Unto the Ages

Chapter 25

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As late morning rolled around, Reta came to consciousness but could not open her eyes, and not for lack of trying. Reta started trying to move around and then realized she was covered in a tacky substance.

As she tried to move her legs to sit up, she found that she could not move her legs, she could still feel her legs but she could not muster the strength to move them. Panic started setting in.

‘What happened?’, ‘What am I covered in?’, ‘My legs do not work, will I be like that forever?’ were the panicked questions that came into Reta’s head.

But before panic could grip Reta, she heard a familiar voice “Be at ease sister.” and felt a hand cup her cheek thru the tacky substance.

Reta quickly took this chance to get answers to the questions she thought of just now “What happened? Why can I not open my eyes or move my legs?!”

Reta was answered with a hug and a passionate kiss which made her feel loved and safe, soon her panic crumbled away as she kissed the woman whose name was just on the tip of her tongue.

The woman that Reta was embraced by broke off the kiss first and asked “Have you calmed down sister?” Reta nodded and the woman continued to speak.

“First, you passed out due to our husband… vigorously breeding us.” Hearing the voice and the way she said “husband” with such a dreamy voice brought a face to her mind and asked, “Nita, is that you?”

“Yes sister, the answer to why you cannot open your eyes is because the seed that our husband shot on your face has dried and sealed your eyelids shut, we can peel that off later, we just need to wait for all the seed to dry off first so it is easier to peel.”

“As for why your legs do not work, well…”  Nita closed in on Reta ear and purred erotically “Our husband’s massive penis pounded our vaginas so hard that we lost the strength in our lower bodies, but do not worry, the strength will return soon.”

Reta then felt a hand caress her belly’s round bloated curve…. Wait “Nita, why does my belly feel so bloated?”

Nita gave a happy sounding response “It is because you are filled with our husband’s seed!”

All thoughts in Reta’s head blanked, then recalled all the rumors that her friends and family brought back from the Rock Skull tribe women. “The rumors are true? Your tribe’s women said you and Ida walk around with bellies as tho you are pregnant.”

Nita let out a small chuckle “Yes, the rumors are true our husband is blessed with the sexual vigor of a thousand men! You may not remember it because you passed out from all the pleasure, but you were the first one he filled with his seed last night. But what you need right now is rest, so just relax and let the warmth from the seed in your womb comfort you” Nita said while stroking Reta’s belly as she fell back asleep.

Grud woke up to the sound of women chatting and laughing with each other. When he looked at the source of the chatting, he saw his seven heavily cumflated wives sitting in a circle and peeling dried flakes of his cum off each other.

As he looked over, Uchi noticed his movement and said “He is awake.” causing all his wives to turn to look at him.

“Good afternoon husband.” Nita said followed by a chorus of greetings from his other wives, Nita continued, “Husband, can you bring us food and water? Your vicious pounding on our women hood has left us unable to walk.” Nita said with a coy smile, the rest of the women just blushed.

Grud stood up and puffed his chest out with pride for satisfying seven women at the same time “Of course, anything for my beautiful wives!” and marched out of the tent with an empty water jug.

He went to the women of the tribe that were doing the cooking for the day and asked for eight portions of food. After they looked at him, a few moments later all their noses twitched as they caught the scent of something.

The women gave each other a knowing look and the older woman manning the cooking meats eyed Grud and asked “Those five young women you bedded last night, are they well?”

Not noticing the worry and meaning in their question, Grud answered frankly “Well, I may have gone too hard last night, so they cannot walk at the moment. That's why I am getting the food for them.”

Hearing this, the women around broke out into hushed whispers while glancing at him as the older woman wrapped the requested food in some leaves.

As Grud was walking away food in hand, with his enhanced hearing, he picked up the women whispering things like “Seven women at the same time…”, “Smell of man seed is so strong…” and “You think they will all be walking around with Nita’s seed filled belly?”

Hearing this, Grud once more puffed his chest out with pride, those were the things that Nita loved about him, so he assumed the other women were praising his sexual prowess instead of being worried for the wellbeing of his wives.

After filling the water jug, Grud arrived back at his tent. When he pulled open the tent’s entrance cover, he was met with a sight so erotic his penis erected so fast that it undid his loincloth.

Before him, his wives all had their personal seed bowls and were swapping their freshly extracted, pussy flavored semen with each other like a bunch of women tasting each other’s cooking.

Seeing his arrival, Nita looked at Grud and said with a mischievous grin, fully knowing what this scene did for him, “Husband, you are back, we wanted to start eating first so I introduced the new wives to the meal that was already insid… AH!”

Before Nita could finish her sentence, Grud had practically teleported before her, picked her up and started the process of refilling the cum that she and the other wives drank.

And just like that, The rest of the day had been filled with sex. Grud ended up eating the eight portions of food while Nita and Ida led the new wives on their liquid diet which they quickly acquired a taste for and craved more.

The next time anyone saw Grud’s family was at dinner time. The other tribe women practically abducted the seven cumflated women and commandeered one of the cooking fires while shooing the men and children away.

Grud was relegated to sit with the other men who were confused about the sudden gathering of women, and when they asked Grud what was going on, all he could give them was a shrug, telling them he was as clueless as they were.

