Unto the Ages

Chapter 105

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As the enemy warriors were advancing to join the main battle, Grud was harassing them, after taking swipes and killing and maiming dozens of enemy warriors, one of the enemy commanders shouted, “Pass the torches to the side so we can see it coming!


This easily identified the man as a commander. Grud was about to throw a spear at the commander but decided against it to keep up the guise of this “Shadow Monster” the enemy warriors thought he was.


Instead, Grud picked up stones that littered the area and threw it with tremendous force at the enemy commander, nailing him right between the eyes and sending him crumpling to the ground. Whether he was dead or just unconscious, nobody knew at the moment and those around were too panicked to care as they carried out the last order before he was stoned.


As the torches were passed to the line nearest to Grud, Grud started pelting with stones whoever held the torches, but there were many of them, only one of him, and other commanders along the line were keeping the men in line and on focus to arrive at the main battle.


Just as Grud was wracking his brain on how to sow more chaos, his eyes landed on the pelt of large panther like beast, large enough to cover himself and then some. Grud smiled as an idea started to form in his head.




As the clustered together warriors moved towards the main battle, they were on edge, they had covered some distance without this “Shadow Monster” attacking them.


Some thought that it had grown tired of killing them and wandered off, while others assumed that it got hit by a wildly fired arrow and was either dead or off licking its wounds.


“Pick up the speed! We will spill the blood of savages!” shouted a man who took over for the commander who took a stone to the head. That shouting man, Ta’hal of Rainstep village, despite being from a small village, was well known as a warrior of some renown, so nobody had any real issues following his command.


But ever since he volunteered himself into the leadership role, he had been shouting and hollering non-stop, urging the column onwards.


What Ta’hal and the men around him did not know was that his loud shouting was drawing the attention of something in the darkness.


As they got close to the battle, a figure dashed out of the dark toward the column of warriors.


The warriors only had a scant few seconds to shout in alarm before a figure that was bigger than most men, clad in midnight black fur, and wielding a weapon that was a brutish mockery of a spear, crashed into their line.


Warriors were cut into pieces and others were sent flying from the body impact. This fur-clad figure smashed it’s way into the middle of the column with relative ease, grabbed Ta’hal by the skull with its big hand, and ran back through the hole it made, slashing anyone who tried to stop it.


A few seconds after the beast left with a few arrows dangling from its loose fur, they all heard Ta’hal’s shouts of agony from the dark unknown until he abruptly stopped a few seconds later.


Just as the warriors closed ranks again to prepare for another attack, they heard a commotion from the section behind theirs, when they turned to see what the commotion was, they saw the same black fur-clad figure crash into their lines and pull a screaming man out into the darkness where his screams cut off. 


Seeing the deaths of 2 commanders in such a short period of time and with such ease, the surrounding warriors started to freak out, their fears and superstitions taking over.


“Evil spirit!”, “Shadow monster!”, “Ancester’s curses!” they shouted as they started to fall to panic as the column’s warriors started waving weapons into the darkness and shooting arrows at anything they thought moved.


Those shots were returned with scatters of stones to pelt the men. Seeing where the stones came from, a barrage of arrows showered in the general direction, but the only reaction they got was their arrows impacting the ground.


Before the archers could nock another arrow, shouts came from some distance to the side of where everyone was looking. When they turned to the commotion, the only thing they saw was the dark figure running off into the darkness, leaving behind 4 dead men.




And so it went, up and down the flank Grud was at, by the time the enemy reached the main battle, they were more a mob terrorized men than warriors, their commanders were killed, and a good portion of them were killed or maimed. 


Seeing that he did all he could to weaken the enemy reinforcement, he slipped back into the shadows and back behind friendly lines. 


When he appeared behind his friendly forces, Grud almost caught a spear in the face, but defused the situation by revealing his face and identity. 


After draining a whole water skin to quench the thirst from running and fighting almost non-stop, Grud made his way through his people back to the front line. 


This time, he decided to go after the other flank that had yet to be terrorized by him. 


After asking around for the person in charge of the flank, he made his way to the man and coordinated with him about leading some men to punch holes in the enemy lines.


Soon, Grud had older, yet seasoned, fighters lined up on either side of him, and on his order, they advanced forward to the front line, the rest of the fighting men parting to make way for his team.


When the final row of allies parted way for Grud to face the enemy, he came out swinging, separating heads from bodies while the seasoned veterans covered his flanks.


With relative ease, Grud and his men plowed through, taking a hit every now and then. The now-tattered black pelt he was wearing did a good job of dampening any slashing blows, and the hits that got past the pelt were tanked by his centipede carapace armor, but with the number of enemies taking swings at him, it was impossible not to get a few times in his more vulnerable areas.


By the time he was deep into the enemies’ lines, Grud had cuts all over his face and every part of his body not covered in armor. Fortunately, Grud thought about this issue a few years ago and commissioned the addition of protection for his dick and balls, which amounted to several layers of tough leather on top of a Grud-appropriate-sized codpiece.


When Grud noticed the men beside him getting tired, he signaled the men behind him to fill the gap while he and those he fought beside retreated back to the main bulk of their forces.


After getting back to friendly lines, Grud was informed of the enemy commanders’ locations and went out with fresh troops to push through enemy lines to hunt down the enemy commanders, be it using mana to send throwing spears through their heads if they stood out too much, or personally going over and killing them.


Within less than 2 hours, with the lack of any serious command structure, the enemy started to crumble and rout, which soon turned into a full on retreat.


After chasing the retreating forces for awhile, the Grud’s people managed to pull back the chasers before they got too far.


The battle was over and now, it was time to recover and count their dead.


While bodies were being counted and stacked, Grud was called over to a meeting, to which he met Chieftain Thagrak, a few other chieftains who answered the call to arms, and finally, Jorah Riversong, Chief of the Riversong village.


Happy to see a familiar face, Jorah reached out and clasped Grud’s arm in greeting, “It is good to see you Grud, how are the girls.” Jorah greeted in Grud’s tribal tongue.


Grud nodded, “Its good to see you too, Tala and Kaya are fine, in fact, they are back at Chieftain Thagrak’s tribe.”


After a few more pleasantries and greetings among the tribes and village leaders, Grud started, “It is good to see everyone is still alive, but we do not have much time, we still need to help the Wisperwind village, they are under siege from Stoneclad village forces.”


Seeing Grud raring to go, Chieftain Thagrak put a hand on his shoulder, “Calm yourself Grud, it is late at night and the men are tired, we will rest for the night and leave at dawn. It was very kind of our enemies to leave their camp and supplies behind before they left.” he said as he gestured to the slightly destroyed camp, but if they salvage the equipment and supplies from the other side of the encirclement, they should have more than enough to comfortable rest for the night.


Grud begrudgingly agreed and went to keep himself busy, as the adrenaline started leaving his body, Grud started getting a post-battle boner that was pushing up against his codpiece.


As the night wore on and all that needed to be done was done, Grud was so horny that he considered running back to the Thunderfoot Tribe to relieve himself inside Tala and Kaya, but what little rationality Grud had left stopped him and had to do something he had not done in a long time… masturbate.


“I wish this stupid war happened when Mita was not pregnant so she could be here to suck out my cum.” Grud grumbled to himself as he started doing what needed to be done if he ever wanted to fit his dick back into his armor.


Early the next morning before most people woke up, Grud could be seen at the outskirts of the camp burning a suspiciously painted white tent.

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