Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 85


“Why didn’t that ugly creature want to chase me?!” he grumbled in annoyance. “I am cuter than her and have less fur.”

On the street, the white wolf was trying to enter the car as she shifted into her human form and opened the car door, as it was easier to do that in her human form and then locked the door.

“No! No! No!” Gael shouted at the ugly minotaur, who was trying to butt its head at the car and made the front glass crack in its first attack.

Fortunately, the windshield of that car was really strong as it could even stand against bullets, but of course, a minotaur was not supposed to be there and it would be a matter of time before it would manage to break down the car.

On the other hand, inside the car, Blue moved to the backseat, holding the phone against her ear, trying to call Knox for help. Blue took the jacket that Gael left inside the car to cover her naked body.

“D*mn it, you monster!” Gael cursed under his breath, as he rushed toward them. “Don’t you know that cars are expensive as hell!?”

Gael raised both of his hands and pushed the monster away from the tacky red color car that looked battered.

The minotaur was sent skidding a few meters away before its body collided against a tree behind it and broke it down.

A few people from the nearby houses immediately peeped out of their doors and windows to look at what actually was happening with all of this commotion and this was not a good sign. Gael needed to get Blue out of here.


“Blue! Get out!” Gael opened the car door and grabbed her wrist to pull her out of the car, as they ran toward Nikolai’s house again.

“I have been trying to call Knox, but he won’t pick up his phone,” Blue informed Gael, as she ran with him.

Gael tsked. “I will kill him if we die here tonight.”

Blue frowned when she heard that, as she mumbled, “If you are dead, how can you kill him?”

Gael didn’t have time to respond to that, despite hearing her complaint crystal clear. After all, the minotaur was already charging toward them with full speed and the people around them gasped in disbelief at what they were seeing right now.

How could a minotaur come alive? Was it not a myth? Or was it just a really bad joke?

But, that creature with a height of around three meters tall and was as bulky as a bull, was real. It let out a terrifying sound that left all the people there shivering in fear once they heard it.

The low growl that the minotaur produced rang through the silent night as the people there raised their phones and started taking pictures and videos. Some people were trying to contact the police.

However, no one came to help Gael to fight this monster off, as they were too afraid to do that.

On the other hand, Gael was having a hard time warding it off since he couldn’t use his power in front of those people. He couldn’t risk his identity to be exposed even further.

People were still thinking that it was a miracle that he was still alive after the building, where his wedding occurred, had flattened to the ground and ninety five percent of the guests died, including his bride.

Right. That was the news that Gael wanted to be published in the media. His bride had died. Lise no longer became the center of the attention of other people, so he could find her later when the situation had calmed down.

“NIKOLAI! OPEN THE...” Blue shouted, pounding her small fists against the door, but before she could finish her words, the door swung open and Nikolai had grabbed her hand to pull her inside the house, while Gael followed behind her.

Gael closed the door just in time before the minotaur could butt its head against it, yet the fragile door couldn’t hold the creature back and it broke through.

“D*mn!” Gael cursed loudly. “What the hell!?” How could a creature from hell be here? It didn’t make sense at all!

Gael looked over his shoulder, and found that Blue, Nikolai and little Vanessa were hiding behind him.

“What are you doing there?!” he shouted at the young children.

“I am afraid,” Vanessa said timidly, hiding her face against her brother’s back.

Wait! I am afraid too!

Gael gritted his teeth and faced the minotaur in front of him. His eyes hardened. It would be nice if he had all of his power, so he could crush this ugly creature right there and then, but then he couldn’t do that, since he was still not completely healed from the poison.

“Go to your bedroom,” Gael spoke to Nikolai, because he thought his bedroom would be at the back of this house or on the second floor.

“But, my bedroom is there.” Nikolai pointed his finger at the door in front of them. “The second floor has not yet been fixed.”

Because of the earthquake before, the second floor of this house was completely broken down.

“Tsk!” Gael clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Go somewhere else then!” he said impatiently.

And in a rush, the three of them started running away from the living room, to the back part of this house, leaving Gael to deal with this minotaur all alone.

“Hey! Keep trying to call Knox!” he shouted at Blue, because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle this creature from the underworld alone.

Gael didn’t hear an answer from the little girl, but he didn’t have time to grumble on that, since the minotaur had tried to attack him again.

He dodged the first attack and was ready to fight it back, but the minotaur didn’t do the second attack, as it ran in the direction to where the three children had gone.



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