That night as everyone was turning into sleep, Grud wanted to get frisky with his wives and started groping around, only to be met with his hand being slapped away. He had to ask “Why, what's wrong?”

Ida spoke up “As much as we would like to receive your seed, if we start now, you will go too far and have sex with us all night, but you are participating in the finals of the Great Hunt tomorrow morning and you need your rest, so we are only going to use our mouths tonight and only one shot for each of us, ok?”

The five new wives nodded in agreement while Nita was pouting beside them but begrudgingly nodded in support of her sister-wives for the good of their husband.

Grud saw that his wives grouped up against him for his own good and did not know how to feel about it. On one hand, yes, he was touched that they were looking out for his wellbeing, he badly needed sleep from all the physical exertion of satisfying his seven wives, and producing so much semen, but on the other hand, what was the point of having so many wives if he could not fuck any of their pussies, there was nothing better than falling asleep after a good fuck.

But a stern look from Ida and his five new wives made him feel like a child that knew that he had to do his chores but still wanted to play.

In the end, he relented and agreed, that night as all seven of his wives were slobbering and sucking all fifteen-plus inches of his dick and his two titanic balls, instead of holding back his cum to keep fucking for a longer time, he willed himself to cum faster and flexed his dick and balls while doing so and found he could now consistently ejaculate at a higher volume for two minutes straight.

Nita, ever the one to keep track of her husband’s growth, noticed this and said with a smile, “Sisters, It seems our husband’s virility has increased once more, our wifely duties have increased.”

When morning came, Grud had his wives drain enough of his cum to calm down his morning wood in order to fit his dick into his loincloth.

After which, Grud and his wives made their way to the main Rock Skull tribe camp got to get some breakfast

After getting a hearty meal, Grud was approached by Froll and the other hunters. Froll slapped Grud on the back and bellowed out a laugh “HAHA, Grud my boy, repeated your performance from the previous rounds of the Great Hunt today in the finals and you would bring great honor to yourself, and the tribe.”

This was followed by the cheer and back slaps of the other gathered hunters with sparkling glints in their eyes, this also included Froll who was extremely excited for some reason.

After chatting with his wives and other tribe members for a while, there was a horn blast signaling the contestants for the final Great Hunt to gather.

Grud made his way with his wives followed by Froll, all the tribe’s hunters and some of the other tribe members, and for some unknown reason, they were bringing along pelts, fangs, horns, and other materials along with quite a few empty woven baskets.

‘Was there some kind of large barter going to happen later?’ Grud thought to himself but brought himself from that train of thought and concentrated back on the Great Hunt while hyping himself up.

Grud arrived at the event site, kissed his wives for good luck, Nita purposely allowed the other wives to go ahead first, and when it came to her turn, after kissing, Nita held onto Grud and whispered, “If you win, we have something special prepared for you.” then she cupped one of Grud’s balls and squeezed before she released him. 

Grud had to bring his will to bear to not get a boner as he went ahead to where the competitors were, while Froll, the tribe’s hunters, and other tribe members met with people from other tribes who were also carrying along materials usually used for bartering.

When Grud saw this, he thought ‘Hmm, looks like our tribe really is doing a large barter with other people.’ then brought his attention to his competitors.

Besides himself, there were nine other competitors, Grud and his competition began sizing each other up, ‘Hmm… Of all of them, I will need to watch out for three of them.’

The three competitors Grud was watching out for may not be as tall as himself, or as muscle bound as Froll, but compared to the previous competitors a few days ago and the other six current competitors, these three look well built and the scars on their bodies were signs that that had some skill and experience.

Just as Grud was about done sizing up the rest of his competitors, the voice of the Spirit Moon Tribe’s Vice-Chieftain, Crig, boomed across the area.

“Welcome all to the final Great Hunt this year.” the surrounding spectators let out their cheers while the tribe members of the competitors chanted the name of their representative hunter or their tribe’s name.

After letting the tribes hype themselves up for a while, Crig raised his hands to silence the crowd, when the crowd quieted down, he continued.

“These ten hunters before us have proven themselves great hunters, one of them even bringing back a Tusk Pig on their own.” On saying that last part, there was a small cheer from where the Rock Skull Tribe was spectating.

“And for great hunters, we need great prey.” Upon saying that, all the smaller painted prey were released to run into the forest and soon after that, double the amount of Tusk Pigs and Tuk Tuks from the previous Great Hunt three days ago were released.

The thing that Gurd noticed which made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, was the painted prey running at breakneck speeds into the treeline without even regarding the people behind them as he saw from the previous hunts

This included the usually aggressive Tusk Pigs, which just a few days ago would look at the crowd of hunters with caution before trotting off into the forest, was now foaming at the mouth while running with panic in their eyes.

And there was still one cage that was larger than the rest that has yet to be opened and was covered in a huge tarp of woven grasses.

Crig continued, “This year we have something very special!” he waved his hand to signal two men who pulled down the grass tarp to reveal the largest bear he had ever seen. In fact, the bear he had seen in passing when he was younger and the size of the bear pelts he had seen displayed for barter, were dwarfed by the beast that was tied down by multiple woven vines within the cage.

Seeing this, the spectators gawked at the restrained beast as the crowd broke into talks with each other regarding the beast.

Crig raised his hands again to quiet the crowd, “This is a Dire Bear that we managed to capture for this event and will be part of the Great Hunt!”

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