Unto the Ages

Chapter 15

After the night attack, Froll decided that the tribe would stay and rest where they were for a day to give the wounded tribe members to recover from their injuries. In the morning, those who were relatively uninjured were sent out to hunt and collect water, while the rest of the tribe set out to make themselves more comfortable to rest from the sleepless nights of being chased by the wolf pack.

All those who were injured were allowed to sleep in and along with Grud, whose only injury was some torn skin from multiple wolf bites and claw scratches that were already nicely scabbed over by morning.

The sun had risen just enough over the horizon just enough to flood the cave with light and Grud was feeling especially lazy after the few days of fast jogging with his wife on his back (not that she weighed much to him) and fighting off a pack of wolves. 

The laziness was replaced with pleasure as he felt the shaft of his morning wood being engulfed by warm soft and smooth flesh and shortly after the tip of his penis felt itself being forced into somewhere wet with the familiar feeling of his wife’s teeth scraping the top and bottom of his penis head. Soon after he felt the soft, smooth flesh stroking his shaft while his penis head was being sucked while a tongue danced over all the nooks and crannies of his glans.

After a few minutes of vigorous stroking and sucking, Grud was about to release his first load of the day. He unconsciously grabbed Nita’s head and pushed his dick in as far as it would go, his dick hit the back of Nita’s throat and before Nita could gag, Grud released a torrent of freshly milked cum directly down her throat and into her stomach with no leakage. Nita was lucky she took a big breath before Grud held her head.

After a full minute of cumming and a slightly bloated Nita later, Grud let go and Nita immediately got his dick out her mouth and gasped for breath. When Nita caught her breath, she jumped on top of Grud and started smacking him with little to no effect while harshly whispering “You!... You!... You stupid man! I almost suffocated!” 









Nita smacked Grud wherever she could and even though Grud did not feel any pain from Nita’s weak smacks, he was smart enough to defend himself and made it look like her smacks were doing something while looking like a huge puppy being disciplined. After Nita was done venting her anger, Grud apologized while bringing Nita into a hug that she tried to struggle out from “I am sorry my love, what you were doing felt so good and I lost myself. Can you forgive me? Please?” 

After a while, Nita stopped struggling and pouted while in Grud’s embrace “Fine. but you are carrying me for the next few days.” Grud smiled and nuzzled his chin onto the top of her head “I would carry you to and from the meeting if you want.” Hearing that, Nita just buried her head into Grud’s chest and nodded. They stayed nuzzled with each other for a while longer.

When The couple finally got up, as promised, they met up with Froll to tell them of what happened and for some reason, the tribe’s shaman Dhuk was there. Grud told of how they washed up in the underground cave and how they made their way back to the tribe.

After the telling of their journey and a few questions, Dhuk asked Grud while staring at him intensively “Grud, last night as I was watching the fight, I heard your battle cry, did anything out of the ordinary happen then?” Hearing that Grud gave Dhuk a surprised face “How did you know?” Dhuk let out a small chuckle and replied “Boy, I am the tribe’s shaman for a reason, I can see and sense things that others cannot. Now tell this old man what you think you felt was out of the ordinary recently… besides you growing as fast as a weed recently.”

Grud arched his brows trying to recall all the weird stuff that happened over the last few days after he was separated from the tribe. “Well besides washing up in the underground cavern, things really started getting weird after I almost died from eating the ball floating in the middle of some slimy-looking thing…” Froll raised his hand to stop Grud “Wait, you almost died and you did not care to mention this?”

Looking sheepish Grud told them of the monster core he unknowingly ate, thinking it would give him power like the other animals when eating their hearts, the pain he felt after eating it and Nita filled in the parts that Grud was in too much pain or unconscious for. This time it was Dhuk that interrupted “Wait… When you ate the ball floating in the middle of the slime, you started growing veins from your chest outwards to your whole body?” Grud nodded and seeing the look of concern on Dhuk’s face, Grud knew Dhuk knew something about what happened to him.

Before Grud could ask, Froll asked “Dhuk, what is it? From the look on your face, I know you know something.” Dhuk looked at Froll and then looked back at Grud “You should have died from what happened to you, No one has ever survived eating a monster core.” Froll, Grud and Nita asked, “A monster what?”

Dhuk reached into his pouch and took out an even smaller pouch, from that smaller pouch he took out something wrapped in leather. Unwrapping the leather revealed a hazy white crystalline shard the size of his pinky finger to the second knuckle. 

“This is a monster core, it very rarely appears in some animals that become berserk and sometimes have strange powers. But they are extremely rare, shamans like myself use these monster cores to attune ourselves to the whispers of the spirits and the world. Quite a few of the strongest ancestor shamans and warriors had tried eating it to gain power, those that tried all died in slow suffering before the veins even made it far across their chest.”

