Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 207


“Are we going or not?!” July came out of the car, her patience ran out. She looked at the men around her and sighed deeply. “Come on, I am not a helpless woman, who doesn’t know how to fight or handle a weapon. How do you think I single handedly managed your clique?” she talked to Knox with an annoyed face.

“You did not manage them single handedly, July, you took my help,” Sebastian said matter of factly. He had been beside July to get all the people in order and showed to them how capable July was to lead the organization, though it cost July greatly, since it was not in her nature to hurt or even kill other people brutally, just because things didn’t go the way they wanted.

She struggled with that for a few years, her conscience was shaken, but in the later few years, she managed to fool most of the people and her cruel fa?ade became convincing enough.

“Thank you for helping me,” July scoffed at Sebastian, but then she took the gun from the man next to her and then checked the bullets. “So, what are you waiting for here? Christmas? We need to go to find Chaos before he scorches the whole city.”

“You look so eager.” Knox furrowed his brows. He looked at July intently. This was the woman that he loved, he loved the fire that burned in her eyes, which made her look so radiant.

“I have been dreaming to fight alongside you,” July said lightly.

“You have a weird dream,” Sebastian muttered. Who would want to be in this situation? With your lover or not, you shouldn’t romanticize a battlefield. She was indeed weird.

However, Knox didn’t find July that way. He looked at her indulgently and this could only make Sebastian sigh helplessly.

It seemed a man who was in love was way more dangerous than the conflict itself.



There were three countries in this massive land, where Artzees country was flanked by two neighboring countries, East Draghar and West Draghar, while the other two countries were on different islands.

Since this chaos had wrecked the whole nation, East and West Draghar closed the borders and left Artzees in a dire situation. Now, they were trapped in their own country with ferocious supernatural creatures that ran amok and rampaged in their main cities.

Not only that, The Hound, the organization that was supposed to protect the people from this catastrophe, was under attack as well.

Someone managed to set free their experimental objects and all hell broke loose there at the same time when all the non- human beings decided to wage a war on the capital city. The Fokosa city and the nearby places were affected greatly by this sudden action.

There was no preparation for this sudden attack, no one could see how this was coming, or how this could happen.

Everyone was busy trying to save their own lives and the only help that the government could provide was to mobilize all the survivors to Lucinda city, the least affected area and was one of the cities that was under the organization’s control and protection.

To move around the people, it required a crazy amount of personnel of the Hound, all of them needed to be in the area and have direct contact with the non-human beings. The orders were clear; kill all the non- human beings that they could see and bring all the people to a safe place.

Yet, it was easier said than done.

At this point, it seemed all the non- human beings that had been hiding for more than eight years and avoided having any contact with humans, came out from their hiding place, they walked under the sun without any fear when they could sense that they were the ones that those filthy people feared at this moment.

They finally felt the taste of freedom once again and didn’t hold back in avenging their hatred for those who had wronged them for decades.

“STAY IN YOUR STATION, GODDAMNIT!” Archie was furious at his only son. If looks could kill, Sol would have died by now to receive such an intense glare from his father. “I WON’T ALLOW YOU TO GO ANYWHERE!”

Archie was livid when he knew that Sol was about to go to the headquarters of the organization in the Abalon city when they heard the place was being attacked and all their experimental subjects had been set free from their confinements and now roamed the city, adding more chaos.

Fortunately, their precious experimental object had been moved two days ago to this city. That little girl was indeed a valuable thing.

However, now Sol, with his crazy idea, wanted to go to Abalon city to save that woman? Did he lose his mind?!

“I will go,” Sol said firmly. He stood his ground, he has made up his mind in this matter and there was nothing that Archie said could change that.

“FCUK YOU! YOU USELESS PIECE OF SH*T! EVEN JASMINE IS THOUSAND TIMES BETTER THAN YOU!” Archie slammed his fist against the table, as he stood up from his seat, watching his son walk away from him.

They were in Archie’s office, directing orders here and there and making sure that the ministerS and their families were taken to the safe houses.

But, once Sol learned about what had happened in the headquarters, he dropped everything and stupidly wanted to save his girl.

On the other hand, hearing what his father said, Sol turned around and looked at his father coldly. “If Jasmine is very important and more capable than me, you are free to ask her to help you in this matter.”

That statement only aggravated Archie even more. He lost contact with Jasmine and didn’t know whether his precious daughter was alive or not after the incident in the frozen lake. She had been missing.

“You are the only son I have, but your stupidity leaves me ashamed.”


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

Alpha Micah Donovan’s second chance mate.

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