Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 252


“Did you say something about me?” Eros spoke coldly as he entered the room. His blood boiled when he heard what Derek had said to Emily.

It was a bad idea to start a fight, but he couldn’t care less nor could he shrug off what this son of bitch had spouted about Emily.

Eros made a beeline to Emily, and color returned to her face as she was visibly relaxed upon seeing him. She was glad that he was here, but most importantly, she was glad that Eros was all right.

He was bringing her breakfast as usual. He put it down on the nearby table, before he turned around and glared at Derek.

The fact that Derek had a bigger body than Eros didn’t make the young lycan back down. Hell. Why should he back away when he didn’t even cower when he had to face a fight such as Atbikai?

“If I hear one more filthy word about her, I will cut your tongue off,” Eros warned him coldly. His dark blue eyes were a few shades darker now. He didn’t react well to insults. No one would.

Derek growled at him. He stood up and Eros was a head shorter than him, yet the aura that rolled off him was a sign he couldn’t take him lightly. Eros’ strong presence was not a joke.

“Do you think you can disrespect me like that just because you won the fight?”

Emily tugged on Eros’ shirt. She wanted him to stop, maybe that way, these two men could leave the bedroom sooner and nothing violent would happen, because she didn’t want to see another fight anymore.


“Do you want to suggest Atbikai too?” The words came out so sharp. Eros didn’t even try to hide his malicious intention or the fact that he was threatening him.

Even though Eros didn’t agree with the way alpha Liam helped him to win the fight, what he said was true. He wouldn’t be able to win it if Damon had not been poisoned.

And so, if the alpha was willing to help him to kill even his beta, more so this man. He was nothing in the pack’s hierarchy.

On the other hand, Derek’s face flushed red when he heard that, but fortunately, Josh tugged on his arm sharply, preventing him from saying something reckless in the heat of the moment. “We are done here, let’s go,” he hissed at his friend. “Let’s go to get our breakfast.”

Eros locked his eyes on Derek, waiting to see what kind of response that he would give him.

“You are only an outsider. A lycan. A cursed creature for our kind!” he roared at Eros viciously, but he didn’t react the way Eros wanted. He dismissed the fact that he was being challenged.

“I am the beta now if you forgot. Now, leave my room and don’t you dare to walk in again.” Eros was dead serious with his words. “Or you will regret it.”


It happened very fast, but Zuri could feel it. She sensed it before it had actually happened. She was able to feel this danger that came her way, so did Chaos, as he reacted so fast.

Zuri hissed when she first sensed it and immediately stood up, while Chaos pulled her close to him, hugging her as he turned around to protect her from whatever danger that came toward them.

In the next second, they heard a loud explosion and before Zuri could discern what was happening, both of them had been thrown out of the room, shattering one of the glass windows. They fell so fast from the top floor of the apartment building.

Chaos’ back collided against the hard glass, while Zuri was protected, since he took the brunt of the explosion. The glass shattered because of the impact and caused both of them to fall freely from an extreme altitude.

Zuri remembered this feeling. She felt it for the first time when she was only eight and now this fear crawled back to her from the back of her mind, the place where she buried all the memories that she didn’t want to remember again.

Zuri hugged Chaos tightly. She was too afraid to even scream and this fall felt like forever. Would she die again? What Chaos would do if she died again? His condition was already so worrying now. With this speed, she was sure that she would break into pieces once she hit the ground.

However, Zuri felt Chaos move swiftly and put his arms around her shoulders and the back of her knees instead when they almost reached the ground.

People were screaming and a lot of them pointed their fingers at the two figures diving too fast to the ground. They were mortified, as their eyes filled with shock. They would surely die from falling from such a high altitude.

Zuri closed her eyes, but she could hear and feel the ground coming closer, followed by another explosion. Then everything went still and dark.

Did she die? Was this what happened when she died before? Everything was still and dark? Zuri couldn’t say for sure, but then her eardrums almost burst when she heard someone let out a shrill scream, which was then followed by the others.

They screamed something and spoke rapidly, sounding too incoherent, but Zuri caught a few words like; monster, supernatural creature, demon, devil and then other names that she couldn’t pick out.

It was dark and chaotic, but Zuri still could feel Chaos’ warm body, as his arms were tense around her shoulders and the back of her knees.

“Are you all right?” Chaos asked her, but she still couldn’t see him. “Answer me.” He demanded that she say something.

Was she all right? She didn’t feel hurt at all, if that was what he wanted to know.

“I am fine.” Zuri hated it when her voice was shaking and it almost sounded like a whisper. “I guess.”

Chaos then set her down, but Zuri clung onto him for dear life, since she couldn’t see the ground beneath her, she refused to set her feet down.

“It’s okay,” Chaos said, and that was when Zuri saw the light of the morning sun. It was as if the curtains had been pulled apart and the darkness disappeared slowly and dramatically.

However, Zuri could care less about it when she realized what had caused the darkness. It was a pair of wings, which were now retracted to Chaos’ back.

They were huge enough to cover both of them and strong enough to reduce the impact of the falling earlier on.

Zuri gasped in disbelief. She had never seen something like this and now, the bandages that wrapped around Chaos’ body had been torn, falling helplessly to the ground, exposing the gashes on his back.

“Chaos...” Zuri couldn’t find the right words to describe what she was feeling right now, or the right words to explain what was happening.

However, she needed to compose herself immediately, because she realized, aside from the people that rushed away from a creature with dark wings, as black as a charcoal, there were around eleven people there, surrounding Zuri and Chaos.

Needless to say their intention was not good. It was still morning. The streets were so busy, packed with many people that would start their day, but they were forced to run away because of this absurd and odd scene.

Zuri looked around her, she was on her guard, when a woman with golden hair strolled toward them, with a beautiful smile on her red lips that were complimenting her tacky red dress. She looked like a woman, who just came late from a night party.

“Well, well...” the woman clicked her tongue. She looked at Chaos’ ripped body with lust in her golden eyes. “It has been a long time, Chaos...” she drawled. “You haven’t changed at all since the last time we met.”

Chaos said nothing. His eyes fixed on Zuri, trying to find out whether she was hurt or not, while the girl was taking her time to assess this strange woman in front of her.

“Should I thank you for getting me out of hell? That was a generous thing that you have done after you threw me there, you know.”

It was all thanks to Chaos who released most of the dark creatures when he tried to bring Zuri back from the underworld. This was one of the consequences that Chaos had to face that Hades had warned him about.

“Oh, that must be the cute little white wolf that you adore so much, right?” The woman clapped her hands enthusiastically, as if she was a five year old kid, who got a trophy. “How cute that you are together again. You must be feeling happy that she came to this world again.”

Chaos finally shifted his attention from Zuri to the woman, but he only spoke one word. “Leave.”


Jasmine got out of the car and looked at the landscape in front of her. She was sure that this was the Shadow Moon pack, though she had never been here before.

“Everyone is already in the positions,” Nikolai informed Jasmine, as he was in charge to lead one of the three groups in this mission. “They are waiting for your order.”

Jasmine’s expression showed nothing when she said, “Proceed with caution.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Nikolai saluted her and moved away from her to go back to his position and inform the others.

This would be an ambush and if they were lucky, they would wipe them all out.



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