Unto the Ages

Chapter 29

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Bhona, one of the Rock Skull tribe’s older women was now taking her turn manning the cooking fire. She had just taken over from another irritated looking woman and she knew the reason for the other woman’s irritation.

In fact, there were a bunch of reasons coming towards her at this very moment. A group of women, that from their markings and dressing looked to be from different tribes, were making their way toward her.

Bhona sighed, ‘It is just my bad luck that it is my turn on the cooking fire today.’ upon instructions from Iko, they were to turn away any women who comes with the prospect to marry Grud.

The stream of women from other tribes trying to get information on Grud started just after Grud came back from his first round of the Great Hunt. Besides the friends and family of his five new wives, there were a few other groups of women who came to the Rock Skull tribe to ask about Grud.

All of those late groups left disappointed about being too late to get a powerful hunter for their friend or daughter. But that did not deter other groups from trying anyway.

It was after Grud came back victorious from the final Great Hunt that the hordes of women from other tribes started to come to find the Rock Skull tribe’s women in bigger and bigger numbers.

While Grud’s wives were rewarding their man for bringing honor to the tribe, as they should, the other women of the tribe were busy deflecting and turning down the women from the other tribes, even some of the more persistent ones, for those that were too persistent, the Rock Skull tribe women unleashed the most ornery and grumpy of their number onto them, Old Sesa.

Watching Old Sesa berate whole groups into submission and send them packing was an art form unto itself. But alas she was only one old woman and eventually had to rest. Fortunately, the flow of women stopped as the sun was getting low, just in time for dinner.

Sadly the flow of women asking questions about Grud started shortly after first light the next day. By now most of the women that did not have an important job to do quickly made themselves scarce, and the men that saw what was going on followed their lead, leaving those with important jobs like tending to the cooking fire to people like Bhona.

When the group came up to Bhona and start asking their questions “Greeting, we would like to ask about Gr” Before they could finish the sentence, Bhona raised her hand to stop them and repeated the same answer she had repeated so many times yesterday.

“Grud of the Rock Skull tribe will not be taking on any more wives for now, please try again next meeting.” Bhona said with a monotone voice.

Once the group heard Bhona’s droned delivery, they started to become rowdy and the less agreeable ones started to become belligerent with replies like “What?”, “Do you know who my father is?”, “I don't believe you!” and “You are just keeping him for yourself!”

Bhona groaned and spoke up “Grud is not accepting any more wives because our tribe cannot handle any more at the moment, try again next meeting.”

Hearing this, most of the women were understanding but some of them did not get the hint and said stupid things like “That's not for you to decide, he has not even met my daughter!”

Having quite enough of this, Bhona turned around and called out “Sesa!”, after a while a crotchety old woman parted the tent flaps of a nearby tent with her walking stick and came out, “What! Can't you see I am sleeping?!” said the obviously very awake but cranky old woman.

Bhona fast walked up to Old Sesa and hurriedly whisper to her, “Help me get rid of any of these screeching idiots that come around today and I will do all your work tomorrow.” without batting an eyelid, Old Sesa immediately said “Deal!” then went ahead to cuss out and berate the group of women with venomous and fiery fury.

It was a good deal for both of them Bhona did not want to deal with the repeated problems and would rather do more work, and Old Sesa would gladly take the day off and all she had to do was cuss people out for it, easy.

Early in the morning, while waiting for Grud to wake up from his latest mutation that caused his wives so much panic. Nita went to her mothers after Ida took over watching Grud, whenever Nita needed to confide in someone in regards to women's stuff, she would always turn towards her mothers. 

In this case, she was here to confide in them about her fear of her husband dying, it was not a topic she wanted to discuss with her sister-wives, she is the first wife and she had to be strong in leading the family to support her husband.

In this case, even though Dhuk said Grud was going to be ok, this was the second time Nita had seen Grud incapacitated in obvious pain and looked like he was about to die, the first time being the eating of a Monster Core incident.

When Nita opened the tent flap it revealed her mothers doing some weaving, when their eyes met, Nita’s lips trembled and her eyes teared up “Mama…” Nita said in a trembling voice and ran into Rae’s open arms as she comforted her daughter, “It’s all ok baby, mama is here.” Rae said as she hugged her daughter and Iko joined in the hug, sandwiching Nita.

After Nita calmed down Iko said, “We heard about Grud, but there is nothing to worry about, your husband is strong. In fact, he looks a lot better than the first time we saw this happen to him. He will definitely be fine.”

“Talking about fine,” Rae continued as she touched Nita’s now obvious baby bump “How are you doing, any feeling of vomiting in the morning so far?”, Nita shook her head in the negative, “I having feeling fine so far the only thing that I noticed is that… my breasts are still growing,” Nita said as she hefted her heavy boobs for her mothers to see.

Iko and Rae looked at each other, then started to lift and grope Nita’s boobs while giving her massive tits an appraising look, this made Nita let out a small moan. 

