body, it couldn’t help but make a strange sound.

A few moments later, it calmed down and there was a look of embarrassment in its eyes. But then it was replaced by a face full of joy and excitement.

This new skill…

It was even better than it had imagined!

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