Unto the Ages

Chapter 20

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Ida opened her eyes, or eye. For some unknown reason, she could not open her left eye. When she touched her face to see what was obstructing her eye from opening, she felt something crusty on her face.

When she peeled the substance preventing her eye from opening, she found it to be an opaque patch of dried… something… then she felt the rest of her face was covered in a film, Ida lifted her head to see what had become of the rest of her body.

What she saw shocked her, from her neck down to her thighs were covered in the same opaque crusty film, but that was the least of her shock, what really shocked her was her belly which looked like she was ready to give birth.

Before the panic of her current situation set in, Ida heard a voice come from beside her. “Wonderful is it not? Our husband has filled us with so much of his love.” hearing this Ida jerked up to a sitting position as fast as her bloated belly would allow.

When Ida looked to her right, she saw Nita who was covered head to toe in the substance she peeled off her face and her belly as big as hers, the only other difference was the very huge penis still stuffed into Nita’s vagina as she was lying face up on Grud.

When she saw her new husband and sister-wife, the memories of the previous night replayed in her head as she blushed. Nita smiled as she reached out and stroked Ida’s cheek “You are so lucky, back when Grud took my virginity, he could not produce as much seed as he does now.” Nita said as she peeled a flake of dried semen off of Ida.

Ida looked down at her breasts and peeled off a flake “This is Grud’s seed? It can’t be, there is so much.” Nita covered her mouth as she let out a small laugh, “Oh my, you really were out of it after the first round yesterday, but our husband’s virility is amazing, what do you think is in your womb, it is filled with Grud’s seed and so is mine.”

Ida gave Nita an incredulous look and said “That is not possible, I may have been a virgin until yesterday, but even I know that no man can produce this amount of seed.” then a more likely scenario came into Ida’s mind and her face twisted into one of rage.

“Is this some kind of sick joke!? Were all the men around invited to take turns to have their way with me?” Ida said in a slowly rising voice.

Nita was stunned by the sudden question and accusation until she remembered how her mothers reacted when they first found her cumflated and covered in cum.

Nita grabbed onto Grud’s rock hard body and un-impaled herself off Grud’s dick. “It seems my sister-wife needs proof that our husband is capable of doing what I said he could do.” Nita waddled with her cumflated belly over to grab a large water jug, skipping the one that Mita was hiding in, and waddled back.

Nita went over to the still sleeping Grud and rested the jug on his body with the opening facing his penis. “Grud should have eaten and drank my milk last night, so he should have more than enough to prove to you that he can produce that much seed.”

Nita pointed Grud’s penis towards the entrance of the jug and started stroking his penis with hard long strokes, using both hands. “This may take a while, if you want to speed this up, grab both his balls and squeeze.”

Ida was taken aback by the sudden demonstration and request. ‘If what Nita says is true… it can’t be… can it?’ Out of morbid curiosity, Ida followed Nita’s instructions, grabbed onto testicles the size she had only seen on Tusk Pigs and squeezed.

“Squeeze harder.” Nita said. Ida looked at Nita, not believing what she heard “If I squeeze any harder, it will hurt him.” Nita chuckled “No you won't, can you not feel it? His balls are so hard and filled with seed. If you want him to feel anything squeeze until you hear him moan.”

And so Ida complied, after using enough force to juice fruits, she heard Grud let out a moan of pleasure and a few minutes after that, Ida felt Grud’s testicles jerk up and Nita felt his penis begin to twitch violently, Nita quickly aimed Grud’s penis at the jug entrance while she continued stroking.

Soon, Grud released his first shot of the day into the jug, making high pitch echoing splatters as his cum hit the bottom of the jug. As Nita continued to stroke furiously, Ida massaged Grud’s balls in a trance for one and a half minutes as she stared at the jug filling up with more than a liter of cum.

After Grud’s dick stopped spurting cum, Nita turned to Ida with a proud smile “See that? Our husband can continue pumping out that much and more as long as he has enough to eat and drink.” Ida looked down at her belly and stroked it, “So this is really all his seed?” 

Nita stroked Ida’s belly “Yes, it feels warm and comforting, Right?” After the fear and uncertainty cleared from Ida’s mind, she could feel the warmth radiating from her womb “Yes.”

Nita grabbed the jug that she used to catch the cum she just extracted from Grud and turned to Ida “Are you hungry? I am sure you will like this.”

Sometime later, Grud woke up to the sound of slurping and gulping. When he looked up, he saw an empty jar on its side, leaking cum, and his two wives extracting cum from each other's pussy and drinking it. 

