Unto the Ages

Chapter 18

Hi guys, sorry for not posting for 2 weeks, work had hit a peak period and is starting to calm down now, will try to post more in the next few days.

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The next morning, the Wisp woke up, actually woke up. It has never truly experienced sleep before, what it had done before was go dormant but still aware of its surroundings. This time, after getting fucked into a catatonic state repeatedly by Grud, the Wisp had learned to let go of its consciousness from Nita thru their bond.

And she had to admit, sleeping felt nice even though she did not have a physical that needed sleep. Now she truly understood why all living beings slept, so they could feel refreshed the next day. Now that she thought about being refreshed, she looked to her side and saw her two bonded.

Within her, a new emotion welled up, she did not know what it was. It felt like a fondness for something but a lot stronger. She had felt that particular emotion often being projected between her two bonded, and as the three of them were having sex yesterday, she could feel that emotion slowly but strongly being projected toward her from her two bonded. She did not know what this emotion was, but she liked it and would like to feel it more often.

After looking at her two bonded, she looked down at herself and noted that she was still far from absorbing all the life force from the seed that Grud had pumped into her, on a more positive side, she did manage to absorb all the mana from the seed, that was easy compared to converting lifeforce to mana.

While she was pondering all these new developments, she heard the small moan of Nita waking up while stretching her arms. When Nita’s eyes met hers, there came that new emotion she felt being projected at her along with a smile from Nita.

“Good morning, sister.” Nita said to the Wisp. The Wisp was not really sure what Nita said and only understood the word “Good”, so she emulated Nita “Good… Morning… Sister?”. Nita smiled at this and said, “You have joined our family so suddenly but we do not know your name, may I know your name?”

The Wisp gave Nita a confused look and said “Name?”. Nita felt a strange sense of confusion radiating off the Wisp and after a while of asking the Wisp questions while pantomiming, realized that “Spirits” did not have a concept of personal names for themselves. Or at least not in the sense she could understand.

Nita then decided, “I could just keep calling you sister, but you need a name for yourself.” She looked at her still sleeping husband, then to his morning wood. “But this is not a decision that I can make on my own, help me wake our husband.”

The Wisp did not know what “Husband” meant, but she knew it was referring to Grud, and with the way Nita was staring at Grud’s morning wood and the intent and emotions radiating off her, it was clear what was about to happen and replied happily “Husband!”

Grud’s sleep was very pleasantly interrupted by an opposing but pleasurable feeling on his dick. On the right side of his dick, he felt something smooth, soft and warm massaging his shaft while a familiar wet tongue was slobbering his tip. 

On the left side of his dick, his shaft felt the same smoothness and softness but not the warmth, it was cool to the touch and had the distinct tingle of mana. As for the left side of his penis tip, a familiar tongue was caressing it, it was not wet, but smooth.

When Grud finally opened his eyes and looked down, he beheld the glorious sight of Nita and his supposedly new wife, stroking his penis that was sandwiched between their breasts, while slobbering, kissing and sucking his tip while occasionally kissing each other when their accidentally lips met.

The scene was so arousing to Grud that his dick and balls started twitching violently. This was the signal for Nita to shove as much of Grud’s dick in her mouth just as Grud started to blow his load. 

After half a minute of guzzling down Grud’s cum, Nita gently positioned the Wisp’s mouth next to hers, then quickly hot-swapped her mouth with the Wisp’s mouth between cum spurts. 

While the Wisp was greedily gulping down Grud’s cum, Grud and Nita were staring at the Wisp’s transparent body, watching as Grud’s cum was flowing down her gullet and into her stomach, slightly below the Wisp’s quickly filling stomach was the huge blob Grud’s cum that was pumped into her womb last night.

The sight of this made Nita climax at the thought knowing that this is what her insides look like when Grud was done pumping her full of cum. And Grud becoming more aroused, kept on spurting out more cum for a few seconds more than usual while having the same thought as Nita.

After Grud was done filling his wives stomach, he proceeded to top off their wombs with fresh hot jizz. When Grud was done, Nita looked like she was close to giving birth and the Wisp looked like she was having twins.

As Grud looked down at his two bloated, sleeping wives, he noted to himself “It seems like my blue wife absorbs my seed a lot slower than Nita… I can't keep calling her blue wife now can I?” After an hour, Grud woke his two wives up for the same reason they woke him.

As the three of them were seated facing each other, Nita started the conversation. “So, our new wife needs a name, while talking to her before you woke up, I found out that spirits do not really have a name for themselves, so let's give her a name.”

The Wisp being delighted at this notion of getting a name for herself was radiating happiness through her bond. After throwing a few names around, Grud and Nita settled on Mita, mainly because Nita and the Wisp looked like twins, so they might as well have similar names.

The Wisp who happily accepted the name, Mita, moved closer to Nita and hugged her, followed by giving Grud and Nita a kiss, after the threeway kissing intensified and slowly came to an end, Mita asked “Mita… want talk… good… husband sister.. teach?”

Nita hugged Mita while squealing at how cute the mirror image of herself was asking them to teach her to talk. “Of course, we will teach you. This is wonderful! Grud we should tell the others of our new wife!”

For a few seconds, Grud’s face was all smiles until he remembered his interrogation session with the shamans “No, please no. I do not want to be questioned by the shamans again. If surviving the eating of a monster core gets me questioned for over an hour, I do not want to imagine how long they would question me if they hear I took a spirit as a wife”

After thinking for a while, Nita nodded “Ok, we will wait until we get back to our tribe grounds before we tell Dhuk and my father.” Grud groaned but relented. “Fine, but how are we going to hide Mita until then?”

