Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 211


Liam had never felt so hopeless like this before. He felt this big void in his chest when he had to let go of the most important thing in his life. His mate.

It was not even a choice, when you already knew what you wanted and how you planned your future, creating your own path, but simply, you couldn’t see it with your soul mate, since you paved two different paths.

This life didn’t give them options at all and the two of them already knew the answer to it, from the very beginning, when it came down to this.

However, it didn’t help Liam at all to accept the pain.

The mate bond wasn’t severed, but knowing that the best thing for both of them was to not see each other, Liam couldn’t see the difference.

To vent out some of his anger and frustration, Liam decided to join the chaos. He jumped out of the car and shifted into his beast, so he could fight off anyone there, whether it was vampires or humans.

Jasmine had gone an hour ago, taking his car to go to the direction where the members of The Hound took all the people to the safety houses.

She was gone and that would be the last time they met each other as mates, because the next time, the situation wouldn’t be the same.

They wouldn’t be the same persons anymore after all this catastrophe that happened and the deep anger and hatred between the supernatural creatures and human beings.


And that was when he saw the black lycan.

He fought four members of The Hound alone and even managed to put down one man, but he was barely able to stand up at this point.

The young lycan would have died if it was not for Liam and four of his pack members who intervened. It didn’t take long for them to take down the remaining three men.

Liam immediately shifted back into his human form and approached the wounded black lycan. From his size, he could tell that he was a young shifter, but he was very strong to be able to fight those trained men.

“Are you, okay?” Liam came closer to him, carefully lowered his body, so he wouldn’t pose a threat to the young beast, which still seemed to be on guard. “Put this on and shift back.”

Liam threw him a shirt and let him slip into it, as he shifted back into his human form. He was a kid, barely ten years old, if Liam could guess.

It was impressive to know that he could fight at such a young age, let alone the fact that he was a lycan. The rarest creature among the shifters.

Liam’s eyes sparked with a lot of plans that he could execute with a lycan in his pack.

“Do you have somewhere to go?” Liam looked around him, they were in an empty street, because this area had suffered the wreck earlier, while roars and screams could be still heard in the distance. “Would you like to come with me?” he offered his hand, while the four members of his pack reminded him that he couldn’t take this unknown creature back to their pack.

However, Liam simply closed his mind and all the voices from the mind- link were cut off.

“Come here, I will not hurt you,” he said in the most gentle way, just like a big brother talking to his scared little sibling. “You can come with me and I will take you to my pack. You can see, right? We are shifters, just like you.”

The little boy seemed to be considering his offer, but he kept glancing at a certain place, the garbage truck behind.

“Do you have friends there? Do you want to take them with you too?” Liam guessed. “You can take them with you, but we need to move as soon as possible. This place is not safe.” He thought he would find another lycan, but what he found was slightly disappointing.

A little girl came out from her hiding place and despite the bad smell and various strong scents in the air, Liam could tell that the little girl was not a shifter at all. She was a human.

However, another thing that Liam concluded was the fact that this young lycan seemed to be emotionally attached to this little girl.

And that was enough to cover up his disappointment.


Zuri could see Chaos from afar and he was surrounded by, at least, a hundred men, with all of their heavy weapons directed at him.

Above him, there were two helicopters, each with a man, sitting at the door, pointing down a small missile whose target was none other than Chaos himself.

Zuri was standing behind the rubbles of houses, a few meters away from the nearest member of The Hound, but she was still able to see Chaos clearly from where she was at.

“Don’t worry, he will not die,” Hades commented, he leaned his body against the wall of the house behind him, staring at the mob of people.

All of this ruckus just to capture one guy? Tsk! Hades envied the attention that Chaos got the moment he returned to this realm.

“Why?” Hades caught Zuri when she threw a dagger look at him. “I thought you wondered whether he would die or not, no? Am I wrong?” He tilted his head innocently, but Zuri simply didn’t buy it.

There was nothing innocent about this creature.

“So, what is your plan? Barging toward your lover? Or we can come back later after everyone has already cooled off.” Hades then lifted his chin and looked at the gloomy sky. The moon waned. “Or I can take you to a nice place for dinner, I know you are hungry.”

This night surely would be a long night, one that seemed to never end.

“Hey! Where are you going?!” Hades was startled when he saw Zuri leave.


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*

Alpha Micah Donovan’s second chance mate.

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