This made Grud’s boner go into overdrive and proceeded to top up both his wives' cum tanks, regardless of how full they were while he drained Nita’s tits of her milk. After which, he lay them down next to each other and went out to do some hunting.

The next time anyone saw the two sister-wives, was both of them supporting each other as they came to join the other tribe women before dinner. That dinner, for some reason, all the women made their own campfire away from the men and children while they were talking about something very interesting.

The week went by and the chaos from the arrival of the tribes had settled. Most of the injured had been healed and rested, and supplies had been restocked for the actual meeting to start.

On the morning of the first day of the meeting’s official start, all the tribes were gathered before a slightly elevated hill outside the Spirit Moon tribe’s living area. 

With all the tribes gathered, there were just over three thousand people taking part in the meeting. At this point in history, this was a sight to behold to see so many people gathered in one location.

There was a generally festive mood in the air as friends, family and acquaintances got to catch up with each other after two years or more, but soon things started to quiet down as people started noticing all the shamans from all the tribes, led by the Chief Shaman, ascend the hill.

Along in this procession of shamans, were also the apprentice shamans, which included Grud. Over the past few days, Dhuk took some time before and after dinner to teach Grud the rites and rituals that all shamans should know, especially the mass ritual they were doing now.

As the Chief Shaman stood at the center of the hill, the rest of the shamans and apprentice shamans surrounded the Chief Shaman in a circle. When all of them were in position, the Chief Shaman started chanting and soon all the other shamans joined in.

When the chanting seemed to change to a different verse, the shamans surrounding the Chief Shaman started doing a slow walking tribal dance clockwise while continuing the chant, after one revolving once, the walking dance turned counter-clockwise when the verse of the chant changed again.

While all this was happening the Chief Shaman was doing his own tribal dance in the center of the circle. Even as old and decrepit as he looked, he danced slow and steady.

As for the rest of the tribes that were gathered, even if they were not mana sensitive, they could feel the tingling feeling wash over them. This was the Ritual of Bonds, it has been passed down for generations and even the shamans that were still alive did not know who started it, but the one thing they did know about it was, it brought the tribes together in greater unity.

What nobody knew was the Ritual of Bonds made all those affected by the ritual slightly empathic for a duration of time. This allowed those affected to communicate with each other on a deeper emotional level, which resulted in bonds being strengthened, love blossoming, old wounds healing, rivalries being started, and sometimes sadly, bonds being broken. But overall it was a benefit for all.

After the ritual was over and Grud went back to his tribe to rejoin his wives. When he rejoined his tribe, he was greeted with a kiss from Nita and Ida. When he looked at Ida, he recalled the first few days after the marriage, Ida was always apprehensive around him, especially when they retired to their tent.

It was only thru Grud and Nita showing Ida that there was nothing to fear and showering her with all the love and pleasures she had never experienced before, that she finally relaxed. By the third night, Ida had been indoctrinated into Nita’s cum guzzling, cock worshipping ways.

As Grud walked among the mingling tribes with his wife in each arm, he saw there were some tribes that added to the festive mood with food delicacies that could only be found where their tribe was from.

Men and women broke off into their groups to mingle and catch up with the latest news going on, the hottest news being the increase of predators in the south and the expedition that will happen after the meeting.

Some of the hot-blooded young men started coming together to compete in feats of strength, speed, dexterity, and strength of arms, all while young ladies gathered at the sidelines, whispering and giggling with each other while watching the young men strut their stuff.

When Grud saw his fellow men competing, his blood boiled with the competitive passion of youth, Nita saw the look on Grud’s face and urged him forward to compete, “Go on dear, show them why I am proud to have you as my husband.” Nita said as she squeezed his ass and push nudged him forward.

With all his enhanced abilities, Grud crushed all the competitions except for spear and axe throwing, Grud’s throw was the strongest, but that was not what they were competing for, “I am going to have to work at my throwing.”

After getting all the competitive spirit out of his system, he made his way back to his wives, along the way he noticed a lot of the young ladies were looking at him while whispering to each other.

When he reached his wives, he saw Ida with a proud satisfied look on her face and Nita had her horny face on while she was rubbing her thighs together “Well done husband.” they both said and kissed him as they moved along.

After a while of mingling with people from other tribes, there was the sound of a horn that washed over the area, followed by the loud voice of Spirit Moon Tribe’s Vice-Chieftain, Crig, “All those who want to compete on the Great Hunt, Gather here!”

Grud looked at his wives and gave them a kiss “I will be competing in the Great Hunt, I will see both of you later.” then went off to grab his spear.

Shortly after Grud left, Nita and Ida were approached by a group of women that had some questions about their husband which Nita was more than happy to answer.

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