Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 285


Vanesha glanced at the surveillance cameras near her and tried not to look suspicious while she talked on the phone. After all, she was talking to a person that shouldn’t ever be mentioned here.

“Understood.” Vanesha nodded when she heard what he said. “Okay, Gael.” And then Vanesha mumbled a few things and listened to what Gael had to say before she cut off the connection and walked away from there.

She needed to do something about this situation, it had been years and she felt she was at the right time and position, yet this was against what Gael had planned.

Vanesha then used her card to enter a few places and took some things that she needed, since today was the day she would visit River.

Before, because of the reason Sol had experimented on the girl unauthorized, she was banned from meeting her. With the charges she broke a few rules, she was even threatened to be thrown out of the city, to be fed to the shifters.

However, Sol took all the responsibility, though it took time before Vanesha could resume her initial position and her punishment was nullified, since she just did what she was told by her superior.

On the other hand, Sol took all the blame and was punished. His access to River got limited now and the only way for him to get any information about this girl was through Vanesha.

“She has been asking for you,” a woman told Vanesha, once she entered the glass room, where they could monitor River’s every move.

“I will take over from here,” Vanesha said, as she opened the door and smiled sweetly at River, who was rushing toward her. “Hey, miss me?” she asked teasingly and River snuggled even closer to her.


Ever since they kept Vanesha away from this girl, she had been acting up and caused so much damage as she was inconsolable, demanding to see Vanesha.


“You don’t need to fight him,” Emily mumbled softly, as she wiped away the remaining blood from Eros’ hand, after he punched Kyle. No, punching was not the right word, actually, he stabbed him, he clawed him.

“Will you?” Eros asked Emily point blank. Would she fight him if he did not?

The answer was very clear for both of them, but Emily just didn’t want to back down and sometimes became stubborn.

“Well, I can curse him...” she said timidly.

“I have never heard you cursing someone before,” Eros pointed out the obvious.

“I did,” Emily said stubbornly. She raised her head to meet Eros’ blue eyes, but then she looked away because the way he looked at her was too intense for her.

“How?” Eros insisted. He wanted to know how this sweet girl cursed at someone, since he had never heard her even raise her voice before.

Emily became clumsy when she heard that, she chewed her lips nervously before she said in a very low voice. “Damn you...” she said, it almost sounded like she was saying ‘how are you’ in her very timid voice, there was no sense of hostility in that curse.

And Eros, after hearing that, could only ruffle her hair. “You are helpless.”

“That is the best I can do.”

“The way you said it, won’t even be able to hurt a fly.” Eros then started the engine and reversed the car. “Tell me if they bother you again. Understood?”


Yet, Eros didn’t think she sounded convincing enough, thus he pinched Emily’s chin to make her look him right in the eyes before he ensured that she understood.

“Tell me regardless of whatever it is, understand?”

“Okay,” Emily replied softly, nodding her head to emphasize her answer. Even though she had been with Eros for years and used to see his overbearing side, when he treated her like that, she couldn’t help but be afraid of him.

However, she knew that there was no way Eros would hurt her.


“I am the one hurt here, but why am I the one getting the cold shoulder?” Zuri asked Chaos, as the man drove the car. They were on the highway and had put a great distance from the gas station that he had blown out.

Zuri didn’t know whether there were additional victims, aside from the one inside the convenience store or not, but she could care less about someone else’s life when her own was miserable right now because Chaos decided to give her silent treatment for a mistake she didn’t know she had committed.

“Are you angry at me?” Zuri sighed. She adjusted her seat and laid down, while staring at the blue sky out there. She missed Chaos’ blue eyes. “Ah... my shoulder is hurt...” she whimpered.

That was a lie, since all of her wounds had fully recovered by now and even the severe ones had left no scars on her skin.

However, Chaos didn’t take it as a joke, as he swerved the car to the side of the road and stopped there. They were on the highway for God’s sake!

“What are you doing, Chaos?” Zuri sat down in panic because he suddenly stopped.

“Let me see it,” Chaos said grimly.

“See what?” Zuri was too shocked to remember that just a few seconds ago she complained to him about her shoulder.

“Your shoulder.”

“No, actually... it doesn’t hurt.” Zuri chewed her lips nervously when she admitted that she lied to him. “You treat me coldly and I don’t like it. Why don’t you talk to me? Did I do something wrong?”

The only mistake that she made was getting injured, but that reason alone didn’t hold the waters, she couldn’t be blamed for that.

“I am fine, Chaos,” Zuri said, as she looked at Chaos warily. His eyes were so dangerous and this made her slightly afraid of him. What would happen if Chaos forgot about her right now?

“Show me your shoulder,” Chaos didn’t buy it. He took everything seriously. He was not in the mood for this kind of joke, it was not like there was a time where he would be in the mood for that.

And because Zuri didn’t move an inch and did what she was told, Chaos pulled her close to him and pulled down the collar of the shirt that she was wearing.

Of course, Chaos didn’t consider his strength and lost his control when he pulled the collar until the shirt was torn and Zuri gasped sharply. Out of instinct, she tried to push Chaos away from her, but this man wouldn’t budge.

Despite having ruined her shirt, Chaos proceeded to do what he intended to do and inspected her shoulder, looking for injuries on not only her shoulder, but her hands as well.

“I am fine, Chaos, I am just messing with you because you gave me silent treatment,” Zuri stated when Chaos stopped checking on her.

Chaos ignored that and gave his jacket for Zuri to cover her disheveled state. “We will find new clothes for you,” he stated.

And for some reason, Zuri felt very frustrated by the way Chaos reacted right now. He was worried for her, but she felt like he didn’t care much about her by being so cold to herself like this.

Perhaps, this was the stupidest decision that Zur had ever made, but at this time, she felt she had the right to be angry, at least.

Zuri walked out of the car when Chaos was about to drive it away again, thus her sudden action caught him off guard, as he immediately got out of the car as well to follow her.

“Stop following me! If you are not going to talk to me again you better stay away from me!” Zuri tightened the jacket around her body, as she glared at Chaos. Enough was enough. She didn’t want to be ignored anymore.

At first, Zuri thought Chaos would argue with her, but what he did next was the opposite. He approached her and hugged her from behind.

Chaos rested his head on her shoulder, as he breathed in her scent, which left Zuri speechless with his sudden change.

Recently, being with Chaos was an emotional roller coaster for her...

“I am sorry,” Chaos whispered remorsefully into Zuri’s ear.

“What are you sorry for? You are angry because of something that I don’t even have power over. I am the one who got hurt, but you had to go ahead and punish me with your silence.” Zuri could feel Chaos shaking his head and then he turned her body around, so she could face him.

“I am not mad at you because you got hurt, I am mad at myself because I got you hurt. Not once. Not twice. And surely, this will not be the last.” Chaos caressed her face. He was only exposing this girl to danger if he kept her with him.

It was not because of those dark creatures that targeted her, since she was his weakness, the only way to hurt him was through Zuri, yet that was not Chaos concerned about, but because the dark side of him that he couldn’t control was way more dangerous than any of them. Or even all of them combined...

“You didn’t hurt me, Chaos.” Zuri circled her arms around his waist and clutched onto his shirt, afraid to let go, because there was no guarantee he wouldn’t leave her. “You saved me, remember? Not once, or twice, you did it countless times and you will do it again. I am safe with you.”

“And yet, you hurt, bled and died even with me present.” Chaos pointed out grimly what had happened to her because of him.



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