Dhuk’s look became more serious “Until you… Continue your story with what happened after that” Grud then told of him and Nita hearing voices that sounded like Nita giggling and whispering words that were too soft for them to understand while they were catching up to the tribe. Lastly, he told them what he thought he did when he sent the wolves piled up on him flying from the shockwave released from his body.

While Froll and Nita look confused, Dhuk nodded “Grud my boy, I think you have what it takes to become a shaman. If what you said is true, then you are more powerful than even me. Out of all the shamans that I know are alive, only two of them are powerful enough to move things with the power you mentioned”

Dhuk then turned to Froll. “Chieftain, I am very old and I do not know when the spirits will take me away. Instead of getting a shaman from another tribe when I pass away, while I can still move and think properly, I would like to have Grud learn from me and become the next shaman. He will make a great shaman, even now I can feel the mana coming from him.”

Froll looked shocked at Grud and then back at Dhuk. “You can really sense the mana from him?” Dhuk nodded “Yes, with the amount that I can feel being released from him, any shaman that comes near him at the meeting will sense it too and try to get him to join their tribe once they learn he is not apprenticed under anyone.”

Hearing this Nita hugged Grud’s arm knowing that if he apprenticed under another shaman, he would have to leave the tribe and she would have to go along with him. Froll contemplated this for a few seconds and turned to Grud “In the end, the decision is up to you Grud, do you want to be the next tribe shaman?” Grud did not need to think much about the question, being a shaman was a great honor that very few could get. “I accept…. But before that…. What is this mana you mentioned just now”

Dhuk chuckled “Mana is that energy you used to throw off the wolves. It is the energy that is all around us that shamans can see and feel. Even the Great Spirits are made of mana, now that you accepted to apprentice under me, you will come to see me every morning for lessons” Grud nodded in the affirmative and Nita was all smiles, not only was her husband a powerful hunter, he was going to be the next shaman.

After a full day of rest and stocking up on supplies, the tribe resumed their relatively peaceful journey, with only a few sightings of the stragglers of the now leaderless wolf pack that ran at the sight of the tribe.

The daily routine for Grud since becoming Dhuk’s apprentice was to wake up, have a morning romp with his wife as quietly as possible, get some breakfast, and start the journey while carrying Nita. 

This made the other tribe women eye Nita jealousy and then glare at their husbands. While they were traveling, Grud was always with Dhuk who was passing down stories and lessons of shamans of the past, when the tribe stopped for breaks, Dhuk would teach him rituals and at the end of the day, Grud would get some dinner and relief his mental stress from learning so many things by giving Nita’s pussy another pounding before going to sleep.

After a few days of travel, the tribe made it to the treeline, beyond that were rocky hills and in the distance, they could see something that looked like a small mountain got chopped off and was only left with a quarter of its height. When the tribe neared it they could better see that there was a valley that was wide enough to easily fit ten men standing shoulder to shoulder. And at the entrance of that valley were two men guarding the valley. 

When the two men spotted the tribe, they shouted “Stop! Who goes there!?” hearing this, Froll steps forward “I am Froll, Chieftain of the Rock Skull Tribe here for the meeting.” Hearing this the guard eased up and waved the tribe Rock Skull Tribe to proceed. 

When Froll reached the valley entrance where the guards were, the guards struck up a convocation with Froll “Coming a bit early this year, preparations for the meeting are not yet done” Froll nodded san said “This year has been good for my tribe and we decided to make the trip earlier at a more relaxed pace but we ran into trouble” gesturing at his men that had medical plants and fibers patching their injuries.

“Bloody wolves, we did not have them in large packs in previous years…. And if that was not enough, we had to defend ourselves from two big wolf packs” The guard gave a worried frown and said “Hmm…. this may be a bad omen, best go report this to the Chief Shaman, I will go with you” the guard Froll was speaking to signaled his fellow guard and followed Froll into the valley.

When the tribe came out to the other end of the valley, they were greeted by a lush forest that seemed to have its own ecosystem compared to the rocky hills on the outside. From the stories that had been passed down, A Sky Rock as tall as three men crashed to the ground creating the crater, at the center of this crater was the sky rock that this tribe, The Spirit Moon Tribe, built their homes around.

From the stories, the sky rock that The Spirit Moon Tribe built their homes around will later be named The Ancestor Rock. The Spirit Moon Tribe was the biggest tribe around and produced most of the shamans in all the tribes which is said to be a blessing from The Ancestor Rock. When the population of The Spirit Moon Tribe gets too large for the tribe to support, they would get volunteers along with a shaman to create a new tribe and find fresh hunting grounds to set up the new tribe.

After being led to the Rock Skull Tribe’s allocated space, the tribe began setting up the camp for a more long-term stay. Before Froll and Dhuk went off to greet their host tribe, Dhuk called Grud over, “Come by boy, now that you are my apprentice you will come with me to greet the Chief Shaman.” Grud nodded and followed.


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