Mita, picking up on a few words and intent perked up and said “Me hide… good!” she then wobbled to her feet and hopped in the air, only to come back down on her feet again. There was a puzzled look on her face as she hopped again with the same result. “Me… no… fly?”

She then turned into her ball form to see if she could fly then. When the transformation happened, all the parts of her body shrank inward to surround the two blobs of semen that were still inside of her.

Because Mita was standing while doing her transformation, the two blobs of semen combined into one huge blob while still inside Mita and fell to the ground along with her. It looked like a big cum filled water balloon fell to the ground, deformed upon impact without bursting and regained its shape shortly after.

She then transformed into her female form and sulked “Me… no fly… me no…hide.” shortly after observing this, Grud suggested, “Maybe my seed inside her is weighing her down?” Hearing this, Mita hugged her cumflated belly, “But… want seed… feel good.” Mita said while feeling conflicted to choose between being able to fly and having Grud’s seed inside of her.

This was a conundrum that Nita was familiar with and she could see it in Mita’s face, to have mobility or getting stuffed with thick hot seed. Fortunately, there was a solution, Nita took the large water jug that Grud emptied last night and presented it to Mita.

“Put Grud’s seed inside here first, then try to fly.” Mita seemed reluctant at first but eventually tried it. She positioned her vagina over the jug opening and shapeshifted her vagina and cervix to open up wide, Grud and Nita watched on with fascination.

After emptying herself, Mita made a little hop and she was away phasing thru the roof. After a few seconds, Mita phased back in thru the roof and joined her husband and sister-wife with a proud expression on her face “Fly good… hide good!”

After showing off and getting a kiss from her husband and sister-wife, she transformed into her ball form and shot into the, now designated “Seed Jug” and came out shortly after in her female form with a smile on her face and a womb full of cum.

As the days went by, the Spirt Moon and Rock Skull tribes prepared for the meeting and the foreseen injured, if what the Rock Skull tribe experienced happed to other tribes, this was going to be a very busy meeting indeed.

After a week and a half of preparation, the first tribes started arriving and as predicted, there were many injured and a few reported deaths. By the time all the tribes in their area were accounted for, it was found out by escaping survivors that three of the small tribes were essentially wiped out by pack predators.

One of the tribes was wiped out by wolves and the other two tribes, by Hunter Lizards, these were pack hunting reptiles that were twice as long as a grown man from head to tail, unlike geckos or crocodiles, they had longer legs and moved like wolves or Big Tooth Cats, on top of that they had tough scaly hides and poisonous saliva that paralyzes their victim. Fortunately, they did not like colder climates and lived further down south. Until now that is.

 Besides the three small tribes that got wiped out, the southern tribes like the Rock Skull Tribe and a few of the southeast and southwest tribes also encountered the same dangerous influx of highly aggressive predators.

After settling the assembled tribes, there was an emergency meeting of the tribe leaders, which included all the chieftains and shamans. After hearing all the reports and getting a better idea of what is happening, the Chieftain of the Spirit Moon clan spoke “From all the information we gathered and the different types of predators moving up north. We can safely assume that something has moved into the southern lands and is chased out all these predators.”

“I recommend after this meeting, we put together a subjugation force and move south to thin their numbers and see what is chasing out these predators.” this suggestion was met with a nod from the Chief Shaman and cheers and grunts of approval from the rest. 

Just before the emergency meeting was adjourned, the Chief Shaman asked the shaman of all the tribes to prepare themselves for a mass ritual to consult the spirits near the end of the meeting, they would try to see if the spirits would provide any answers as to what plagues the southern lands.

Froll was walking back to his tribe at a leisurely pace, with all the injured and with a lot of things in disarray for many of the tribes, the Chief Shaman said they will officially start the meeting in a week after everyone gets settled down and the injured had time to rest.

When he entered his temporary shelter, he realized he had a visitor. But instead of showing a happy face to his guest, he had a face of sadness. Sitting before him, was a young woman with puffy eyes from crying while being comforted by his wives and he knew the reason for her sadness.

This young lady is Ida, the daughter and only child of his good friend Drac, Chieftain of the Silent River tribe. They were a tribe that was four days' travel away from his tribe. The Silent River tribe was one of the small tribes that were counted as wiped out by a Hunter Lizards ambush.

Even though slightly more than half of the tribe managed to escape, those that escaped were the women and children. With no fighting men to defend the tribe, the chances were very high that they would meet a quick death to the predators of the wild.

Froll sat down in front of Ida and said “I am sorry for your loss, your father was a good friend. If there is anything within my power that I can do, name it and it will be done.” Ida had a final sniffle, squared her shoulders and said “As the daughter of the chieftain of the Silent River tribe, I ask that you let us join your tribe.”

After asking a few questions and agreeing to the Silent River tribe being absorbed into the Rock Skull tribe, Ida was sent away to rest while he discussed this matter with his wives. “So who are we going to marry Ida off to? Usually, she would be married to me to bind the tribes but I can't bring myself to do that. I held her as a baby, it does not feel right.”

Hearing this Iko gave Rae a knowing look and said “Well we do have Grud, He is already bound to the tribe by marriage to Nita, a powerful hunter and soon to be shaman.” catching on to the flow of the conversation Rae added in “And also, you know Nita is shy does not have that many friends, having a sister-wife she can confide with would be wonderful for her.”

Froll gave a questioning look “Really? But what happens if Grud does not give Nita enough attention and gets jealous, I do not want to cause our baby girl harm in her marriage.” Iko gave Rae some eye signals and the two wives began to kiss and sweet talk Froll while assuring him it was what Nita wanted until he agreed to their proposal.


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