Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 280


Zuri was talking to the person inside about the car that she wanted. Usually, Chaos would like something big and strong, such as an off road vehicle, but of course, not all rental places had such a car available.

Often, Zuri would look back at Chaos inside the restaurant. She felt there was something wrong, but she couldn’t put a finger on it. She couldn’t say what was wrong with this situation. She just felt there was something off.

“You need to sign here.” The man gave a paper to Zuri, as the girl kept glancing over her shoulder. “Miss?”

“Oh,” Zuri mumbled. She then regained her bearings and signed all the documents that were needed and took back her ID that she gave him earlier. “Is it done?” she felt anxious somehow.

From the back of the man’s head, Zuri could see a black butterfly fluttering above his head and found it strange, because she had never seen this kind of butterfly before. Not to mention, finding a butterfly in this place was kind of unusual as well, but she didn’t think much about it.

“Yes,” the man said, his voice slightly hoarser than before, but Zuri didn’t pay attention to that.

“Okay, thank you,” Zuri mumbled and proceeded to go out of that place when the man talked again, stopping her from walking away from there.

“Don’t you want to drink something?”

“No, thank you,” Zuri mumbled again, because she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, yet when she reached the door and tried to turn the knob, she couldn’t open it, it was locked. A frown formed on Zuri’s forehead when she realized this.


“Have a drink with me first before you leave,” the man offered the same thing again. He stood up and walked toward a cabinet, from where he took two cans of softdrink out.

On the other hand, Zuri no longer replied to his offer and stared at him instead. She knew there was something wrong with this whole situation, but she couldn’t say for sure why this human would be a part of it.

“Here, take it.” The man approached Zuri and handed her a can of the soft drink that he took earlier.

Zuri took the can, but definitely she wouldn’t drink it. She held the can and glanced at White, which glared at the man before them. It was rare for her to look hostile toward humans.

“Open the door,” Zuri said in a calm tone, she didn’t show any distressed expression or any other kind of indication that showed she was cornered. There was no way a human would be able to corner her.

“Why don’t we talk for a moment? I think it is going to rain, it is dangerous for a girl to drive at night in such weather. I can take you to wherever you want,” he slurred and Zuri finally noticed this.

When she came to this place, this man didn’t look like this. He looked professional and didn’t try to hint at anything, but now he looked like he had lost his mind. At the same time, Zuri saw that black butterfly again, flying above the man’s head. There was something off about this butterfly...

“Open this door,” Zuri repeated her words, yet he ignored her completely, as he rambled about something that she couldn’t understand. In the end, he took a few steps forward to approach her.

It was too close for Zuri’s liking and this proximity set an alarm in her head off. Her gaze hardened and a low but dangerous rumble bubbled in her chest, to warn this man to back off.

However, he didn’t listen to the warning and kept coming closer, trying to touch Zuri with his filthy hand and this disgusted her. The repulsion came in full force, this sickening feeling was way too familiar to her, though it had been a long time since the last time she felt this way.

Therefore, without a second thought, when his hand almost came in contact with her, Zuri growled and clawed his face, as blood spluttered from his wounds and four nasty long gashes appeared across his face.

The man wailed in pain, using both of his hands to cover his face, as he fell to the ground, cursing and writhing in agony.

However, something even more bizarre happened, because from his wounds, Zuri saw something come out, little creatures like worms poured down from it along with his blood.

On the other hand, Zuri narrowed her eyes, she looked disgusted at the sight of the worms and grimaced as some of his blood stained her jacket and the smell left her nauseous.

“You bitch! BITCH! YOU WILL DIE! YOU WILL DIE!” The man shouted at her in anger, yet he couldn’t do anything to her or something to help himself.

“Shut up.” Zuri was annoyed by the noise that he made. She opened the can and poured the liquid inside it on his face, which made him scream bloody murder, yet Zuri didn’t even flinch when she heard this, or when she watched how the small creatures that came from him squirmed on the floor.

These were the kind of worms that would come out of a decayed body.

Zuri watched all of this with a cold expression, as the man writhed in pain and tried to roll his body away from her assault.

That was when Zuri caught a glimpse of the butterfly once more. She frowned and then she shifted her attention toward the restaurant again and now, Zuri realized what was wrong with it...

Chaos didn’t move. No one moved from their positions, they seemed to be frozen and no matter how long Zuri spent her time in this place, the line didn’t shorten, Chaos was still on the same line.


“I don’t understand. You should let the monster breakfree, because the more you hold back who you are, the more difficult it will be for you.” Aaron raised both of his hands and a dozen more black Ageha butterflies emerged from his body, fluttering their dark wings around Chaos, as he stood still. “Can’t you see how beautiful it is to see the end of the world? When you were standing on the top of power with those filthy creatures and people alike begging for your mercy?”

Chaos didn’t give any response, if he thought about it or he tried his hardest not to, it was hard to see what he was thinking right now.

“You will be able to see for yourself how beautiful it is to be set free. To be yourself. The chaos.” Aaron took another step forward, so they were facing each other.

“Scram,” Chaos said in a rigid tone, as he caught Aaron’s neck and squeezed him mercilessly before the devil could spout any more nonsense.

There was a soft explosion sound when Chaos crushed his neck and his head detached from his body, as dark liquid came out of it, but along with that, thousands of maggots crawled onto his hands and Aaron’s head that fell to the ground laughed in delight when he saw Chaos frowning, as a few maggots made their way onto his hand and seeped into his skin.

“I will help you to be free, Chaos, you will thank me later,” Aaron said in the most eerie tone. He looked ecstatic, almost like a maniac.

After that, he was burned in blue flames, along with his remains and the maggots that came out of his dismembered body.

The room turned dark for a few moments before the lights returned and all the noises from the restaurant came back, so did all the people.

“What is your order, sir?” asked the employee, snapping Chaos to reality.

Chaos stared at his hand and the maggots had disappeared as well, so did the dark blood, as if whatever that happened earlier was only in his mind, but he knew better than that.

“Sir?” the woman asked him again, because he had not yet placed his order.

Chaos lifted his head and placed his order to her calmly.

A loud sound came from the main entrance, the sound of someone slamming the door open and Chaos could see Zuri entering the restaurant with a worried expression. There was blood on her jacket and some on the wolf’s white fur.

Seeing this, Chaos’ eyes hardened, but the thing that frightened him was the fact that he forgot about her existence...

There was a moment that he forgot about her completely and didn’t even feel any concern when he encountered Aaron earlier. The thought of her safety didn’t even cross his mind.

“Chaos, are you okay?” Zuri asked. She looked so worried about him, but turned even more worried when he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.

He literally hugged her in front of all the patrons there which in turn made some of them clear their throats, to remind them they were still in a public place and didn’t need to display some lovey dovey moment.

However, Zuri knew there was something wrong that happened when she left, since she had the same experience as well.

Yet, she couldn’t say it here and for the first time, Zuri found Chaos’ body trembling. He was shaking for some reason and this disturbed her.

Zuri patted on his back to calm him down and took charge in this strange situation. “Let’s buy the food and get out of here, okay?” she said softly and she could feel Chaos nodding in response.



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