Unto the Ages

Chapter 112

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Back in the Newlands, at the Riversong village, Tala and Kaya were treating the wounded that came streaming back to the village along with a long line of bound slaves.

These were the women and children of the villages that took part in the siege and attacks of their people, and as an old saying in the Newlands goes, ‘Much has been taken, much needed to be repaid.’, and these women and children would repay with their bodies to bolster the numbers lost by the actions of their fathers, brothers, and sons.

After they were done with their shift, Tala and Kaya met up to see the new slaves that came in.

They knew that Grud did not want any more wives… but he did not say anything about slaves. When Tala brought up the possibility of slave women being spoils of war with Nita and explained their significance, Nita thought about it for a while and asked Tala to pick some out if she could.

“It has been years since I did not wake up with my vagina or asshole gaping and leaking our husband’s seed, not that I do not like it, I am pretty sure we all love it, but it has been a while since I truly had a normal breakfast and not just be full by drinking Grud’s seed. But we are unable to get more women, all the women around are wise to what happens to us every day and are scared, but if we can get some of these slaves, we can use them to satisfy Grud’s urges, and maybe us wives can have a normal morning every now and then.” Nita suggested.

“But you know Grud’s stance on more women, what if he says no?” Tala asked.

Nita sighed and said, “Then tell him that we love him, but his wives need some rest… stroke his ego, tell him that he is too much man for us to handle, it is not far from the truth anyway.” 

“Ok… How many do we get?” Tala said somewhat unsurely.

Nita shrugged, “Let's go with an even ten virgins. I am sure you know his taste by now.” Nita said as she hefted her gigantic breast while raising her eyebrows, and just as they wrapped up their conversation, Nita added in a last request, “If possible, try to keep their virginity intact until they reach home, I want all of us to savor them before our husband takes them.”

After Tala and Kaya cleaned up a bit from their work, they made their way to a shelter containing many wooden cages.

When the men guarding the cages saw Tala and Kaya, they let them in without any bother. They already knew Tala and Kaya were coming to claim slaves on behalf of Grud, and from the news the escorts and injured brought back from the front about their husband, nobody could dispute Grud’s accomplishments or claim to the quantity or quality of slaves his wives took in his name.

So far, Tala and Kaya had claimed three slaves and were hoping to find more that met their standards.

As they went from cage to cage, most of the slaves would look down while making themselves look smaller, while some would give Tala and Kaya angry glares, no doubt thinking them traitors to their people, but most of those who glared was on the younger side, they had been told by those older than them that this was the fate of the conquered, and their best chance for a good life is to hope a strong and kind master chose them, their elders could only warn them and hope the lesson they learn would not be too harsh.

When a woman caught Tala and Kaya’s interest, the guard would pick them out of the cage and tie them up.

After the sisters picked five slaves, they were ushered into a hut. While the guard stood outside, Tala and Kaya would line the slaves up and examine them.

First, their teeth were checked for any rot, if there was any, they would be immediately separated. Then they were stripped of their clothes and examined, and from looking at each other, all the women slaves in the lineup noticed they were all young, beautiful, and had a minimum of D cup breasts.

Tala and Kaya went around the slave women to check for defects or injuries as they grouped their tits and asses like they were judging fruits at the market.

Once they were satisfied with the results, one by one, they were instructed to lie on a table and open their legs, and once they did so, Tala wound part their pussy lips to check for their hymen, and those who did not have theirs intact would be sent back to the cages along with those with bad teeth.

By the end of the examination, Tala and Kaya left the hut with two women and went back home where three other beauties were being held, but when contrasted against their new mistresses that picked them, all five of the slaves knew they looked plain in comparison.

After locking the two new slave women in a room with what looked to be newly bared windows with the three other slave women, Tala and Kaya said they would bring food later and walked away to go about their day.

This left the five slave women in awkward silence for a while until the three women who were here before broke the ice and struck up some conversation with the newcomers, and like all newcomers in a bad situation, the two new slave women asked their seniors in the same situation what the news was.

After some talking, the two new slave women found that their situation may not be as bad as it once seemed, as the word was that their new master was a kind and powerful man who could afford to have many wives, and as they were told by their mothers and other women of their village, all they needed to satisfy their new master was make him cum once or twice to satisfy him.

They did not know how wrong they would be in the future.


A week passed since Grud had his chat with the Elder Witch Doctors and with the blessing of their village chiefs, the Elder Witch Doctors sent some warriors to accompany some of their people, and as promised, once the village they were attacking was subdued, people form the Elder Witch Doctors’ villages came in to pick out their relatives before things got ugly.

And after another week of raiding, they ran into their first real problem. On the way to another village, one of the scouts burst through the foliage and ran towards Grud, just looking at the way he was breathing, Grud knew he ran without rest, and he had an arrow sticking out of his arm and back. “The Blazebringers!” the scout said as Grud caught the man, “They ambushed us as we were scouting the village up ahead, at least 200 of them.”

With this information, Grud rallied the men and sent 500 men ahead to engage the Blazebringer warriors while the rest of the larger force caught up. 

This was one of the downsides Grud noticed when fighting with such large numbers, and if it were up to him, he would either be out there on his own or with an elite group hunting his enemies down, but sadly he could not abandon his position as leader so easily.

By the time Grud caught up to the men he sent ahead, he found them at the village they were going to attack, but when they went into the village, they found it empty, and from what was left behind, this village left in a hurry.

When Grud checked in with the men he sent ahead, they reported no sighting of the enemy forces, just a lot of tracks headed away from them and toward their enemy, and while most in the group wanted to push forward to find the enemy, the older Hunters in the group reined them in and stopped them, thinking there may be more ambushes ahead. To which, Grud agreed with the older Hunters’ decision.

Grud then called for a meeting to discuss what this empty village meant and what to do moving forward.

After some discussion on possible scenarios, it was one of the warriors from one of the Elder Witch Doctor’s tribes, “It is most likely that the Blazebringers know you are coming and started taking in the surrounding villages to bolster their numbers to fight you, whether they want to or not.”

This made a lot of sense, but it also meant that all their enemies were in one spot. And Grud liked the idea, no more running, just a straight fight. He could definitely get behind that.

He then called for a runner and told him, “Send word to bring the Blazebringer captives to me. I will put on a show for them before I put them to the blade.”

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