When they were done Iko and Rae looked at each other and nodded, “They indeed have grown, for the past few months ever since your breasts had a growth spurt after your pregnancy had been confirmed, they do not seem to stop growing.”

Nita gave a satisfied smile, “Good, Grud would like this.” Rae looked worriedly at her daughter, “But are you feeling ok? I knew a rather large woman from my original tribe that had breasts slightly smaller than yours and she always complained about back pain.”

Nita leaned in closer toward her mothers like she was about to say something scandalous “Yes, it aches a little throughout the day, but at the end of the day when Grud ravages my body until I pass out, I find that it relaxes my whole body and relieves my back.” the words coming out of Nita’s mouth made Iko, Rae and herself blush heavily.

Iko butted in to slightly change the conversation, “But with how big your husband is, don't you think it is dangerous for the baby if Grud is to be so rough on your womb?”

“I have recently been asked the same thing by my sister-wife Reta, and after thinking about a solution for a while, the answer was simple for my five new sister-wives, there is more than one hole down there.”

The tent was filled with hushed whispers and the rest of Grud’s wives that were not doing anything at the moment were pulled into the tent for…. further discussions.

When Grud opened his eyes, the light shining into his tent was not that of the morning sun “Did I sleep in so late?” Grud said and heard his own voice, it was raspy and Grud soon noticed he was parched.

As Grud sat up, he felt weak. When he looked at his arm propping himself up to a sitting position, he noticed his arm was skinnier than before and when he examined the rest of his body, he saw and felt that his skin was looser, like one would see on an obese person that lost weight extremely fast.

Thankfully, he was not reduced to the state that he was after waking up from the Sky Rock crash due to the past few months of good eating from his many frequent successful hunts.

After checking his own body completely, Grud found that he was not in as bad a condition as it looked, even tho he feels weaker than usual, he was able to stand on his own without any issues. His current pressing issues were his hunger and thirst.

As Grud was looking around for a water jug to sate his thirst, he heard footsteps at his tent entrance and turned around to find Nita with a shocked, then relieved face “Grud! You are up, are you feeling better? Is there anything I can get for you?” Nita said as she rushed towards Grud.

As happy as Grud was to see his beautiful wife running toward him, his mind and body were crying out for sustenance, and his eyes locked onto two huge bouncing sources of very nutrient rich, creamy, milky sustenance.

When Nita reached Grud while rapidly firing questions about his wellbeing, Grud scooped up Nita so his face would be at boob level as Nita let out a squeak, unceremoniously flipped up her huge custom made bra that was barely containing Nita’s boobs from spilling out, which resulted with a huge, heavy boob slamming back onto his face from up top when Nita’s boobs popped out from the bra.

Not that Grud minded the impact or weight, With his huge hand, Grud grabbed the tit that slammed into his face, brought the nipple to his mouth, and started sucking, hard. Soon after he brought the other nipple into his mouth.

Nita could only sigh in relief that her Grud was fine enough to pick her up and start feeding on her milk, and hearing the rumbling from his stomach and how skinny he was compared to before, she knew he was starving and just hugged his head while letting her dear husband drink in peace. Questions could come later.

When the other wives came to check in on Grud to find his face buried in Nita’s breasts, Nita instructed them to bring them food & water and to keep it coming. After emptying Nita’s milk tanks and practically inhaling food as fast as it arrives, more than two hours had passed.

Just as Grud finished off his last serving, Dhuk, Froll, and the rest of Grud’s wives entered the tent. When they were all seated, Dhuk started, “It seems like you have survived another trial from your blessing.”

“Trial? My blessing has trials?” Grud asked with a puzzled face.

Dhuk gave a self-satisfied huff like he just solved all the world’s mysteries and started spouting his theory with 100% certainty in its validity, “Of course, think about it. When you survived the falling of the Sky Rock, you were in a similar state, although not as bad as when you were asleep for three days. 

Then there was your coming of age hunt, you went as a skinny boy that looked like he was about to fall over any moment, and came back to us as a powerful hunter after killing powerful beasts and eating their hearts.

We do not know what happened to your body when you were out hunting, but now what we have seen what happened when you ate the heart of an even more powerful beast like a Dire Bear, it seems like your body will grow in power also. 

But you seemed to be in a lot of pain while you are growing and your growth also seems to have come at the cost of your body. But if it is like last time, the problem should be solved by food and rest, I will tell the Chief Shaman that you need more rest.”

Then after a quick check of Grud’s health, Dhuk fast walked out of the tent while muttering to himself with a glint in his eyes, Froll could only look at his old friend knowing that he was long gone into his own world and gave Grud a pat on the shoulder and told him to rest well.

When the two older men left, Grud was swarmed by his wives and forced to lie down, then they smothered Grud with their softness while fussing over him, ‘Growing in power huh, I wonder if there will be any stronger beast when we go south on the expedition. But this right now is nice.’ Grud thought to himself as his eyes felt heavy from his full belly and the warmth of his women cuddling up to him. 

Sleep soon took Grud and his body began to furiously digest all the food he consumed to start replenishing all the body mass he lost in the mutation.

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